Reclaiming Her Heart Comments

  • Visitor

    It's already 1,200++ plus chapters and no progress they always back to zero. Can we give them a happy ending please. The storyline is now dragging and lost my interest

    03/19/2025 17:37
  • Visitor

    raymond had gone mad because of Christophers engagement to Selena.he is mad by the feeling that Selena abandoned him.he is jealous.oh i dont like this story anymore.

    03/08/2025 10:36
  • Visitor

    another abuse Selena will go through and this another character with similar to Selena is another filler to drag .what is this a fantasy or i lost interest because with only 2 chapters a day when will this the beginning i thought its a great story but the plot keeps on repeating and Selenas character is the most abused.

    03/06/2025 12:48
  • Visitor

    maybe the author dont read our comments! doesnt know how we feel reading the book.had invested our time reading.

    03/03/2025 03:13
  • Visitor

    writer pls. make it back to 5 chapters a gets boring.

    03/01/2025 14:53
  • Chelsea

    Reading this book these days is so overbearing, writer why can't you give us 3 episodes a day, I cursed the day o came across this book and decided to read

    02/27/2025 17:13
  • Visitor

    this is you and me againts the world.Tessa is manipulative.and she concludes now that Selena is a long will Raymond know?

    02/21/2025 13:09
  • Visitor

    now ,it got really mixed up.tessa will use and take advantage of Wind feeling to her cruel.Selena and Raymond will suffer as it is.because there is so many between two of them.

    02/21/2025 03:55
  • Visitor

    Paul is playing a dangerous game.he is friend with Raymond at the same time, he can be with the Smith Family because remember when Raymond shoot the Smith Brothers.and he pretends when in front of Christopher he is not with Raymond.he wants to be famous too.its good he dont know about raymond in Vistalia.

    02/20/2025 23:31
  • Visitor

    the latest chapter its a repeat of making Selena desguise herself with christopher's alter ego.and then Raymond a bit late.when he arrived she was gone.and Tessa is crazy.instead she will ceased to be with Raymond.shes dying to be with him.what's this? they are all crazy .

    02/20/2025 13:21
  • Visitor

    the story is getting nowhere how is this that its timing that Paul drag Raymond to SkyGallery.and Selena is also there.its betrayal.Paul is the one who orchestrate Selena to be there.he is the one who keeps Selena.

    02/20/2025 05:38
  • Chelsea

    this is so outrageous. please give us 5 chapters a day

    02/19/2025 19:20
  • Visitor

    is the author reading our comments?

    02/19/2025 03:53
  • Visitor

    the author make outrageous twist of the story just to drag and stretch and she enjoy the suffering of her main character with all those near death situation,why then she cant finish this first before enticing as with another of her novel.

    02/19/2025 03:52
  • Visitor

    and Amelia just letting you know you messed up your own book if you read through it it was first selenas birthdate was the password to the box there was no mention it was changed then suddenly it was Marios your dragging your story so much that we are noticing your mistakes

    02/18/2025 20:50
  • Visitor

    it's caterlington

    02/18/2025 12:59
  • Visitor

    reading the latest chapter,i dont know if ill proceed.the story is full of vengeace ,hatred and deceit.and innocent people die.its not light anymore,brutal and Selena and Raymond had a lot of sacrifices,and for what?

    02/17/2025 07:21
  • Chelsea

    the story is not moving forward why, can you pls give us 3 to 5 chapters a day?

    02/15/2025 22:54
  • Visitor

    with this torture that Selena gone true what will happen ? this is dragging the story.imagine only one chapter a day.its boring and then theres no impact .its time Laurence discover Selena but all of a sudden Tessa appears.whats next?

    02/10/2025 03:04
  • Visitor

    looking forward for the chance of Raymond discovery of Selenas ordeal wd Tessas manipulation.and of the twist of fate that she is not a Smith.Raymonds discovery Selena a Smith.

    02/08/2025 13:06
  • Visitor

    i cant get over with this chapter .its another suffering for Selena.of all the threats thats happening shes careless.another torture from christophers alter ego?can you pls make it back to 5 you dont read our comments.

    02/07/2025 23:23
  • Visitor

    yes its true.and what's this chapter1217.its not ok because what happened to Selena.evil Christophers alter ego.have made this.and besides Selena should be careful why then its evening with out any security? is this Wind? author pls you are cruel?why are u dragging the story?

    02/07/2025 06:46
  • Visitor

    if your going back to one chapter a day stop dragging new people in to it and start finishing off there story's .it's getting so boring now with characters that aren't even important

    02/06/2025 15:27
  • Chelsea

    please why are we now getting a chapter per day, even 3 chapters a day wasn't enough for me. please do something about it

    02/06/2025 06:45
  • Visitor

    author pls.we are back with 1 chapter only?how's that? after 24 hours cant you finished this.?author please your dragging this novel 3 chapters is not enough but this?

