The cursed Princess(18) Comments

  • Stephanie Godin Duval

    Are we going to get any more chapters???

    09/11/2023 00:41
  • bel la

    d4f7 mmmm death.... I love this author, always have a good reading 😉 can't wait to enjoy this new book. definitely I'm adding this book to my library too 😉

    04/20/2023 02:19
  • Megan Phillips

    d4f7 I have read a few other books by this author and I liked those so I'll probably give this one a try

    04/20/2023 01:36
  • C. Anne Augustitus

    d4f7 I've read good things about the author, I'm on chapter 4 and still trying to sort things out, between Werewo, Vampire,the Devil, etc Still in the fog

    04/20/2023 00:57
  • Molly H

    d4f7 I have added this book to my list. can wait to read it super excited

    04/20/2023 00:00
  • Reader-431917

    d4f7 I have read a few books by K.K. Winter and have been impressed so far. will probably read this one too soon :)

    04/19/2023 23:54
  • Me Myself

    d4f7 I really like this writing style. I have read good things about this author and am looking forward to reading this book

    04/19/2023 23:42
  • puppy

    d4f7 hmmm, looks good, but I'm packed with books right now. I'll think about it but again. looks like a good book.

    04/19/2023 22:58
  • Martial Flor

    d4f7 I just love k.k. winter's book, writing style, approach to story telling... this book is sooo good, and the idea behind the story is rather unusual! definitely give it a go, folks!

    04/19/2023 22:53
  • Emily

    d4f7 I think I’m going to enjoy this a lot 7 sins and shifters has to just be a good time! first chapters looking good

    04/19/2023 22:25
  • Gemma Butler

    d4f7 I loved the introduction to this book. I’ve added it straight into my library and can’t wait to start reading it.

    04/19/2023 21:40
  • Caitlin Sullivan

    d4f7....I'm intrigued by this given the intro. this seems like a different kind of shifter book

    04/19/2023 21:14
  • Michibeba

    #d4f7# Different kinds of shifter in a book is always a plus for me, I enjoyed the introduction but as it is ongoing I will check back to it and read it once it’s been completed

    04/19/2023 20:53
  • Reader-472492

    I added this to my library. I like how the introduction was written. I like books with more than one type of supernatural beings

    04/19/2023 20:34
  • Mirela

    d4f7 - The introduction is not bad, but somehow I can't keep up with the story. Hope he will meet his mate again.

    04/19/2023 19:01
  • AmberLu

    d4f7 mmm…i think its not my cup of tea.

    04/19/2023 18:01
  • Marvin Vanderkust

    d4f7 Usually based on the intro, I will give it a pass or add it toy library. for now I am undecided, so I will just put it in my library.

    04/19/2023 15:47
  • Roxy Galindo

    d4f7 I will be adding this one to my library. it sounds interesting

    04/19/2023 13:44
  • Bianca Bratu

    d4f7 I am kind of undecided if I should continue this story maybe when I finished reading the story I am currently reading

    04/19/2023 12:51
  • Maria Cecilia Reyes-Meliton

    d4f7. This story is so very confusing. I cannot make sense of any of it at all.

    04/19/2023 12:13
  • Shelly Torz

    d4f7 Well I am undecided so far about this one so I saved it to my library to maybe give it another try sometime.

    04/19/2023 11:40
  • Kyla Ren

    d4f7 A bit confusing in the beginning but it caught my interest, I’m curious what it is about next

    04/19/2023 11:11
  • zira

    d4f7 i like the mystery in the introduction.. im looking forward to read this book hoping its good

    04/19/2023 09:59
  • blubelle Reads

    d4f7 not my first choice but we will see

    04/19/2023 09:34
  • Ol_Kl

    d4f7 i usually don't reed stories that are not completed but this one got me hooked so looking forward for the rest of it

    04/19/2023 06:22
  • Merle Langevoord

    d4f7 it's a new type of story for me but it's nice to have a change sometimes

    04/19/2023 06:10
  • Ashley

    d4f7 I have read a few of this authors books and really enjoyed them. I look forward to reading about what happens to the characters of this series.

    04/19/2023 05:52
  • Debra Sykes

    d4f7 I have a few of the writers books in my library i will give it a try

    04/19/2023 04:45
  • Alexis

    d4f7 The introduction is interesting, but as I don't particularly like starting stories that are still ongoing, I may come back to this later!

    04/19/2023 03:51
  • Reader-350476

    d4f7 I like magic stories with a romance and action with,good book.

