Demon Kings Queen (book two) Comments

  • Reader-241682

    WHY??? WHY??? WHY??? Why can’t the authors give the female lead character a freaking backbone earlier in a book?? Even though I like the story, I struggle to read it when the female lead continues to allow herself to be walked all over instead of sticking up for herself and speaking her mind.

    05/26/2022 15:01
  • FeyaAmante

    what is the title of the first book?

    01/10/2022 00:25
  • Johana Lem

    😢😢 que triste

    09/18/2021 22:07
  • Johana Lem

    😢😢 que triste

    09/18/2021 22:07
  • Johana Lem

    😢😢 que triste

    09/18/2021 22:07
  • Johana Lem

    😢😢 que triste

    09/18/2021 22:07
  • Johana Lem

    😢😢 que triste

    09/18/2021 22:07
  • Johana Lem

    😢😢😢 que triste

    09/18/2021 22:07
  • Johana Lem

    😢😢😢 que triste

    09/18/2021 22:07
  • Johana Lem

    😢😢😢 que triste

    09/18/2021 22:07
  • Johana Lem

    😢😢😢 que triste

    09/18/2021 22:07
  • Johana Lem


    09/18/2021 22:07
  • Johana Lem


    09/18/2021 22:06
  • Johana Lem


    09/18/2021 22:06
  • Dani Udelhofen

    I hope they're able to deliver that babies back at home in hell. Even though it wasn't the ideal location, it's where she chose to live with Lucas an Zeus finally takes care of Ajaxon.

    06/28/2021 18:32
  • Dani Udelhofen

    Omg I'm crying so much with this chapter. Now the first book makes sense. Omg I'm on love with this book.

    06/28/2021 04:16
  • Cloud

    you had me in tears 😭 I always wondered about the backstory and it’s clicking now…man freaking Ajaxon! I’m assuming this is where Zeus realizes how much their love is/was real

    06/11/2021 23:15
  • Snow White

    Great chapter!

    06/11/2021 18:32
  • ECarr

    I'm glad Lukas interrupted Ajackson's speech. Ajackson is conniving, but Talia needs to speak up. She's just letting everything happen, she's frustrating Talia should have been planning to run away or something to stop her engagement.

    06/03/2021 15:56
  • nana04

    yay!!’s finally time to start getting regular updates can’t wait!

    05/23/2021 00:19
  • Christina Bertelli-coleman

    love this story and can’t wait for more...for Lukas and Talia to be together.

    05/22/2021 20:23
  • Cloud

    dang I don’t think ajaxon is gonna want to let Talia and Lukas be together. 🤦🏻‍♀️

    04/17/2021 14:24
  • Kim Vasilakos

    have you lost interest in this story? I hope not and I can’t wait for an update soon. I thought your schedule said fri-sun with this story.

    03/29/2021 02:24
  • Cloud

    Ajaxon sounds too perfect 🤔 Naughty Lukas couldn’t wait to be with her 🥰

    03/19/2021 21:33
  • nancy castaneda

    love love love! I can’t wait continue reading!! I would purchase these books in a heartbeat!!

    03/08/2021 22:37
  • Cloud

    omg loved the updates!! as always 🔥 sucks that she’s forbidden to see Lucas and now she has to meet the new guy. I bet he’ll fall for her! Dang what if she ends up pregnant 🤰🏻 wow can’t wait for the next few chapters!

    03/07/2021 23:37
  • Reader-718224

    these are some great chapters. I wonder what happens for them to get expelled from Olympus or is that they died and were reborn

    03/07/2021 21:16
  • Kim Vasilakos

    Loved the latest installment, you never disappoint. Hope things turn around and get better for you. Sometimes life just gets in the way and you don’t need to apologize for that. You do your best work when stress isn’t a factor. Just breath, your truly an incredible writer.

    03/07/2021 18:15
  • Paige Savard-Orr

    when’s the next chapter it’s been a while ?

    02/28/2021 06:07
  • nana04

    loving the book I am excited for the next update.. hope it’s soon!

    02/27/2021 19:36
  • Snow White

    Can't wait next chapter! I love your Romano series, but in my opinion Demon King's Mate is your best book so far. I'm so happy that this wonderful story about Thalia and Lukas is going to continue! Wish you all the best.

    02/08/2021 12:03
  • Kim Vasilakos

    begging you for an update, I’m anxious just thinking and waiting for it. You are one of the best authors I’ve ever had the pleasure to really fall in love your with all your books. Do you have any idea when you’ll update and will it be more than one chapter?

    02/03/2021 02:46
  • nancy castaneda

    I love their story hopefully it gets updated regularly from now on!!

    01/23/2021 08:50
  • ECarr

    Happy for the update, but isn't her name Thalia?

    01/18/2021 07:32
  • MommaAllen

    so happy for an update.

    01/18/2021 02:24
  • Kirstin Blyton

    when’s the next up for this book can update all the others she has on the go but this one

    01/10/2021 05:16
  • Rikki Huriwai

    ahhh I love them!! can’t wait to see where everything goes 😍

    12/14/2020 12:01
  • MommaAllen

    finally. so excited!!! 😃

    12/13/2020 15:38
  • Tina Meadors

    update? I like this story.

    12/10/2020 16:39
  • Lina Alšauskienė

    I was waiting for this book so much... Is there a schedule of this books updates?

    12/07/2020 20:33
  • Alicia Rodriguez

    i really have tried to make this author one of those that I follow because I like the writing but she/he has too many books & platforms & I just think maybe their all over the place. I even started following them on Patreon but idk yet what I intend to do

    12/05/2020 01:44
  • Ashley Christine Porter

    when will this one get an update? super intrigued!

    11/29/2020 15:24
  • Alicia Rodriguez

    when will you be updating

    11/28/2020 21:20
  • Kirstin Blyton

    when’s the next update

    11/25/2020 23:12
  • shawna bowman

    please write more soon. I love this so far

    11/21/2020 02:55
  • Alicia Rodriguez

    I started to follow you on Patreon but you really don’t have much content of anything and you are not publishing your books there either. I follow two other authors there but they publish their stories and one shots. I’m a bit skeptical on following you because I am paying a monthly fee basically for little to no content. I will wait for your response otherwise I will have to delete your Patreon account until you start publishing there.

    11/20/2020 13:31
  • nancy castaneda

    when is the next update?? I’m dying?

    11/20/2020 01:04