    02/06/2025 05:59
  • Visitor

    this is a hard time for Raymond and and me againts the World.this is not fair for both of them.why will they suffer.?its for the higher ups to pressure Christophers alter ego to get from him the chips.they are played by the insane Christopher.whats this author??

    02/05/2025 06:07
  • Visitor

    love this latest chapters about the two main characters.they are lovable.and theres no friction between them love them!!

    02/03/2025 07:34
  • Visitor

    its worth reading this latest 3 chapters.its light with Raymond and Selena.enjoyed very much.keep it up author.

    02/02/2025 13:25
  • Visitor

    this chapter it creates another misunderstanding with Raymond and Selena.Raymond resents Selena.its another twist by the author to extend the story.Selena falls to the blackmail of Christopher s alter ego.and shes slow to explain to Raymond that he could not move or speak.pls fast forward the how Selena discover she is a Smith.make it lighter pls.i dont like that she is mentally and physically torture by Christophers alter ego.

    01/30/2025 13:18
  • Visitor

    your dragging the story wd the latest 2 chapters.theres a new character delilah and Lorenzo.why dont you fed us whos K the new character you introduce wd Christopher and Lawrence.who was that?

    01/25/2025 13:12
  • Visitor

    this latest chapter ,theres another character,is their another twist to the story?or maybe its Raymonds,so that he ll know whos ds Christopher of now only Raymond doubt that its not Christopher.

    01/22/2025 04:56
  • Visitor

    When will selena know she's a smith I want Lawrence to regret so bad

    01/21/2025 08:11
  • Visitor

    I'm really enjoying this book but girl you dragging it way to much like give selena a break..Christopher's character is becoming boring

    01/21/2025 08:10
  • Visitor

    512 chapters and he's still don't know she's his wife sigh🙄

    01/20/2025 15:24
  • Visitor

    342 chapters and he still don't realize she's his wife whew😡

    01/19/2025 23:51
  • Visitor

    126 chapters in and he still hasn't realize who she is 🤢

    01/19/2025 00:23
  • Visitor

    i love this latest chapter.Raymond and Selena have time for each other and Raymond is trying to be humble and trying to change.actually Selena knows Raymonds temper.but i love them both.

    01/17/2025 13:44
  • Visitor

    from previous chapter, i guess Selena father is Jason Smith and Selena,s mom is the sister of Lawrence and Richards i remember there is something in Selena that her mom left her a memento that she hide and told Selena that when the time comes she would need that fact she discussed it wd Richard Smith.

    01/17/2025 13:38
  • Visitor

    i love ds latest chapters.the interaction about Raymond and Selena.they learned how to behave towards each other.raymond is more careful now how not to make Selena angry.

    01/17/2025 13:26
  • Visitor

    so as of today we get to see the real Raymond that has been there all along that he really is an abusive man that makes her feel guilty for things that she does that he plans out so he can blame her .narcissist manipulative gaslighter comes to mind I'm actually starting to think she is better off with Mario if he gets treated for his alter ego Selena deserves to be loved and over the years Raymond is a insecure immature weak little man

    01/17/2025 09:48
  • Visitor

    we wait 24 hours a day for 3 chapters and you waste the last chapter with your recommendation for another book when is this book going to finish seriously bring it up to five even ten chapters a day. if your a writer clearly you could do more than one page a day you already have everyone invested

    01/10/2025 14:16
  • Claudia Serwaah Yeboah

    from the new development, looks like Selena is the Smith missing daughter

    01/08/2025 04:18
  • Visitor

    im intrigue about what's going to raymond abandon selena. how will this story ends.besides christopher cant protect Selena now.its cruel.the plots .nobody is sympathetic to Selena.Paul is traitor.

    12/30/2024 16:05
  • Visitor

    thank you Amelia for the extra chapter today if you could bring it up to even five chapters a day me and everyone on reddit discussing your book would be forever grateful

    12/22/2024 22:12
  • Visitor

    i dont know whats the ending but maybe a few chapters more but then i look forward for Raymond and Selena to be the ending.but now its a messed wd Tessa and William to meet Selena wd out Raymond knowing.and ds title reclaiming her heart whats this?is ds about raymond and SelenaL

    12/17/2024 05:21
  • Visitor

    Amelia hart are you looking at the comments or responding to any of them will there be more than two chapters a day

    12/15/2024 02:21
  • Visitor

    when can you end this obsessed wd Raymond and are dragged the story.

    12/11/2024 08:28
  • Visitor

    when will this book be finished author ????

