Cerberus (women of mafia book 1) Comments

  • Visitor

    when is the next books coming out

    05/06/2024 15:26
  • kylie thomson

    noooo! it can't be done! you did a cleft hanger! I couldn't put the damned phone down, the book is that good. ugh

    12/25/2023 21:51
  • Santina Varischetti

    really enjoyed this book couldn't stop reading now would like to know what the next book is called or will it continue on from this one into the next book

    09/04/2023 22:35
  • Azalea Toney

    Gow often are you updating?

    09/04/2023 15:13
  • Heather Guess

    when next chapter gotta have it please

    09/04/2023 14:19