Werewolf's Heartsong Comments
Haley Oliver
#goodstory I have been reading Werewolf heartstrong and I’m in love. It’s so different than most werewolf stories. I love the characters and how the author is very informative about certain things that some of us might not be aware of
09/04/2023 16:06#GOOD STORY. I absolutely LOVE it. I binged read it and was enamored with the main characters, watching the story grow and how strong the female lead is to overcome hardship through the help of her best friend and mate (at the start) and how more and more people have come to support her and show her love. Plus she can kick a** without a male saving her every time. Def have tear-jerking moments, laughter, drama, rolling eyes moments, romance and action. It’s a well-rounded book
09/04/2023 16:05I love this story and have read it over and over. I have a question..... Did Victor call his kitsune Moon because Alora's is named Starlight? I only ask because when Cathel asked he appeared to pause......
09/04/2023 16:04Eulalee Fearon
I Love. The. Book. So. Far. L Wish She. Run.
09/04/2023 16:03Eljo Cooper
GOOD STORY I absolutely loved this story. Couldn't stop reading😍😍
09/04/2023 16:03Misty Twitty
#GOOD STORY. This was an amazing book. I could not put it down. I stopped reading all other book when I found this one. and I was completely caught on it from beginning to end. I applaud the writer for sure
09/04/2023 16:03Take it from a mom of 2 adult children. You blink and the next thing you will no longer have a baby but an opinionated adult... they grow up so quickly...
09/04/2023 16:00Robin
#goodstory This book gives you all the feels. The storytelling is amazing. Can’t wait to continue this story in the other books 📖. Definitely give it a read 😊
09/04/2023 15:59Orey Doyon
#goodstory. this story just grabbed me and sucked me in..you get romance, suspence, drama,comical moments, and of coures action..lots of those OMG please tell me your not that stupid moments. I really wish this 1 would be made to move, it would be a hit
09/04/2023 15:58Debra A Jackson
#GoodStory Werewolf’s Heartsong is an amazing story! It is filled with rejection, love and heart break but must of friendship! It will have you connected with each character in the book! The leadership in this story was incredible. The love between the characters was just awesome. You will not be able to stop reading this story!
09/04/2023 15:57Tiffany Zigler
#goodstory... this book really illustrates that even have one person by your side you really can conquer all and that even when some people wrong you you can still forgive, just listen to the whole story
09/04/2023 15:54Bernice Petzer
#TOP STORY. One of my top favorites ever this is definitely the book that makes you wish Supernatural creatures really existed.
09/04/2023 15:54Kirti Pal
#GOOD STORY Currently reading the story and loving every part of it. This book is a whole where you get to experience a lot of emotions. This is truly a captivating story with a good storyline. Looking forward for the next chapters❤️❤️
09/04/2023 15:54Kirsti D
#GOODSTORY OMG, what can I say, this book is amazing. Alora is such a wonderfully evolving character and her true Fated Mate is the epitome of a Knight in shining armour. Truly a must read!
09/04/2023 15:54Yousra Sarfaraz
#Good Story.. i love every twist if this story and how Alora talks about her profession as i too have a Doctrate in Biochemistry i love when she talks science or flex about her degree.. over all a well written book with a good story line..
09/04/2023 15:53Ruchi Vadera
#goodstory still halfway. a page turner
09/04/2023 15:52Cat Scalfaro
Where can I find any other books by you this one was amazing!
09/04/2023 15:52VonPennifah
It was a really good story. I really liked the creativity. But you could have told the same story in full with more like 100 "chapters", as most of this book is you retelling the same scene, from another characters POV, over and over again. Seemed really all over the place, with paranormal creatures, and their mates. Sarah's just desserts were not fulfilling to me. I think she should have made her suffer a lot more, before what happened to her in the end. Especially after 180 chapters to get there. 6/10, with a lot of slack.
