• Elena

    i hate it when there is no explanation whether the book is paused for some reason especially if it's an interesting book. it kills the will to read

    07/13/2024 00:36
  • OA San

    do they end up together? please spoil me so i can read it? otherwise i’m not interested

    09/25/2023 23:38
  • Brit Britt

    patiently waiting for an update 🥺

    09/05/2023 04:35
  • Mical Perez

    When its going to post the updates? i don't see it for a month or more..please update

    09/05/2023 02:55
  • Holly Dominic

    updates have resumed. Daily updates only from now on

    09/05/2023 01:28
  • therealcakemaker

    I’m really looking forward to reading the rest of this book! Hope the next update comes soon!

    09/05/2023 01:04
  • Alexis Bail

    i haven’t seen an update for a month, is the author sick?

    09/05/2023 00:36
  • Alexis Bail

    is this book finish?

    09/04/2023 22:31
  • are you still updating this book?

    09/04/2023 16:32
  • hope you update soon

    09/04/2023 15:06
  • Morse Code

    This book seems abandoned 🥺

    09/04/2023 14:48
  • Lana K

    thank you for the updates!

    09/04/2023 14:40
  • Morse Code

    I saw that daily updates were supposed to resume late April. Prior to that updates were to begin in February. When can updates truly be anticipated?

    09/04/2023 13:44
  • Melissa Conaway

    when will this book be updated?

    09/04/2023 12:34
  • Lana K

    hope this is updated soon and not a left storyline cause the 1 st book was awesome!!

    09/04/2023 12:31
  • Reader-752046

    Looking forward to more chapters, this story has got me hooked!

    09/04/2023 11:59