My Stay With The Alpha Comments
Paula Rossbach
Are they disposable undergarments?? LOL 😆
02/02/2024 15:52John Robinson
#bookmegasale I am really interested in this story from the description and reading the beginning. It draws you into the story and you really feel for the main female character. As it's an ongoing story hope it's regularly updated as I want to know what happens next.
09/05/2023 04:40tati
i never have enought bonus to unlock good partss goddd 😮💨
09/05/2023 03:37Elder Nameaka Roney
I’m so glad you added more to the ending. I was so unhappy and disappointed with the ending before.
09/05/2023 03:28IceQueen
qwer yes yes and I can't stop reading lol I have not left my chair all day
09/05/2023 02:41Domunique White
thanks for reading everyone! I have a new book out please add it to your reading list!
09/05/2023 02:34qwer really liking this book so far … added to my list!
09/05/2023 02:25Julie M-Schmitt
qwer love the beginnings but hate it’s ongoing!!!! please don’t be too long of a book, I really hate it when a writer drags on and on!
09/05/2023 02:19Sglad
qwer. seems interesting so far.
09/05/2023 02:05Bella Jersey 2
I’m so mad I just this religiously looking for updates on this book. never gave me any clue the book was updated
09/05/2023 01:48Maria Cecilia Reyes-Meliton
qwer This story sounds interesting enough. Wary of the comment about future chapters, though.
09/05/2023 01:07Chantal S
henry the eighth wasn't he Frances ruler not England
09/05/2023 01:04Reader-333971
09/05/2023 01:00sharon Kruse
can we have this book and its twin in audio
09/05/2023 00:57when is the other book getting updated?
09/05/2023 00:55Reader-072710
x1c5 well written
09/05/2023 00:54Gemma Butler
x1c5 Great book introduction. I’ve added this book to my library to read when it’s complete
09/05/2023 00:53Helen Buckroyd
x1c5 interested, but the grammatical errors are holding me back. retracting from the storyline....
09/05/2023 00:51x1c5 #x1c5 oooohh wow the introduction is hot!!! very captivating and interesting. I'll add it to my library for future reading
09/05/2023 00:49Brandy McCown
x1c5 i love this book! I love this world.
x1c5 I have added this too my library as loving it thought it was a unlocked book so have to wait until I have enough credits to unlock more now as it isn't
09/05/2023 00:46Reader-350476
x1c5 what a good start with the intimate moments,I’ll surely love the books and looks like a good beginning for Cleo.
09/05/2023 00:42M0ppiejj27
x1c5 love it🤗
09/05/2023 00:41Me Myself
x1c5 it is a well written story so far. I am intrigued and will keep reading this book
09/05/2023 00:41Cynfifi
x1c5 I love how it starts, it’s very intriguing to see how it will continue to play out. This is an amazing read so far. I can’t wait to read more
09/05/2023 00:26Bella Jersey 2
it is fun when the delusional characters live in never never land. the plan come with. yeah you have fun in delusional land. I’ll stay safe in reality
09/05/2023 00:24ranger023
x1c5 her ex-husband is a complete ding dong if he is guilty as heck. ge divorced her while she was at the hospital I hope she gets her revenge
09/05/2023 00:21x1c5 excellent intro. I've added it to my "to-read list". Looking forward to reading it... Hopefully it's a good one.
09/05/2023 00:20Vicki usher
x1c5# This book looked interesting and raunchy so I added it to my library. I haven't started yet but I am planning on it
09/05/2023 00:16Bianca Bratu
x1c5 this story draws you in from the very beggining, it’s added to my library and I will surely continue to read it
09/05/2023 00:09Amal Samir
X1c5, it's a very interesting story
09/05/2023 00:07Joele G
x1c5 intro just drawn me in to the storyline; it has catched my attention; intriguing story to read
09/04/2023 23:55Brianna Van Vleet
is there going to be more chapters soon?
09/04/2023 23:53Sumriti Singh
x1c5 i really loved the introduction and i actually enjoy build up to get there so yup wud give it a try and just wanna see them together at the end
09/04/2023 23:52Megan Phillips
x1c5 This book is well written it pulled me right in, I do hope she moves past her last relationship and gives this one a shot.
09/04/2023 23:52Karen Akel
x1c5 i started reading it, it looks nice different from the werewolf stories can’t wait till the end to see if he can will win her heart. and what will happen when she knows everybody knows but she was left in the dark?
09/04/2023 23:51Jenna Mc Augustine
x1c5 with an introduction like that this book will be hot. see some cold showers i some people future
09/04/2023 23:51Bella Jersey 2
I think Cleo will look beautiful with passion twist
09/04/2023 23:48Bella Jersey 2
want Cleo backstory no more hiding
09/04/2023 23:43Bella Jersey 2
oh boy family dinner. you family are so calm and refreshing. no it’s now but I’m not getting food in my hair or on my clothes
09/04/2023 23:42Bella Jersey 2
what song was Vintage singing?
09/04/2023 23:39Bella Jersey 2
we are also lucky Cleo doesn’t has Sickle Cell. the way the were behaving with the blood. I was scared
09/04/2023 23:39Bella Jersey 2
you had to do it again didn’t you Domunique? making ugly I had to get tissues what hell
09/04/2023 23:39Bella Jersey 2
I still love weak by SWV
09/04/2023 23:38Moonsong
c1c5 well that introduction kinda just brings you in doesn’t it?!
