The Moon's Descendant Comments

  • Visitor

    This is a good book, but I want to do to her father what he does to her.

    02/19/2025 12:32
  • Visitor

    what is with all the minus minus minus stuff

    02/03/2025 16:36
  • Visitor

    what this minus stuff when listening very annoying

    12/07/2024 03:15
  • Sarah

    enjoy so far....

    10/30/2024 06:54
  • HauntedMachines728

    I feel like these chapters are out of order. why are we going back in time to when she was hurt since in the last chapter she was healed? I love the story but this can be confusing

    08/29/2024 23:33
  • Visitor

    is the other books about zelena and gunner,or about something else

    08/28/2024 15:21
  • Rhonda Gibson

    volt not vault

    08/03/2024 23:53
  • Visitor

    I love this story they are so cute

    08/02/2024 18:23
  • Visitor

    I'm enjoying the storyline so muchšŸ„°. I only wish their point of views were closer to each other within the chapters. (She was beaten and felt him carry her then switch to his point of view of her being cared for by the doctor. I think it would help the flow betteršŸ–¤)

    07/24/2024 22:37
  • Visitor

    It is difficult to face and deal with abuse and very very difficult to get away from. bullying in is extremely difficult to deal with in school, for my children I had to make certain words a bad word in my household and teach them how to deal with bullying in school. a parent can not always be there to protect or deal with it all the time. I ended up teaching how to protect themselves and learn to deal with, but my husband or I would step when and where needed. it made school difficult for both of my children..

    07/20/2024 04:15
  • Murielle ā€œP'tit Poissonā€ HonorĆ©

    Amazing. But her wolf did not talk to her ?

    07/06/2024 22:28
  • Barbara Paxson

    I feel for Zelina! He dad is horrible. New kids are very interesting, seems to be good guys. Rest of students suck, they all think they're entitled. What's wrong with this small town, not looking after the children's health, wellness and safety?

    11/15/2023 04:43
  • Lisa Costa

    when is the next book coming out?

    09/05/2023 06:05
  • Olya Alexandrovna

    amazing book!! can someone tells me if it keeps on being redundant tho with the different POVs .. I really don't want to lose interest but so hard to read those chapters.

    09/05/2023 06:05
  • Sunflowher šŸŒ»

    I love this book. I love your writing style. the two different perspectives give a really clear picture of the story.

    09/05/2023 05:43
  • Vilma Carpin Buhawe

    I can't stand reading like this extreme cruelty especially from a parent anymore. I've read lot with the same plots.I know it's fiction but the cruelty is too much and unrealistic and her wolf is not even helping her.

    09/05/2023 05:41
  • Vilma Carpin Buhawe

    Why is her wolf not protecting her against her father?

    09/05/2023 05:41
  • Nikita Kamble

    i like cole at the first place and thought that may be he will ended up with her but then this gunner came... now I don't know where this story will take

    09/05/2023 05:25
  • How will we know when the next one comes out?

    09/05/2023 05:18
  • Bella Jersey 2

    chapter 10: interesting

    09/05/2023 05:10
  • Katrina Klingensmith

    Very good!! Ended too quickly, but looking forward to the sequel.

    09/05/2023 05:10
  • Bella Jersey 2

    chapter 5: something not right with Zee

    09/05/2023 05:09
  • Bella Jersey 2

    chapter 4: the guys were waiting for her. did they miss her trying to sneak outta of her house to go to SCHOOL. how many teenagers do you know that sneak outta of their house to go to school?

    09/05/2023 05:09
  • I canā€™t wait for book two!!!

    09/05/2023 05:08
  • Trisha Reynolds

    when is book 2 coming out

    09/05/2023 05:05
  • Jocelyn Soto

    nvm, I just didn't read it correctly. my bad

    09/05/2023 05:04
  • Dianne Smallwood

    This is really a great book

    09/05/2023 05:02
  • For the author Kay Pearson - please write more! This is a really really good story and Iā€™d love to see more from you !

    09/05/2023 05:00
  • I really love this story šŸ’œ

    09/05/2023 04:58
  • Christine Barrett

    I love the story but if the whole book is double chapters both perspective I will quit early I donā€™t want to re read every dam chapter. bring both together in the same chapter.

    09/05/2023 04:56
  • April Borchers

    My thought says it Gunner is holding back Because he thought that she was raped by her father because when he found her she was just in a T-shirt with no panties on but he didnā€™t realize she had just gotten back from shifting and thatā€™s all she could find so heā€™s holding off on them bonding because he doesnā€™t think she can handle it right now and she wasnā€™t even raped

    09/05/2023 04:56
  • Bella Jersey 2

    chapter 9: Gunner so sweet but when all you had faced and seen is evil. itā€™s really hard to believe in good

    09/05/2023 04:54
  • Gabriella Nastasa

    i can't wait the next book, when it will be ready?

    09/05/2023 04:54
  • Bella Jersey 2

    chapter 3: I did love when she tried to self bash herself Gunner didnā€™t like it

    09/05/2023 04:54
  • Rana

    thank you for writing it ā˜ŗļøā¤ļø

    09/05/2023 04:54
  • Bella Jersey 2

    chapter 3: the mini heart attacks arenā€™t cool. Gunner felt her pain when they were close. now that sheā€™s that bad will he feel anything?