    04/19/2023 03:44
  • Joele G

    d4f7 I do have one or two of her book in my library; I have just started to read it; Sorry but I may have swing back to this at a later time

    04/19/2023 03:35
  • Darling Stewart

    d4f7 why would they have us start a book that won't end. It started great got my attention from the very start. i will keep it in my library. I hope it finishes.

    04/19/2023 01:43
  • Reader-283133

    d4f7 I was really enjoying reading this book and then I saw some people saying that the book wouldn’t be finished. so i am bummed i wasted time on something bc that won’t have an end.

    04/19/2023 01:30
  • Tricia Freligh

    d4f7 As I am reading I noticed some comments saying this book isn’t going to be finished. that is sad it started off really well.

    04/19/2023 01:21

    a1s3 I had a hard time finding the right book but after seeing another comment saying the same thing I found it. I wish there was more character development. Other then that it is an interesting story

    04/17/2023 23:54
  • nasnas

    a1s3 this book was hard to find because it was put up wrong but I found it at last, yay me. sad that the author moved platform but understandable

    04/17/2023 22:00
  • Amanda Hamilton

    so read some comments confused though are you not finishing this book? and what other platform are you on..? truly enjoyed ur books

    07/29/2022 07:26
  • amber sweet

    were u going to finish the book of cursed princess

    07/23/2022 05:30
  • Belinda Doble

    Can’t wait for the next update I’m loving this book

    06/13/2022 16:57
  • Rhonda Bentley

    love your work. hope you are doing well.

    05/31/2022 04:14
  • Jessy Rodriguez

    @k.k. winter. I love your books. can’t wait to finish reading this one. I already started the other books on your othe platform. 💜💜

    05/01/2022 00:16
  • Kimberly0908

    I’m sorry about everything going on, will you be finishing this book on here or some place else? I love your books would love to continue to read them. thank you

    04/02/2022 04:34
  • R.L.Marcelain

    Everyone needs to understand something, some of these authors are living overseas in areas that may be close to the Ukrainian situation with Russia! Can’t we be a bit more understanding?!

    03/15/2022 20:26
  • amber sweet

    guess theres no more updates. I hate that when I'm just getting into a story and it's on its second or third book and they just abruptly stopped and then don't reply that sucks

    03/10/2022 14:52
  • amber sweet

    did you drop the book or what

    03/05/2022 23:00
  • Shavonda Sterling

    if he wanted to kill her he’s had ample chances he could’ve just killed her if that was his plan

    02/19/2022 22:23
  • Cassarndra Skarratt


    02/15/2022 05:31
  • Cassarndra Skarratt


    02/09/2022 20:02
  • Reader-742236

    it’s been a while since the last update… please let us know if you are ok.

    02/09/2022 18:40
  • amber sweet


    02/09/2022 17:44
  • amber sweet

    are there not going to be any more updates

    02/02/2022 01:16
  • amber sweet

    so when are we going to be abel to see what has been transporting in Baes life

    01/25/2022 16:01
  • Catherine Kolb

    when and how often are there updates? loving this book so far!

    01/22/2022 21:56
  • amber sweet

    why no update

    01/15/2022 23:36
  • Emily Chamberlain

    CANT WAIT TO FINISH THIS BOOK!!! When is the next update??

    01/09/2022 12:11
  • Lou Lou Kelly

    can’t wait for more chapters

    12/21/2021 09:38
  • amy.

    not wasting any more time and money on this story! loved the first few but to much missing between each chapter! and I'm not talking about time gaps for uploading... 🙄

    12/20/2021 01:52
  • gabriela dibala

    Eros and eve suffer a lot during the beginning. ally was delivered by c section, taken away from wrath. now river and bea will go through turmoil…poor family, they’ve suffered a lot

    12/02/2021 04:54
  • amber sweet

    when are you going to update

    11/24/2021 00:19
  • Jessy Rodriguez

    hope there is a update. love the books. can’t wait to see what happens

    11/16/2021 23:51
  • Cassarndra Skarratt

    KK I hope you're well darling ❤️

    11/13/2021 20:51
  • amber sweet

    did u quit wrighting

    11/12/2021 15:03
  • Jeanette Naugle

    again, have been waiting it seems forever for update. Have read all the others, hoping I don't forget about Bea before you update, Please Soon 💕💕💕 your work!!!