    12/09/2024 14:48
  • Visitor

    you would think that this book has the most views that she would complete this book first before people loose interest just found out the reason we are only getting two updates a day is she's writing multiple books that's sent finished so no wonder the wording looks rushed and makes no sense for certain sentences .Amelia concentrate on one thing at a time because it's starting to show

    11/30/2024 16:46
  • Visitor

    how many chapters to finished this.but i really like that Raymond and Selena will get married.i wish the ending will end with them hooked.

    11/28/2024 15:26
  • Visitor

    where and when is the rest of the story going to be updated I need to finish lol I'm so hooked

    11/24/2024 17:57
  • Sarah

    I love this book!! Where can I learn more about the author's stories!

    11/21/2024 09:02
  • Visitor

    Would like Raymond & Selena to stay together even if Christopher comes on the scene as Raymond & her have been through a lot together.They have made many enemies.There are 4 to get rid of at the moment possibly 5 including Nathan.There is Aria,Rachel,Tessa & Wind.Give a big berp to all

    11/16/2024 22:44
  • Visitor

    I've been so Invest. at times it's such a wonderful flow and it makes u feel it then some other crao is tossed in. I can't stand the Brenda part like I can't stand it at all and what was the point of the entire memory loss the family members being such trash isn't fitting of the family high top tier respect family and that entire monster truck part where Raymond runs over a villa?? I mean no... that and the fighting 4 wolves with one being a alpha just took it to comical level. I am entranced in the book and the characters till all these hiccups get tossed in and it just becomes to much. oh and when the rock falls and hits Raymond in the head and then the massive flood an everytime Selena walks away perfect almost. I don't know boarders on the line of just to far fetched. but I do love the characters and now I'm at the end of the updates and I'm sad it feels over. I have read for days on end just enveloped in this story and now I am just tossed in the wind.

    11/13/2024 12:31
  • Visitor

    beautiful story line but along the line, I find the nove very flat since the main characters are drifting further apart with rather unnecessary characters taking the lead.again waiting for the update is really frustrating. am 996

    11/11/2024 16:59
  • Visitor

    The most confusing thing to me is the inconsistency in the characters names.

    11/03/2024 13:59
  • Visitor

    I skipped about 500 chapters because I could not take all the new characters hating Selena and wanting to be with Raymond (I mean, my GOD). Also, I needed to get out of the downward spiral and past Raymond realizing Selena was his wife. And now there are a whole new cast of characters and the central story of Selena and Raymond has been convoluted and watered down by the 100 other story lines about people I couldn't care less about. I'm close to quitting (and I'm up to date). Will they or won't they? At this rate I feel like if I'll get to chapter 3000 and still won't know. Painfully, it's the story that will never end.

    10/24/2024 19:28
  • Visitor

    your great Amelia hart nice story for me God Bless u

    10/06/2024 19:40
  • Visitor

    thank God I read the comments after reaching chapter 10. I just saw a comment saying at chapter 600+ he still doesn't know!?? I don't think I have enough patience rn, bye. Thanks for the comments.

    10/02/2024 21:50
  • Visitor

    how can I unlock the stories from chapter 10

    09/25/2024 15:54
  • Visitor

    chapter 766 Raymond still doesn't know that Penny his true love is Selena. It is a turning point in the story - I wonder if it'll finally happen. Evidently the author Amelia Hart doesn't care about readers inputs - I wonder if she cares enough about Raymond and Selena to bring their truth out...

    09/19/2024 11:46
  • Visitor

    can anyone say at what chapter Raymond knows Selena is his wife??plzzz I'm at 300th chapter..still he doesn't know 🤯🤯plzz if someone read do reply

    08/15/2024 15:22
  • Ree Ree

    can we at least know how many more chapters? Everytime I get close to the end, it is far from the end🤧

    06/15/2024 16:16
  • Ree Ree

    I am currently at chapter 499 and still nth. I thought he was gonna find out the day her mentor came to tell the difference between the painting he gave selena and the fake one Olivia gave the grandmother 🤧🤧🤧

    06/15/2024 16:12
  • Karen Kovac

    #winbonus This book is very good with many twist and turns. There are some great story lines within the book as well. It is time to give this book a great ending!

    05/24/2024 03:10
  • Karen Kovac

    Amelia Hart, please have the story end. it's great but it is too long. I'd prefer to read other stories from you too, but this taking so very long.

    02/19/2024 01:10
  • Visitor

    hi l love this book. I finished 400 chapters . is there any update further. I am waiting for this book further chapters.

    12/09/2023 04:25
  • Visitor

    I got to the final chapter! woo hoo! now, when will there be more?