09/04/2023 15:52Eslyn Bowen
wish i could download it
09/04/2023 15:52TinyReader
GOOD STORY Some people can say they can't imagine their relatives going against them or hurting them the way Alora's kin hurt her. Some of us don't have to imagine. Being able to relate to much of what Alora went through makes the love she receives from the Alpha's family, her bio-father and her younger siblings, and the Heartsong Clan, all the more beautiful. Not to mention she gets to explore an eternal love that has strengthened to surpass time itself. What didn't kill her made her stronger!
09/04/2023 15:49Dawne Akers
I love this book. I have read it many times now that it’s finished.
09/04/2023 15:46Marina Anić
#GOOD STORY# This is great story,one of the best I've read.Top👍📖
09/04/2023 15:45This chapter explains a great deal about how sick Sarah is...it was a bit difficult to read . I really have to hope that these 2 sickos don't take their torture of Alora pass the point of no return...
09/04/2023 15:43LISSETTE SANCHEZ
I love it. Please tell me where can I found the next book
09/04/2023 15:43Ana Avalos
#GOODSTORY this book is amazing the story keep you wanting more and more I had unlocked 136 or more chapters so far I love Alora she is a fighter.🤗😍😘🐺
09/04/2023 15:41Felicia Hudson
Good story werewolf heartsong is a great read! I laughed, I cried! You really becoming invested in the story!! Definitely a good rags to riches, survivor of abuse story with a female lead who steals your heart ❤️
09/04/2023 15:41Belle
#GOODSTORY "Werewolf's heartsong" is an emotional story mixed with good family values and humor. I love how the author portrays parental love, siblings support and friendship. This book brings out anger, disgust, fear, vengeance, hope and love as you through the chapters. 😍🤩 amazing!
09/04/2023 15:40I personally rather appreciate getting the same situation from various people's viewpoints. I often find books seem to jump about a bit and you never get to know the relationships between people. This story howeverlets you get to know everyone who is important in Alora's life
09/04/2023 15:38Kay Lou
I love this story a very talented write I couldn't stop reading it and now I am waiting reading and waiting on the undated to witches heartsong and dragon heartsong they too are looking up to being great stories too #Goodstory
09/04/2023 15:37#GOODSTORY. When you combine mystery, magic, and mayhem, you have a great story to explore!
09/04/2023 15:36Natasha Christodoulou
brilliant story, definitely one of my top favourite books to read
09/04/2023 15:35Jennifer Snyder
would love for this story and others like it could be printed and sold.
09/04/2023 15:32Shauna Biller
#goodstory This story is great. It keeps you wanting more right through the end
09/04/2023 15:32Lori Holden
#goodstory. This story is amazing I love Alora & Damien & the rest of them. I'm almost done & I have started on the 2nd on "Witch's Heartsong" but not the 3rd one. please read you will not be disappointed.
09/04/2023 15:32Sarah Idowu
GOOD STORY - a heart wrenching story of extreme and brutal abuse. The storyline is awesome. Reading it all over again!
09/04/2023 15:31sasirekha inbarasu
Good story. A werewolf with a really strong heart to overcome all the hurdles life throws at her. A strong belief in moon goddess to be with her in all her endeavours. . Love this story ❤️😍. just completed it.
09/04/2023 15:31Nicki Boyd
GOOD STORY A great book that keeps you engaged throughout
09/04/2023 15:31Brittany Hopkins
such a great book..pulls at your heart strings all over the place. I’m even reading the rewrite. #goodstory
09/04/2023 15:31Tricia Freligh
#GOOD STORY. This story has a strong female lead who has overcome a lot and put up with a lot to be where she is now. With the help of real people who care about her. Unfortunately her family was who she need to get away from. Once she did she was amazing no more holding back. This is a must read, it pulls you in and keeps you wanting to read more.
09/04/2023 15:30So the spell she cast has been sending Alora's bodily waste to Sarah's bedroom . How deserving for her.
09/04/2023 15:29Tammy Porter
when will the next book come out ? this was amazing
09/04/2023 15:28Melody Sharp
#Very GoodStory.real life combine with magic and fairy tale. A strong female lead with a strong mate not afraid of her.
