The Billionaire's Cinderella Comments
Bella Jersey 2
which one is the total version
09/18/2023 00:16Yomara Trujillo
July-AS: Why is a replica of a book allowed to be renamed?? As others have pointed out, its the same as The Billionaires Contract Pet. Not really seeing a point and I even skimmed through the next chapter and i could day it exact. It is strange and don’t think I’ll keep reading.
09/05/2023 06:20Leré Saunderson
Wrote my freaking keyword at the beginning, so starting all over again. The scene depicted in the intro seems to spell a whole lot more than just selling yourself. I bet the ugly old man turns out to be this wonderful prince. July-AS
09/05/2023 06:00Lonnie Bronco
Okay I read further and the FL does in fact get a backbone and stand up for herself. I was glad to see that she wasn't a total whimp, and then the author decides to have her sell herself. Ugh! July-AS
09/05/2023 05:52Karooke
Ich würde ein paar Kapitel lesen, weil das Intro sich interessant anhört.. Ansonsten sind Billionaire Storys nicht so mein Ding.. Die Story könnte spannend sein.. Das weiß man aber erst, wenn man es probe-liest... July-AS
09/05/2023 05:49Gemma Butler
I thought this book sounded familiar and it turns out that I’ve already read it, except it was called The Billionaires Contract Pet. It is word for word the same book, it just has a different name. However even though this book is marked as complete it has 50 chapters less than the Billionaire’s Contract Pet. July-AS
09/05/2023 05:49Aly_sohn
I am definitely not a big fan of this story. nothing about it caught my attention. I didn't make it through the first chapter. it also seems like another I've previewed.July-AS
09/05/2023 05:48Lonnie Bronco
Who in their right mind would allow themselves to be treated this way? This girl needs to get some self respect. The character is believable at this point, even if it is fiction. July-AS
09/05/2023 05:48yes sir
I read this book before I enjoyed it it's good how he protects and help her even he love other girl it's just I don't like very long story but it's very good july-as
09/05/2023 05:47Vicki usher
I haven't come across this story until now and I am pleased I have. Its got a different and interesting storyline. It looks to be well written and I am intrigued to know what happens. I do enjoy these types of stories my library is getting so full. July-AS
09/05/2023 05:46Helen M
July-AS This one has been on my list of books to read for a while now. I’ve read the first couple of chapters and it seems to be fairly well written - interesting twist on the Cinderella theme. July-AS
09/05/2023 05:40July-AS. This books sounds very intriguing. I was going to add it to my library, then I realized that I have other books in my library by this author. This includes a book called Billionaire’s Contract Pet, which has an identical intro as this one. July-AS
09/05/2023 05:33Erina Hamilton
this blurb is an exact replica of the billionaires contract pet by the same author so I won't be bothering to add this to my library at this stage perhaps someone will notice with all these comments july-as
09/05/2023 05:30Kirsten Tooker
Unfortunately the plot to this story has been done before numerous times by other writers. While I won’t be adding it to my library, I did briefly skim over the first chapter and it seems like a well written story with only occasional grammatical mistakes. July-AS
09/05/2023 05:30Aisha Ali
I'm pretty sure there is another book with the same introduction and story just like this one and I don't think I will read this one cause I already started that one and didn't like it at all July-AS
09/05/2023 05:25Sharon Milton
July-AS I have started reading this book and I find it interesting I think that it is very drawn out and really would like Emma to slap her so called boyfriend friend and her room mate
09/05/2023 05:20i was reading the introduction and felt it is similar to a book i read a bit of before. i then realised the introduction is a replica of the author's more popular book called Billionaire's Contract Pet. therefore, I won't be adding this book to my library July-AS
09/05/2023 05:18Tricia Freligh
I have actually read most of this book. She is a very strong girl and she needs to keep her head up. I glad she put that so called boyfriend in his place. I just loved that apology to the roommate too. July-AS
09/05/2023 05:17Karin Tuchman
I think this is a very cliché plot, and there is some awkward English Grammer. it was very hard to understand the hidden meaning behind the texts. the writing style is different. I like a good billionaire book but I don't know about this one with the Grammer issues it just doesn't motivate me to read it. hope it will be fixed so I can give it a second chance . JULY-AS
09/05/2023 05:16KMKC11
Loving this book so far! I really feel for Emma since her family sells off her virginity and her boyfriend is cheating on her with a nasty girl. The writing style along with the plot and characters have me excited to continue reading! - July-AS
09/05/2023 05:16Karen V
JULY-AS poor Emma. She is going through a terrible time. An evil stepmother and step sister. cheating boyfriend crappy roommate. I only hope things start looking up for her.
