
2 Stories of mheixccc



After Ava found out the truth about Levi, the CEO of Vidalio Group of Hotels being the son of her parent’s killer, wounded and impair - she flew to New York with her half brother to pursue her dreams leaving the love of his life.
She wanted to continue her journey leaving all the bad memories behind but everything turned into chaos when a scandal of her exploded like a bomb leaving her with no choice but to come back to the Island of Mar De Vena.
And when she came back, the last man that she wanted to see was the CEO of the company she was applying to be an architect. Wanting to get away from the scandal that she’s been accused of, she begged Levi to be his pretend girlfriend, and the rest of the happenings stirred their life causing them to realize that they still love each other.
Will they be able to surpass the choices that lie ahead of them? Can Ava forgive and choose Levi? Or will the CEO’s secret will be kept hidden and buried in the ground forever?
Pretend Surrogate

Pretend Surrogate

"Hugh Rockwell sent $1,000,000 in your account, with reference..."
My mind went blank as I read the email and it's like a cold splashed of water spread into my system. My phone vibrated and looked at it like I'm being chased. My fingers are shaking causing me to not be able to unlock my phone right away.
My chest pumped hard seeing the last message from that number.
"You're a millionaire now baby."
People who fuck for convenience. That's the supposed set up.
Surrogacy. A legal arrangement whereby a woman agrees to bear a child. That's the supposed set up.Hugh Rockwell compensates Angel Brook for carrying his child, addressing her pressing need for financial stability through thousands of grants.
Initially, it appears to be a typical surrogacy arrangement. However, the situation evolves beyond this.
The selfless Angel, typically the one offering salvation, needs rescue in the harsh world she inhabits. Only one person holds the key to providing that solace.
As she sheds tears, he watches from a distance, his own emotions mirroring hers. Her pain tears at his very being, leaving him fragmented. And as she becomes entangled with another man, his affection for her deepens even further.

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