Alpha Professor Comments
Amy Nauer
Just FYI this book was abandoned a long time ago
01/18/2024 01:07Brandi Szekely
I can't wait for more! I love this story
11/15/2023 21:25Aspen Marie Potter Girkin
Love the book so far, can't wait to find out what happens!! 🩵🤞 I hope everything turns foe the better!
09/05/2023 06:53Sarah Desloovere
nice story , love it !!please can you do more chapters🙏🤞🤞🍀🍀🍀 I really want to know how it Will turn out , rooting That she Will get together with abel, and her friend with her brother 🍀🤞🍀🤞😅
09/05/2023 03:07Me Myself
t5y8 the opening chapter seems like it could make for an interesting book. I will add it to my library for later
09/05/2023 00:27John Robinson
t5y8 Think I'm going like this story. Love Emma and her interactions with the professor made me smile, good for you girl! Loving your work so far author.
09/05/2023 00:25T Malloy
t5y8 not the normal that I read but so far I'm liking it so let's go
09/05/2023 00:25Keisha
t5y8 this book has an interesting beginning writing is great I’m intrigued to know what happens next.
09/05/2023 00:18Selli Dang
t5y8 the summary looks interesting and it is the type of book that I like and was also recommended to me by another reader so I will definitely give it a try and hope I won't be disappointed
09/05/2023 00:13Reader-350476
t5y8 I guess you can’t go wrong with a hot hunk professor ,can’t wait to read more of this interesting story.
09/05/2023 00:08Allie
t5y8 this book looks good. I don’t think I have read a book like this. I’ve added it to my library so I don’t forget to read it
09/04/2023 23:59Vicki usher
t5y8# This is an interesting storyline different to others I have seen makes me what to read it but looking at reviews I don't think it finished so am reluctant to start, hope writer can elaborate this for us
09/04/2023 23:58Lexxxxx
t5y8 Emma is adorable and sassy. love it. interesting intro and looking forward to reading more.
09/04/2023 23:28I hope you are better soon! are there updates coming eventually ? I don’t mind waiting just don’t want to keep it in the library.
09/04/2023 22:46FureverHisLuna
is the story posted anywhere else with more chapters?
09/04/2023 19:10was hoping for updates,..... it’s not like the author to go this long with no word.. hope you are healthy and happy and will return to us soon!
09/04/2023 18:14Kathy Johnson
please send updates soon. I am trying to save up points but have to use them so I don’t lose them. really enjoy this story
09/04/2023 18:13nurse87
09/04/2023 18:03Sheri Tobin
I see you are posting chapters again, I hope you are all recovered from your kidney Stones 🙏🙏💜🌈
09/04/2023 17:27Riyamon Thomas
Nice Story
09/04/2023 16:53Cassie
Emma is going to feel so hurt and betrayed when she finds out
09/04/2023 16:08hope you feel better soon..
09/04/2023 16:03Lana K
hope you are doing better soon.. we miss you!!
09/04/2023 15:50sugar baby
when will this be updated again. I’m liking the story
09/04/2023 15:45Kim Coffey
She can't tell the truth to save her life
09/04/2023 14:57nooo! able needs to be with Emma! then Edward and Allie.
09/04/2023 14:57Lana K
hope you are well author!
09/04/2023 14:43Yalita Jezája - Makaio
Ed.. wth are you doing! please tell me you are joking…
09/04/2023 14:20Dorothy Evans
hope you are well and doing better.
09/04/2023 14:18more please soooo good!
09/04/2023 13:36Lana K
wonderful story!! thank you author!
09/04/2023 13:18weekend is here!!
09/04/2023 13:17hope you are ok author!
09/04/2023 13:17great chapter…let the fun begin 🤣🤣
09/04/2023 13:08Yalita Jezája - Makaio
oh what a twist! they are brothers omg!! Abel is going to be one pissed Alpha
09/04/2023 12:15Yalita Jezája - Makaio
finally!! 🥳
09/04/2023 11:51really enjoying the story can’t wait !!!
09/04/2023 11:42EMC
no update??
09/04/2023 11:23Any updates on this book
09/04/2023 10:52love this book!
09/04/2023 10:07Christine Owings
how often do you update???
09/04/2023 09:58Tony Banister
I love it but I have a question it says part 2 what is part 1
09/04/2023 09:54i love that she can think on her feet and doesn't let her omega status define her.
09/04/2023 09:45ohhhhh I loving Emma spunky personality and how she told the ego alpha off ! that’s funny and great ! thanks so much for another amazing chapter san! i ❤️ this book a lot and waiting for crazy drama to happen and the forbidden love of these two people.
09/04/2023 09:27Yalita Jezája - Makaio
ohhhh i LOVE Emma! she hit him right back 😂😂
09/04/2023 09:26