09/05/2023 05:11Amal Samir
July-AS, the intro intrigues you to read the book to know what will happen next between the two of them. I have read the whole book and it is confusing sometimes and interesting other times. But it's a good story to read. My problem with that book is that the story line is the same as another book called billionaire's contract pet.
09/05/2023 05:11Leré Saunderson
July-AS That actually makes sense. If you are going to be sold off by anyone, you might as well benefit from the sale yourself. Obviously the ugly old man is just a ruse for a handsome young prince and obviously they fall in love. Now what might the glass slipper plot twist be?
09/05/2023 05:06Brenda Kay
what a great chapter the author … it has me very interested in their style of writing I hope the next chapter are just as interesting, this is a book that I won’t be able to stop reading. JULY-AS
09/05/2023 04:56JustBee
I am not really a fan of Emma, I am not sure why but I guess I was hoping for more of substance from her. But then again I’ve stopped reading books with the whole Cinderall thing going on as it’s been done too many times and the plot is just always predictable. July-AS
09/05/2023 04:53Maria Cecilia Reyes-Meliton
I had already added this book to my library. I was previously interested in it. Unfortunately, after reading the comments about its being sold despite being the exact replica of another story has totally put me off this book and this author. July-AS
09/05/2023 04:38Alice Pinto
I am a big fan of every story that features the Cinderella plot. this one seems very similar to some others that I have read. i am not really into the rest of this story though… July-AS
09/05/2023 04:31Rafael
July-AS. I like the introduction. the story seems interesting and with many twists. I usually don't read gender but I will added this book to my list. I think is going to be an interesting and fun read.
09/05/2023 04:23Bianca Bratu
July-AS I have read a couple of this type of stories where there are auctions and the girl is sold and she falls in love with the man she was sold to. I am still curious to see if this one is slightly different.
09/05/2023 04:16ghaida mohammad
This is really an amazing story to read guys 👍😉
09/05/2023 04:14Caitlin Sullivan
July-AS ... well this intro sounds very familiar to me. from other comments, it appears to be the same as another book by the same author. given that, and being unsure about the plot, i think i may skip ... July-AS
09/05/2023 04:11Lori Holden
July-AS. I accidentally added it. I have already read this book in AS. It is called "The Billionaire's Pet", I just finished rereading it yesterday so I know this. It has the same names and plot. why are you allowing Plagiarism in your plate form.
09/05/2023 04:01Stephanie Narx
so what is the difference between this and the one that said the billionaire contract pet
09/05/2023 03:54Mirela
I love this story. The begining is sad. Emma is definitely abused by her stepmother and stepsister. How can she stoop so low to sell her to and old man. And her boyfriend is another story. Hope she will find love in her life and escape that family. - July-AS
09/05/2023 03:44Kristen
Love this book! I really feel for Emma. Her family and her roommate are horrible to her and push her into a corner where she feels she has no choice but to sell herself. July-AS
09/05/2023 03:38Michibeba
I actually already started reading this book and was pretty intrigued by it, but it was hard to look past her just letting the boyfriend and roommate/friend just treat her like that, why did she even go with them? like seriously have some self respect. #July-AS#
09/05/2023 03:37Caitlin Sullivan
f6g7.... I don't know how I feel about this one. I like that she's taking control of her life, but not sure the how she is
09/05/2023 01:22John Robinson
f6g7 I am liking this story already, hoping Emma get one over on her step mother and sister and she gets her happily ever after. Will add to my library to read more.
