Angel's bliss Comments

  • Visitor

    I have read soooooo many books on these apps and this is clearly one of my favourites so far. Love the wit and humour adds a whole different flare to this mafia thing 👌

    12/04/2024 07:46
  • Sandra Saucedo

    Mixing Baine for Zane

    10/02/2024 00:58
  • Visitor

    Who is Caine?

    09/10/2024 10:35
  • Rose Pe

    This book needs to be made into a movie! Absolutely love it!!! I finished it over the weekend. So far, of all the books I've read, this is my favorite! Well done to the author. Would love to know what other ones they have written on here.

    09/09/2024 18:17
  • Angela Parks

    Mixed feelings. I love morally gray characters, but I hate it when women are forced into situations where they are powerless, used sexually without consent

    09/02/2024 19:35
  • Michelle Fitzpatrick

    love this story read it four times already lol but why didn't you write about the wedding or the birth , would love to hear about a Mafia wedding and I'd say the birth to be a bit funny with all the men and Zane a funny and wonderful moment I'd say. I guess I just want more 😉😍

    08/05/2024 22:07
  • Judi Wheat

    this needs to carry on it stopped half way please carry on x

    07/06/2024 20:04
  • Visitor

    love the story, waiting for more, please hurry and finish the book

    06/23/2024 01:36
  • Taylor Walsh

    I would buy this book in a heart beat.

    06/14/2024 02:49
  • Rio Jones

    Interesting! Is Ryder gay and maybe crushin on Gabriel?

    06/06/2024 17:23
  • Visitor

    so this book isn't finished yet? I've been avoiding reading anymore chapters waiting for it to finish. but I just read from where I left off and im hooked dang it. anyways I love this story it's so good

    06/02/2024 10:57
  • Fanny Fournier

    where is the rest of the story....nothing after 115???

    05/27/2024 13:56
  • Corina F


    05/25/2024 12:36
  • Visitor


    05/20/2024 18:08
  • Emily Gleason

    loved this book. wish there was another book in the series that followed a different character or something. its very well written. props to the writer.

    05/11/2024 06:17
  • Lori McCleish Jones

    Hope it picks up a little more

    05/08/2024 15:01
  • Visitor

    I only read 5 chapters and my advise...publish it on Goodreads and it is going to be a bestseller😃

    05/04/2024 19:31
  • Andrea B

    When is more chapters going to be added I love the book and would like to finish it?

    05/02/2024 16:40
  • Pamela Fleming

    how often are chapters written does someone know or is the book finished?

    05/02/2024 13:07
  • Isabelle Desaulniers

    An NDA?! As if people like him go to court! They have other means to take care of someone who talks too much...

    04/30/2024 07:45
  • Alix BRETON

    That's a really good book! Simple love story but quite a few ups and downs to keep you holding your breath!! #bookday

    04/24/2024 08:38
  • Visitor

    does anyone know the Authors Name she or He need some Real talking too about how good this is made

    04/23/2024 21:19
  • Aino

    Oh, she chose to throw something. I was hoping she'd stab them with the pencil - after all she's a nurse and knows the critical spots 😈

    04/21/2024 06:47
  • amy solari

    love love love this book. super hot scenes! read it in a day and a half.

    04/10/2024 16:58
  • Roseater Dunlap

    Thought she would fight harder to continue to work after all it was her careers.. Since he wanted other women and orgies why not keep something important to her..

    04/08/2024 19:44
  • Nicole Adamson

    I love this story. when is another update?

    04/07/2024 19:27
  • Elzahn Kohn

    I loved reading this book #HalloweenVibe!

    11/01/2023 13:07
  • Julie Jirovsky

    Absolutely loved the story. I would like sequels to this story and other stories that are similar. Also, I would love to be your proof reader.

    10/25/2023 17:20
  • Teodora Petrova

    I absolutely loved this story! It gave me all the airy sensation I was looking for right now, with just enough spice and action. ❤️

    10/22/2023 07:52
  • CJVB

    loved the story... but I find myself a bit antsy about the whole wake up of Ava after being shot (a bit too loose for me... maybe I find it too cold for my liking? she is more laughing then feeling relief? I would have fought she would feel much more after being rescued... and a bit too much Gabriel; wouldn't want him 24/7 in my room either if I had found out the man I love loved me back. So those chapters got me a bit uncomfortable; not sure how to feel reading them 🤔 but overall great story; read it a few times already!!

    10/14/2023 10:32
  • Amy Manigold

    I loved this story. I really hope there is a part 2. more like this will be great. keep them coming

    10/01/2023 06:26
  • Mary Hall


    09/29/2023 07:25
  • Mary Hall

    Ava is gonna be pregnant and Zane is in love with her, i can't wait to see how he's going to let her go

    09/27/2023 06:38
  • Iris Georgia

    an amazing story! very well written and exciting. love it! a great binge read and very addicting #Happyliteracymonth ❤️

    09/19/2023 21:02
  • #win bonus back

    09/05/2023 06:45
  • Melinda Woodward

    omg I loved every inch of this book I'm sad it's over I loved it well done to u u did amazing 👏 💗

    09/05/2023 06:18
  • Shzaqte

    Loving this story! But why does Zane's name often change to Bain?

    09/05/2023 06:13
  • Amaris Gigi Marte


    09/05/2023 05:48
  • Melissa McGlothlin

    dripping creativity I'm at chapter 32 so far. do you know how many chapters of this book will there be?

    09/05/2023 05:43
  • Dinchuks

    Hello. This is very interesting book so far. How often are the updates?

    09/05/2023 04:00