
10 Stories of NewEraCulture

Beloved Forever

Beloved Forever

They were sweet lovers in their college days, but for her own family reasons and in consideration of his future, she chose to give up their love, which left an unaware man with a constant hatred for her. When they meet again, he chooses to torment her, and when the truth comes out, they finally move on to a sweet future.
Echoed Love in Hell

Echoed Love in Hell

Sandra got brain cancer, but at the same time she was forced to get divorced. Nobody would believe a young life like hers would have such a fatal disease. However, what she could do was just to fight with the limited time to gain more time with Clinton she loved with her heart and soul, to remember each and every detail they had together. At the end, her love was back, and her love would follow her forever.
Venganza tras renacimiento

Venganza tras renacimiento

Asesinada en su vida anterior por las personas en la que más confiaba, renació con una personalidad cambiada, se casó con el hombre más honorable, se enamoró del más dulce, consiguió vengarse y acabó asombrando al mundo.
Unconditional Love

Unconditional Love

Sandra was his servant,his appointed wife since she was a child, and she was his bodyguard too. While her husband, Clinton was in love with someone else. It looked like a love triangle, but it went far beyond than that, because there were conflicts between gansters, betrayal for protection, SM for power, and eventually fire for love. She dies, I die, she lives, I live.
Dear Disguise

Dear Disguise

After living in the countryside for eighteen years, Laura's real father came to her. For a moment, the upper class knew that the Taylors had an additional illegitimate daughter of a bumpkin. When she got back to her real family, everyone mocked her for not being as versatile, gentle, and considerate as her older sister.
Her father looked down upon her and warned her to keep her nose clean.
Marcus was the son of the first wife of Mr. Brown. His brothers were all hostile to him, so his aunt want to connect with the Taylors through marriage to crack Marcus down. Laura was forced to marry the sick and unfaithful man, and everyone said that they are a "perfect match".
It didn't take long for Laura's various alias to be dug out, and the members of the Taylors felt regret. All young talents were crazy about her. However, Marcus just laughed out of court and unhesitatingly declared their relationship.
Loving the Devil Master

Loving the Devil Master

A lady, who was forced to shift her identity from a wife to a mistress, still cannot break away from the doomed marriage. The man, who hurt her most turned out to be the one she cannot forget.
Captured by Love

Captured by Love

The top killer of the night sect was jointly designed and killed by her childhood friend and fiance, but she was reborn on the famous dandy lady in Rochester and forced to marry the well-known Greef family madman in Rochester. She thought she would endure humiliation and wait for revenge. But she didn't expect that this madman was the one who was destined to protect her life.
Till Time Tears us Apart

Till Time Tears us Apart

A misunderstanding has led her to a different life, which has led her to be a stand-in for someone else's love, his misunderstanding, her family's rejection, and when the truth comes out, she finally finds the one who should be hers.
Infinite Love

Infinite Love

Because of a misunderstanding, he is full of hatred towards her and torments her bitterly; while she chooses to submit because of her mother's medical bills, in the meantime, she meets another man who reaches out to her, will this misunderstanding be solved? What will happen next between her and them?
Farewell, my love

Farewell, my love

She was treated as a murderer who killed her own sister, and the man she loved so much not only tortured and humiliated her, but also forced her to abort her child ...... In desperation, she faked her death and left that city. Three years later, she came back again and the man had a different feeling with her.

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