09/05/2023 01:15Claire
f6g7 oh my goodness this novel is really awesome and way to go Emma and I can't wait to read more of this story and see how it ends up and I love the idea of Cinderella being used in the real world so to speak. It was a great idea to use and the author knows how to capture the reader's attention to the story .
09/05/2023 01:13Janaki Kollepalli
f6g7... I remember reading a similar story but different book... it had werewolf if I am not mistaken...
09/05/2023 01:01Dee dutchess
f6g7 Now I've started it, I can't get enough it's the Cinderella effect for me
09/05/2023 01:00Ashley
f6g7 I have already read this book and I loved it. However it was under a different title the billionaire's contract pet. It's the same author though, I wonder why they changed the title.
09/05/2023 00:59Amal Samir
F6g7, I liked the way the story line is written. I already have read the book before. I enjoyed it
09/05/2023 00:46Maria Cecilia Reyes-Meliton
f6g7 This is a refreshing change. It looks like it is going to be a fun read.
09/05/2023 00:42f6g7 I’m sure I have read this before but it’s another name? I wonder how much it mirrors the other book?
09/05/2023 00:40SHANNON NANCE
f6g7 so far I want to add it to my library! glad the lead female is strong and seems independent
09/05/2023 00:39Aisha Ali
f6g7 loved the introduction can't wait to read it
09/05/2023 00:34Reader-431917
f6g7 I am loving the introduction of this book. I have added it to my library to read after I finish my current book 📚
09/05/2023 00:31icuovrthere
f6g7 looks interesting, good for her for choosing for herself
09/05/2023 00:27Reader-350476
f6g7 Yes I think I read the same story but different book
09/05/2023 00:20Jeniffer Barnes Hurt
# f6g7# "The Billionaire's Cinderella", I like the sound of this one. I may read it later on, but definitely adding it to my list.
09/05/2023 00:17Me Myself
f6g7 I am not really into books about people being sold. however the comments are so positive that I will give this book a shot
09/05/2023 00:07blubelle Reads
f6g7 reading
09/05/2023 00:02Gemma Butler
f6g7 This book sounds like it could be interesting. I’ve added it to my library to read later.
09/04/2023 23:59Essie Morgan
this book is a fake I’ve read the original story
09/04/2023 11:30Stella Goodluck
isn’t this plagiarism?
09/04/2023 09:57Elle Mich Mcheaven Barros
09/04/2023 08:57Trisha Wilder
what is up with this chapter? the writing style went all wonky.
09/04/2023 08:53Reader-436861
when will it be updated ?
09/04/2023 08:52Elaine Dcs
nice story
09/04/2023 08:52Grazeebela
its the same story with "catptured by a stubborn ceo"
09/04/2023 08:52Thandeka Sweli
so interesting,keeps you wanting to know whats coming up next
09/04/2023 08:49it sounds a lot like the contracted pet. the description starts the same even
09/04/2023 08:48Roselia Moreño Capangpangan
nice to read ..
09/04/2023 08:48Grazeebela
lol this the horniest girl i readnin novel. its disturbing
09/04/2023 08:45Maria Sheena Gonzaga-Olivar
when can we have the next chapters/update? 🙂
09/04/2023 08:45Karen Parker
has this story been abandoned?
09/04/2023 08:44Hi. On the author page, it looks like the same book is being updated regularly under The Billionaire’s Contract Pet.
09/04/2023 08:35Lyn Villostas
nice story.
09/04/2023 08:28Sherryl Lyn Angcaya
love this
09/04/2023 08:27Grazeebela
well atleast this one is translated better in English unlike other books. and i love how a fighter she is
09/04/2023 08:27zain214
where's the other episode??? why it takes too long to update, this is frustrating!!!
09/04/2023 08:18more up dates please
09/04/2023 08:18