09/04/2023 23:38Bella Jersey 2
I would love to read your take on dragon shifters
09/04/2023 23:37Irma Beck
x1c5 such an enthralling story line so far. keeps you glued to every page so far most certainly goung to put into my library and as a next read 📚
09/04/2023 23:35Sammy
x1c5 I felt the introduction was a bit rushed, but I guess we needed the history out of the way to get straight into the rest of the book. I've added to my library and looking forward to reading more
09/04/2023 23:35Bella Jersey 2
Robert is getting pathetic and now he wants her back. I guess you should treat her right to begin with. oh well loser be gone
09/04/2023 23:34Bella Jersey 2
now it’s a party can somebody pass me the chips
09/04/2023 23:33Bella Jersey 2
yes there is a problem in my location rabid werebear serial killers
09/04/2023 23:26Karooke
x1c5 die Story hört sich interessant an ...
09/04/2023 23:22Bella Jersey 2
that was such a big mistake that will bite her in the ass later
09/04/2023 23:22Bella Jersey 2
chapter 58 has a complete part of beginning the salt and pepper hair
09/04/2023 23:16Bella Jersey 2
have to say if West is annoying and responsible in same way. him treating Jazz likes she’s made of glass’s is ridiculous. you know it’s like be with human and embrace it or step off
09/04/2023 23:15Bella Jersey 2
Jazz being Cleo’s ride or die friend I love it
09/04/2023 23:15Bella Jersey 2
you know Vintage and Valenzano are now here willing servants
09/04/2023 23:12Bella Jersey 2
not liking the spying
09/04/2023 23:10Joanna Ward
update plsss author
09/04/2023 23:06Bella Jersey 2
can you imagine getting know each one human other werewolf. okay so how old are you to the human 30 years old. how old are you to werewolf. in human years I’m 35. human goes hold up how old in werewolf years 350
09/04/2023 23:05Bizzybee🐝🌸
x1c5 this book is addicting
09/04/2023 23:05Bella Jersey 2
hold up hold up Robert TRAINED Cleo??? like she’s some kinda dog
09/04/2023 23:04Bella Jersey 2
I was waiting for August to take control and hit West’s head
09/04/2023 23:01Bella Jersey 2
Dominique you are not playing fair you made me ugly cry
09/04/2023 23:01Bella Jersey 2
I love how Valenzano wants to care for Cleo with no sexual component
09/04/2023 22:59Reader-731248
x1c5 the introduction intrigued me
09/04/2023 22:59coleabm3
09/04/2023 22:57Merle Langevoord
x1c5 enjoyed reading the first few chapters. really looking forward to how the story will continue
09/04/2023 22:57Bella Jersey 2
uh oh we are going somewhere naughty
09/04/2023 22:54Bella Jersey 2
sorry but it’s the truth
09/04/2023 22:46Bella Jersey 2
Jazz and Cleo are ride or die friends
09/04/2023 22:45Bella Jersey 2
I lost respect respect Valenzano here. this easily avoided but he hurt someone for his pride. I want Cleo to find out. I was not okay
09/04/2023 22:45Bella Jersey 2
i literally saw this happen in real life in restaurant. one woman called another witch. me and friends who were near took two step over. we are not getting hit for those two
09/04/2023 22:44Bella Jersey 2
I never saw a man back peddle so quickly. I was wrong. I take it back
09/04/2023 22:42Bella Jersey 2
ugly cry again what the hell Dominique
09/04/2023 22:27Bella Jersey 2
awesome song you can always rock to poison
09/04/2023 22:24Bella Jersey 2
if this goes sideways Valenzano a lot of blame
09/04/2023 22:19Bella Jersey 2
i remember leaving notes for my mom so she knew where I was. now everyone texts the notes got an upgrade
09/04/2023 22:14Bella Jersey 2
mom is gonna be kissing my ass
09/04/2023 22:13Bella Jersey 2
I’m ready to let Cleo lose USA budget god knows we need the help. if not the whole country I’ll settle for my state New Jersey
09/04/2023 22:13Bella Jersey 2
I can see Robert now cast as the hero Robert. the fans are cheering. get real buddy boy
09/04/2023 22:07Rose SB
I read this book under another name up to the point where she left. It was under another name entitled Thirty Days with the alpha.
09/04/2023 22:05Bella Jersey 2
I’ll tell you what a gentleman Valenzano is offering his services. I thought DoorDash and Grubhub was good
09/04/2023 22:04Bella Jersey 2
I forgot all about Jodci they are on the play list now.
09/04/2023 21:58Roni Bowen
Dear author, are you updating this book?? I hope you haven't abandoned it...
09/04/2023 21:54Bella Jersey 2
alrighty it party time and the assholes are coming
09/04/2023 21:53Bella Jersey 2
send out the prop same day different POV but not repeat conversation
09/04/2023 21:43Bella Jersey 2
it kinda funny you don’t want admit those thoughts go on in your head when see somebody sexy. hey let’s admit it we do
09/04/2023 21:39Bella Jersey 2
oh freak you by silk
09/04/2023 21:23Bella Jersey 2
they left her alive on purpose didn’t they?
09/04/2023 21:17