09/04/2023 15:28Gogoe Constance
I love this story, but I cannot unlock the other chapters
09/04/2023 15:26Julia Gorrell
Thank you for listening to your inner bard and sharing this story.
09/04/2023 15:25Rachel Higginson
#good story amazing story
09/04/2023 15:25LISSETTE SANCHEZ
Please the second book
09/04/2023 15:24Linda Loeffel Campbell
love this book can't wait for her to take her hurt to her family and find the love she deserves
09/04/2023 15:24spotsfriend
#good story. I couldn't put this book down. It has a strong female lead who knows who she is and what she wants and goes for it. The supporting female characters are the same. The male characters are strong, confident and supportive. I loved all the magical elements and the overall inclusivity. A great read.
09/04/2023 15:24Linda Lockett
#Good story. I loved reading this book. I started reading to get extra points and found myself using them to finish this book instead. Thank you to the writer, it was wonderful to be drawn in.
09/04/2023 15:23Beckie Treble
Thoroughly enjoyed this book. Alora is such a badass. I wish I was as confident as she is. Looking forward to the next book coming out. When will that be? And thank you for all the music you put down. I will be looking them all up.
09/04/2023 15:23Kathy Jones
I love this book and got to a chapter I have to pray to unlock
09/04/2023 15:22Well this story has it all, a strong FMC with some badass skills who is real and down to earth too. After all the stuff that happened before she meets her mate is well written and heartfelt (lots of tears shed) on top of that lots of hot chapters and keeps you on your toes throughout the story. you won't regret reading this one. #goodstory 👍
09/04/2023 15:22Bobbie Rossow
now I have to wait for more points that sucks I want to see when they see what level she is
09/04/2023 15:21Ashley Collins
I really loved this book but by the time you git the chapters in the 100s it's all sex and fighting for training I started skipping sections because I feel like I am rereading the same thing and it's getting harder to come back to each day
09/04/2023 15:21Lyn Johnson
I love this story.
09/04/2023 15:21just started already hooked
09/04/2023 15:20Natasha Christodoulou
#GOOD STORY. This is an amazing story. definitely one of my top favourite books to read
09/04/2023 15:19Karen Akel
Good story: Werewolf's heartsong an amazing story with a female lead. It carries your through an emotional Rollercoaster were you feel and connect for each character. I would highly recommend it, for it also highlights about abuse and rejection and the importance of having friends by your side to come over the trauma after it. It opens your eyes even though it is a fantasy story you will feel it is real enough to know that some situations are real life. The orde of events and its connection and the blossoming of the characters is wonderful. All I can say is that you will fall in love with this story and you will read and read and read again
09/04/2023 15:19Katrina Spicer
why not just name the chapters without poverty? and you could tell 1 characters point of view bunched. like instead of each being tell the same event through their eyes event by event. tell them by character so you get more events for 1 character maybe or it's good the way it is
09/04/2023 15:19Misty L Ferguson Creasy
when are you going to be putting witch's heartsong and dragonheartsong I could not get enough of this book I want to see what the headstrong clan has going on now please and I LOVE LOVE LOVE THE BOOK KEPT ME ON THE EDGE OF MY SEAT THANK YOU!!!!!!!
09/04/2023 15:18Cassandra Olivier
I absolutely love this story and haven't been able to put my phone down since starting to read it. It gave me chills when Aloras chains were broken and I can't wait to see what happens next. It's great to see a strong female role especially when her family are such horrible bests😁great jobs to the author one of the best books so far
09/04/2023 15:17WhiteHeart Nikki
Good Story! This story has never gotten boring! The dramatic plotline never seizes to amaze me and the characters quite literally come to life as you read! The author has done wonderful work on creating these characters and making every scene so detailed to make it feel as if you are actually there. I look forward to reading more by this author!
09/04/2023 15:17Dolapo Ojemire
#GOOD STORY# An awesome storyline with a strong female lead, this book encourages great judgement and a good character, despite the odds. Extremely captivating!!!
