Vicky Visagie:My Saviour

Author Introduction
Vicky Visagie是一位擅长写作浪漫和悬疑小说的作家。她的作品以紧凑的情节和深刻的人物刻画而闻名,受到了广大读者的喜爱和称赞。她的写作风格在这本书中表现为紧张刺激的情节和感人的爱情故事,深受读者的好评。
Book Strengths
《My Saviour》这本书的独特之处在于其紧张刺激的情节和深刻的人物刻画。通过341个章节和408257个字,作者成功地将读者带入了一个充满危险和浪漫的世界。书中的情节紧凑,人物关系复杂,能够给读者带来强烈的情感体验和阅读快感。
My Saviour

女主:Rachel是一个坚强而独立的女性,曾经遭受过前夫的虐待。她决定逃离过去,搬到纽约市重新开始。她与哥哥的朋友Herman有较多接触,并在咖啡店找到了一份工作。 男主:Massimo是一个有着犯罪帝国的男人,梦想成为纽约市所有黑手党家族的头目。他性格强硬,决心坚定,与好友Damon有着深厚的友谊。尽管他对爱情持怀疑态度,但遇到Rachel后,他逐渐被她吸引。 男女主的发展经历:Rachel和Massimo在纽约市相遇,尽管他们的背景和生活方式截然不同,但两人之间逐渐产生了感情。Massimo保护Rachel免受敌人的威胁,而Rachel也逐渐了解并接受了Massimo的生活方式。两人共同面对挑战,感情逐渐加深。
Main Themes
Hot Chapters
Chapter 1
I’m running from my ex-husband. Yes, he's my ex-husband but he still finds ways to get to me. I’m done with the physical and emotional abuse. I lost a baby because of his abuse, which was the final straw, I don't even know if I could have children anymore.
Chapter 2
I got off the plane at JFK and took a deep breath. Is this what freedom smells like? I really hope so. First I had to get rid of some of the clothes I was wearing. It was winter in Cape Town so I wore a winter short dress, jacket, leggings and long boots.
Chapter 3
I’ve been working at the coffee shop for two weeks now. I’ve been taking the subway to work every morning and every morning the scary guy was on the train just watching me. He was starting to freak me out. But I didn’t say anything to Herman or Carl yet.
Chapter 4
I got to NAVA just before 9 pm and saw Carl with five other people standing in line. “Hi Carl” “Hi Rachel you look hot” “Thank you, Carl” “Rachel this is Gideon, Christian, Burn my boyfriend and Olivia and her boyfriend Dare. Everyone this is Rachel”
Chapter 6
Massimo was kissing me and he was tasting and smelling divine. I was moving my hands up and down his front and I can confirm there was a six-pack underneath that t-shirt. He kissed me like he was starving and I must say I was starving too, starving for Massimo.
《My Saviour》是一部充满紧张刺激和浪漫情节的小说,讲述了Rachel和Massimo在纽约市的爱情故事。通过他们的经历,读者将体验到爱情和勇气的力量。快来阅读这本书,感受他们的故事吧!
Q:Is this novel suitable for young readers?
A:This novel contains mature themes and is recommended for adult readers.
Q:Does this novel have explicit sex scenes?
A:Yes, the novel contains explicit sex scenes.
Q:Does this novel have a happy ending?
A:Yes, the novel has a happy ending.