Bullied by my Stepbrother Comments

  • Visitor

    Do not bother with this book! I thought it was good at first but it was literally all over the place with pretty random things (also who leaves their kids for months at a time and what kind of school would let they happen? totally unrealistic). I wanted to find out what happened in the end so I finished it vut realized what a waste of time it was.

    06/20/2024 06:01
  • Cindy Dubois

    update plz 🙏🏼🙏🏼

    06/15/2024 10:52
  • Tami Baldon

    Jenna is beyond stupid! Ugh...

    09/05/2023 06:23
  • Sharon Elizabeth George

    it's ok so far

    09/05/2023 06:17
  • Nelly

    I love the book! Could you please update more?🥰

    09/05/2023 06:00
  • blubelle Reads

    y6u9 so far it has the potential to keep me reading

    09/05/2023 01:01
  • SuzyStealth

    This makes no sense! she's his stepsister who he secretly does things with and then all of a sudden she's referred to as his girlfriend and the story gets extra British. it's like 2 completely different stories with conflicting plot points and Jenna all of a sudden is older? a slut? I don't even know. I don't know what happened but I feel like there's a lot missing and it seems like a different writer took over or the writer just got lazy.

    09/05/2023 00:59
  • Heather Minks

    y6u9 sounds OK but not exactly my genre of reading. Think I’m gonna have to pass on this one.

    09/05/2023 00:52
  • Roxy Galindo

    y6u9 ya I am not sure this one is for me. I just can’t see me finish a story where bullying and taking advantage of someone ends in a happily ever after

    09/05/2023 00:44
  • Gemma Butler

    y6u9 Im not too sure on this book. Its not my usual kind of book I’d usually read. Sorry.

    09/05/2023 00:38
  • Janaki Kollepalli

    y6u9... is this one more story based on Stockholm syndrome? I mean why do the protagonist fall for the bully?

    09/05/2023 00:29
  • M0ppiejj27

    t6u9 I'm already in chapter 3, easy to read. I already add this book to my library. love to read more!

    09/05/2023 00:24
  • Marilyn Livingston

    y6u9 poor girl. I had a bully in 6th grade. the teacher tried to tell me it was because he liked me, but he only made me REALLY dislike him

    09/05/2023 00:24
  • Me Myself

    y6u9 so far this looks like an interesting book. I hope it is complete so we don't have to wait for updates.

    09/05/2023 00:23
  • Tricia Freligh

    y6u9 I am liking this story so far. The writer is doing a great job. I can not wait to get further in to it v

    09/05/2023 00:22
  • Pat Steers

    y6u9 This could turn out to be a good read, as long as the bullying doesn't last too long or get too extreme

    09/05/2023 00:18
  • y6u9 #y6u9 interesting plot. I hope the bullying won't last too long and Kai changes his way. good comments too.

    09/05/2023 00:18
  • Joele G

    y6u9 strong storyline so far it’s seems to be well written as well; love how you portray the story

    09/05/2023 00:14
  • D Coneghan

    Part 3-1 03/29/23

    09/05/2023 00:12
  • Miina Storm

    y6u9 how many chapters of this bulling?? I can't take hard harassment.. it makes me too pissed of to read and down..

    09/05/2023 00:10
  • Y6u9, I don't like bullying but will give the next couple of chapters a read and see if this stays in the library.

    09/05/2023 00:06
  • Linda Nally

    I for one can't wait until Jenna figures out how strong she is and puts him in his place.

    09/04/2023 23:59
  • Jody Purple

    y6u9 so far it's reading really well. I love these stories, especially when the bully finally realises and then has to earn it

    09/04/2023 23:40
  • deb

    Is this book almost done? it’s very good but would love to see Kai & Jenna get married 💕💕💕

    09/04/2023 23:31
  • Monique Swanepoel

    y6u9 think i will enjoy thus book. looks like a good read

    09/04/2023 23:26
  • Selli Dang

    y6u9 very addictive each chapters makes you want to read more. it is a very easy read as well but there are some bit that a bit too much ... in the name of love

    09/04/2023 23:23
  • Megan Phillips

    y6u9 the introduction for this book was interesting but I um don't think I can deal with all the bullying

    09/04/2023 23:22
  • hi is this a finished book

    09/04/2023 23:21
  • Vicki usher

    y6u9# I read this book was a good read I enjoyed it. Written well good storyline worth giving a go

    09/04/2023 23:15
  • Maria Cecilia Reyes-Meliton

    y6u9. This story is not for me. It is too juvenile to hold my interest for any amount of time.

    09/04/2023 23:05
  • Amal Samir

    Y6u9, the book is good. I can't wait to see what happens next. The characters are played good.

    09/04/2023 23:03
  • M0ppiejj27

    y6u9 I'm already in chapter 3, easy to read. I already add this book to my library. Love to read more!

    09/04/2023 23:01
  • Robin Fuller

    I am so.into this book I really want to finish it as soon as I can so I see what happens next

    09/04/2023 22:14
  • Abigail Gore Was Kirkpatrick

    wow I have read up to chapter 7. its really good. from first chapter yo wear I am know. its so addictive to read. I absolutely love this book its breath taking. The characters are really good and the story is great can't wait to carry on reading.

    09/04/2023 21:57

    I'm not understanding the female character...so she's okay with whatever the bully does...she's turned on by him torturing people... sorry I understand we get bullies...but to be aroused by the way the treat people... some to the point that they are scarred for life....

    09/04/2023 21:54
  • Miracle Asuquo

    I love this book please when is the next update

    09/04/2023 21:43
  • Jay Gouws

    This book is awesome, can't put it down 💕, may I ask when will there be an update again 🤗

    09/04/2023 21:18