    11/16/2023 23:00
  • Reader-740107

    no she’s not a prostitute she’s a drs

    09/20/2023 00:49
  • Anymore updates 👀

    09/05/2023 05:20
  • Bianca Bratu

    quest-as I love stories about giving a second chance to somebody that really deserves it. I will surely give this story a try to see how the plot plays out. It is added to my library for later

    09/05/2023 05:18
  • Linley thornton

    quest-as I’m sorry but it just seems all over the place so far. need more information and to stay steady as we try to learn the characters and plot. need to be more familiar w each character before jumping on to next one. worried the whole book will read that way

    09/05/2023 04:48
  • LouValfa

    quest-as : there are too many cliché in this story. They never saw each other despite many years of wedding, a one night stand (under drugs), the evil stepmother, the mother in law who thinks she doesn’t deserve marrying her son. I don’t understand why sometimes it is written in bold and sometimes not. Shall we talk about the lots of ***. I won’t continue reading. sorry.

    09/05/2023 04:44
  • Kobie Stroebel

    Quest-AS good start

    09/05/2023 04:44
  • yes sir

    quest-as I didn't read much but look interesting it's funny how men brains go to dirty direction I will added it to my library to read more later

    09/05/2023 04:42
  • miss foodieeee😋😋😋

    Quest-As ummmm not really sure it the kind I would wanna read but y not give it a shot after am done reading the one am currently reading?? all the best for the future book as well❣️❣️

    09/05/2023 04:40
  • quest-as I like the description of this story and have started to read it and it's well written, I like the authors writing style. I hope as it's regularly updated and that Selena, the main female character, gets her happily ever after.

    09/05/2023 04:39
  • Caitlin Sullivan

    quest-as ... I'm so confused about what this book is about by the intro. why is he claiming her like that publicly but not treat her with respect in private? at least that's what is implied

    09/05/2023 04:32
  • Lori Holden

    quest-as the intro was interesting needed a bit more explanation. the first two chapters seemed good but again an evil stepmother it seems like. I will read it sooner or layer hopefully it is finished or will get finished by the time I read it.

    09/05/2023 04:24
  • Joele G

    quest-as after reading a few chapters I still not getting the plot of the story; there seems to be a lot of drama in this family; Raymond has no clue who is his wife and her name.

    09/05/2023 04:23
  • miss foodieeee😋😋😋

    Quest- as am not sure if I have commented on this but don't wanna risk it like I said in the previous text I am not sure it's the type of book I usually read but might give this one a shot just for a difference ❣️❣️

    09/05/2023 04:23
  • Viking-Luna

    quest-as I enjoyed reading the first chapter so much that I continued on reading. Raymond really has the wrong impression of "his wife" which is really comical. This book has been added to my library.

    09/05/2023 04:23
  • KMKC11

    quest-as This book is interesting, I’m not fully captured by it but I’m not giving up on it yet. There seems to be a lot of unnecessary drama and how do you marry someone you don’t know at all? like she’s not a prostitute, she’s a designer. Seems odd but I’ll see where it goes.

    09/05/2023 04:19
  • Amal Samir

    Quest-AS The intro intrigues you to read the book to know what will happen next. It seems interesting and different how he treats her so awaufl that she asks for divorce and then he declares that she is his wife and wants he back. He needs some awakening. I like to read it to know what will happen.

    09/05/2023 04:10
  • Daisy Francisco

    quest-as I think this book is really intriguing and interesting,and I guess more drama on the story.

    09/05/2023 03:59
  • Jessica Szombathelyi

    really wondering when Raymond will realize Selina is his wife.. chapter 54 already and he is still clueless

    09/05/2023 03:48
  • This is gttn 🔥🔥

    09/05/2023 03:43
  • Bianca Bratu

    quest as- I love stories about giving a second chance to someone who really deserves it. I will surely give this story a try to see how the plot plays out. It is already added to my library for later.

    09/05/2023 03:41
  • Bianca Bratu

    quest-as I love a good story about second chances. And I absolutely love believeing in the idea that everyone deserves a second chance. I will surely give this story a try.

    09/05/2023 03:35
  • Maria Cecilia Reyes-Meliton

    quest-as This story piques my curiosity. However, being one of nineteen unfinished books is quite a put off. I do not see how the author will find the time to update all nineteen books at the same time, so I will give this a pass and maybe revisit if it is ever completed.

    09/05/2023 03:29
  • Vicki usher

    quest-as This looks like a good read it has a different and interesting storyline. I am intrigued to know what happens with the characters in the story. I hope it is finished and I can start reading it soon.

    09/05/2023 03:27
  • KKH

    quest-as very intriguing. it definitely has captured my attention. I would love to see Raymond’s face when he finally learns that Selena is in fact an interior designer not a prostitute but also his wife!

    09/05/2023 03:08
  • is there more to this book

    09/05/2023 02:57