09/04/2023 15:16Virginia Sheppard
omg love this one it was definitely an attention getter
09/04/2023 15:12Akanksha Goyal
#GOOD STORY loved the book. I have read 131 chapters so far..
09/04/2023 15:12Tanja Salter
gutted can’t find the next boom
09/04/2023 15:11Cat Scalfaro
ohhh I cannot wait to read more of your work this book was absolutely amazing
09/04/2023 15:04Sandra
#Good story this story is also a master piece, well written. I applude the writer because it's worth the time.
09/04/2023 15:04I am sorry for all you are going through. I will keep you and your family in prayer.
09/04/2023 15:04Joanne Hess
is this book available in hard back or paper back?
09/04/2023 15:03Laura Walsh
Good story well worth the read couldn't put it down
09/04/2023 15:00Shanice L.
I want to know if it's really worth it to read it? would you recommand it to read?
09/04/2023 14:52netsai nesta chirengwa
I love the bond between Alora and Damien as well as their family. I am almost done reading, I hope that they will defeat the black magic coven. This book will take the stress away
09/04/2023 14:51Nicola p
#goodstory love this book
09/04/2023 14:51Channie's Wifeu
This is such a Goos Story. Alora the female lead is a badass with a heart ❤️. Definitely worth reading it over again. Cry, laugh and fall in love with her and her whole family. This will remain one of my favorites 💓
09/04/2023 14:46#Good story I loved this book. it had me hook line and sinker from beginning to end.
09/04/2023 14:45Tina Diras
this chapter is just awesome funny🤭🤭💗it
09/04/2023 14:42Cyndy Brown
a great story
09/04/2023 14:39E.Dark
Is anyone else bothered by the 'superior' bloodline? breeding out the imperfections...
09/04/2023 14:38Judy Ordway
This is a great story I love it it's kinda like my life in a way but I'm not A werewolf....
09/04/2023 14:38Kateřina Šimerdová
Wonderful story 🤩 if you start reading, you wouldn't stop till the end 😉
09/04/2023 14:37Corrina Brodburn
wow loving this book souch
09/04/2023 14:35Kurnia Basuki
GOOD STORY I re-read it 2x now..... love the story ♥️
09/04/2023 14:35Sandy Calde
this is the best story I have read wish there more loved it all that she went through enjoyed
09/04/2023 14:33Nichole Opunui
#GoodStory Kept me on the edge of my Seattle whole time. LOVED IT!!
09/04/2023 14:32Kiara Eames
absolutely loved this story. the story line always left me wanting more needing to know what was next
09/04/2023 14:24Bettymae Sanford
love it
09/04/2023 14:19When did he give her the ring? Last that was heard was when he initially thought about it......
09/04/2023 14:17Hali Denenberg
I loved the story but to be honest the ending felt very rushed, like the author just wanted to get the story wrapped up and over with.
09/04/2023 14:16🤥😪😪😪😭😭
09/04/2023 14:13Courtney Lewis
so ijust want to say out of all the werewolf vampire books I have read and love I have to say Zane is my favorite 🐺 of all.
09/04/2023 14:13Melinda Dawn Reed
I loved the story it killed me to set my phone down everyday.. and then "the end" hit me like a ton of bricks 😔... I loved loved loved this book and so hated it ended I do hope you write more books to go along with it!
09/04/2023 14:13Rose Santel
i like your story so far but I was hoping you could answe a couple of questions for me
09/04/2023 14:11watup2g
This was a great read thank you 💜🙏
09/04/2023 14:10Bettymae Sanford
love it
09/04/2023 14:09Sarika Vankadoth
very interesting story 😉
09/04/2023 14:09loved the book!!! can’t wait for the others to come out!! sooo many people to find out what they can do and who they’re mated too!
09/04/2023 14:08Laura Harkin
This book is very well done. It has stories inside stories inside the main plot. I highly recommend it.
09/04/2023 14:08Reader-390810
when is the next book coming out for us to read as you finished this one
09/04/2023 14:06Holly Toolin
finally finished. absolutely amazing book. can't wait for the next one.
09/04/2023 14:06