Sacrificed Comments
Sarah Nicole
2nd book???
09/04/2023 16:42Paula Ketchum
what is the name of the second book
09/04/2023 07:39Alicia Rodriguez
when will there be a second book? Because that’s not a way to end a story
09/04/2023 07:19Kelli Reimer
Please tell me there is a second book!!❤️
09/04/2023 07:11Diana Keefe
what is the second book and when will we be able to read it?
09/04/2023 07:07J Col
she had to throw the Black Lives Matter comment in there. Ended my reading. It sucked so far amyway.
09/04/2023 07:07Crystal Daugherty
is there a second book?
09/04/2023 07:07Reader-637122
is there a second book? I hope so because that was a horrible ending
09/04/2023 07:07Amanda Caruana
ohhh such a good book!!
09/04/2023 07:07Jessica Armistead
umm... wow... ya I don’t know how much I like this story. it really dragged out it felt like and a lot of back and forth from Winter. and the way it ended doesn’t make since.
09/04/2023 07:06Kris Cooper
uhm no the day before your period is probably the least likely day to get pregnant. Really a women’s most fertile days are around the mid point of her cycle. This is when a women ovulates. The day before a period the women’s uterus walls get rid of the lining in preparation for starting the whole process again. Hence the reason you bleed and have nasty clots. (and expelling expired egg)
09/04/2023 07:06Emilie Downing
so far this is really good! maybe have someone go over it first to edit anything that needs to be. but I really like it!
09/04/2023 07:06Britny
pls update soon
09/04/2023 07:02Reader-786452
any updates soon??
09/04/2023 07:02Paige Copeland
I absolutely love this story! Their banter with each other is hilarious; definitely rooting for them.
09/04/2023 07:00