    11/09/2021 19:54
  • Mizz Meka

    ❤❤❤looking forward to the next update

    11/07/2021 14:29
  • amber sweet

    so eager for river and bae to finialy be together hope you update soon

    11/05/2021 04:41
  • Reader-742236

    please update soon I love your work

    11/02/2021 11:06
  • amber sweet

    so whats up everything okay havent seen any updates?

    11/02/2021 03:50
  • Victoria DeCuir Stewart

    gone for over a month come back to 2-3 chapters. going to stay away for a year and see if I can get 6.

    10/21/2021 11:27
  • EricaRose131

    I love this story you’re an amazing writer but this chapter was kinda short with nothing really progressing weve been waiting so long for this book and it’s updates i feel like it’s been on going for so long but as I said I truly love your writing it’s beautiful and you deserve so much praise this series is wonderful and I feel like I’m practically there with the characters in their journeys but with the amount of time it’s taken I lose so many details form the beginning please when you can give us a lengthier update I know not only myself and your other followers would be grateful please don’t take this negatively because your stories down to the small details are amazing

    10/12/2021 05:13
  • Keva Gadomski

    omg I can’t wait to read the update

    10/11/2021 19:47
  • amber sweet


    10/04/2021 22:16
  • amber sweet

    awww man dont throw rive out like that is Bea slow in the head

    09/20/2021 23:24
  • amber sweet

    so when is the next update

    09/20/2021 03:27
  • amber sweet

    so when is the next update

    09/20/2021 03:26
  • Reader-271286

    updates ??

    09/19/2021 03:20
  • amber sweet


    09/12/2021 14:40
  • Stngray3

    I was really loving that the updates had started again… but then they stopped… I know you are busy but please don’t keep us hanging… we want to know what happens with River and Bea…

    09/09/2021 15:10
  • Amanda Hamilton

    I have read so many books lately and there is 9 of them that have stopped updating all at once... im ready to 😢

    09/08/2021 09:05
  • Reader-266546


    09/03/2021 11:51
  • Katie Gwilt

    so is River the actual angel of death then or is there someone else? I'm 😕

    08/18/2021 11:15
  • ShyShy

    Nice update!!! Anxious to read the next chapter 😁

    08/18/2021 00:41
  • Reader-271286

    can you up date faster please

    08/15/2021 04:37
  • Victoria DeCuir Stewart

    okay update. not worth the wait.

    08/12/2021 23:02
  • Britny Carrillo

    OMG! Go River!!

    08/12/2021 20:53
  • amy.

    I can't wait the next chapter is going to be so goood!!!😁👏🏻

    08/12/2021 00:46
  • ShyShy

    Alright River 👏👏👏 Put Eve in her place!!!

    08/11/2021 23:54
  • amber sweet

    did you forget about he book?story??readers???

    08/10/2021 18:28
  • Lostlove5310

    thank you

    07/30/2021 05:32
  • I am up to no good

    I wish this was updated more regularly. waiting a month for 1 chapter sucks.

    07/29/2021 12:36
  • Stngray3

    patiently waiting for this kiss you have dangled and teased us with…. 🤣 you love your cliffhangers… can’t wait to see if Bea actually does it!

    07/29/2021 04:40
  • Penny Leigh Raiford

    why do updates take so long!!!!!

    07/29/2021 02:41
  • Reader-266546


    07/28/2021 12:30
  • Bella Jersey 2

    hold up hold up let me catch my breath “ my wife handed me a cup of coffee and winked at me. I never been more scare of drink in my entire life” LOL now my question to you what does she put in her coffee and is it legal?

    07/28/2021 02:07
  • Bella Jersey 2

    I’m intrigued

    07/28/2021 02:01
  • Danielle Goldman Hall

    would live and update!!! it just stopped right in the middle of something

    07/27/2021 20:31
  • amber sweet

    when are you updating

    07/27/2021 12:43
  • BizEB

    Omg what a time for a cliffhanger! I hope it all comes back to Bea when they kiss. Eve is sooo in trouble when she finally remembers.

    07/24/2021 03:48
  • Katie Gwilt

    waiting for this to be updated is the worst!

    07/22/2021 16:57
  • Jasmine Hazelbaker

    have you put his stolen child on hold?

    07/17/2021 17:45
  • sara moore

    I am so excited to see how things come together to save our princess from this curse. I hope they all have to work together to end it ! I may be the minority here but I’d love a whole chapter or Eros meeting and accepting his grandmother and finally having that unconditional motherly love. I am so exited about this book !

    07/14/2021 11:40