
1 Story of PlatinumStar

Twin alpha kings pup  mate

Twin alpha kings pup mate

At just nine years old, Kiara Middleton was the star of her school. There was nothing she lacked, whether it be beauty or smartness; she had it all. Her parents adored and loved her, Alpha James and Luna Clarise Middletown. However, she was also the envy of many kids her age, which always led to Kiara being the target of their bullying. The adorable Kiara never let the bullying phase her; well, she tried to.
When Kiara escorts her parents and triplet elder brothers to the crowning of the new twin alpha kings in the werewolf multiverse, her family is hit with the most shocking news of their pampered daughter. Having looked for their Luna Queen since they turned eighteen, Kayden and Jaden Wittmoore, the future alpha kings of the entire wolf population in the human and werewolf multiverse, had gradually given up hope of finding her and had decided to ascend the thrown without their soulmate at the age of twenty-nine.
Despite having several escapades in the past, they longed for their mate. They didn't expect to finally find her at their coronation, but there was a slight problem: she was just a nine-year-old pup. She couldn't feel the mate bond. The moon goddess had given them the ultimate test: patience. Would they succeed or fail?

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