    09/05/2023 04:54
  • Rhonda Jean

    interesting writing style. I like seeing both POV, Iā€™m just used to being presented differentlyā€¦ like every other chapter, or to show more differences. I do however love the story!

    09/05/2023 04:51
  • TJ Gray

    when is soon for the new book to start?

    09/05/2023 04:50
  • AZ Trouble

    This is a wonderful story, except for one thing: Rehashing the same scene, but from the other persons POV. In my opinion, this redundant and unnecessary. Itā€™s like taking one step forward in the story only to go two steps back to relay the whole scene again from the other personā€™s POV. No problem with POVsā€¦just run it concurrently within the storylineā€™s timeline.

    09/05/2023 04:50
  • Kavita Thanky


    09/05/2023 04:49
  • Kavita Thanky

    like the story so far...

    09/05/2023 04:49
  • Tarah Krainski

    I love this story. I wish I could read th whole thing and no t have to stop

    09/05/2023 04:49
  • Jocelyn Soto

    so Zelena is a guy? this is good but kinda confused me

    09/05/2023 04:49
  • Vickie Lynn Puckett

    I loved this story. I can't wait for the second book.

    09/05/2023 04:49
  • Lesly Martin

    so good. really gripped me from the start

    09/05/2023 04:47
  • Dianne Smallwood


    09/05/2023 04:47
  • AraVido

    really good so far. Instead of switching POV way after time has passed, Iā€™d suggest to do it next to each other on the same timeline. but it switches after a while and itā€™s like you have to start back at the beginning. Restructure it so the different POVs overlap each other

    09/05/2023 04:46
  • Stephanie Jade

    I love this book so much put I find myself skipping the chapters that are in the other person's pov, amazing book but the extra pov isn't needed in my opinion šŸ’—

    09/05/2023 04:42
  • Aesthelia

    ...I really want Cole to get his happy ending too.... ;-;

    09/05/2023 04:40
  • Amy Middlemiss

    cant wait for the next one!

    09/05/2023 04:40
  • chapter 67 read ex part 2. is this correct? where is part 1 of that then? unless I am missing something

    09/05/2023 04:35
  • Claire Morrison

    loved this hard going reading double chapters but worth it

    09/05/2023 04:31
  • yay!! so excited for book2!

    09/05/2023 04:18
  • Go Zeeeee!!!!!

    09/05/2023 04:18
  • Minithe Libra

    more please

    09/05/2023 04:18
  • Margarita šŸ¹

    I love this story but I don't like how it switches perspectives. It would be better to show perspectives within each chapter instead of retelling chapters.

    09/05/2023 04:17
  • i will say I love the perspective switch but it throws me off with how far back each oneā€™s goes. like I wouldnā€™t think it would go back that far and I have to redo everything again

    09/05/2023 04:15
  • Melissa Sturgill

    why so much repeat?

    09/05/2023 04:15
  • so far I really like this story šŸ˜Š

    09/05/2023 04:12
  • J.S. Teal Ribbon

    Just a question but do you know how many chapters there will be? I want to read but hate to have stop and wait.

    09/05/2023 04:12
  • Reader-411492

    loved the story would love to read part 2. where can I find it?

    09/05/2023 04:12
  • Stacey Burrows

    the other book arent on anystories? i can't find them

    09/05/2023 04:08
  • April Borchers

    I loved every minute of it thank you so much you are an excellent writer and I am going to read mother of the moon thank you

    09/05/2023 04:02
  • Redangel19

    I loved this book how do u find the second one mother of the moon I have to read it

    09/05/2023 04:01
  • Bella Jersey 2

    chapter 6: Zee had no clue what she was or is

    09/05/2023 04:00
  • Marissa Hayden

    will they be released here?

    09/05/2023 04:00
  • Bella Jersey 2

    chapter 1: sheā€™s so scared who can blame her

    09/05/2023 03:59
  • Kaylin Joye

    this book was really great!

    09/05/2023 03:59
  • I was hoping part 2 would continue the story with Zeleanas and Tobias and the rest but I donā€™t think thst story has ended ā˜¹ļø

    09/05/2023 03:58
  • I was hoping part 2 would continue the story with Zeleanas and Tobias and the rest but I donā€™t think thst story has ended ā˜¹ļø

    09/05/2023 03:58
  • love this story so far! can't put it down! good job author on keeping us wanting more :)

    09/05/2023 03:54
  • Nichole Gray

    I am not a fan of how it switches back and forth telling much of the story twice that being said this book was amazing I was hooked read it in one night and I'm mad that I have to wait for more.

    09/05/2023 03:49
  • Marie Perron

    love it !

    09/05/2023 03:49
  • Rana

    Hello, I love this story like really I read it all in 30min I am wondering when the next Update is going to be ?

    09/05/2023 03:49
  • Bella Jersey 2

    it was wonderful seeing it from his POV. he sounds like good guy

    09/05/2023 03:34
  • Bella Jersey 2

    chapter 7: it looks like Gunner and the guys saved her. she also meet the moon goddess. not a long conversation

    09/05/2023 03:33
  • Bella Jersey 2

    chapter 2: she is really stronger than anyone thinks

    09/05/2023 03:33
  • Candice

    when is the next book being released?

    09/05/2023 03:29
  • Alexandra Nala S

    great book! can't wait for the second one

    09/05/2023 03:27
  • Reader-161380


    09/05/2023 03:26
  • holy crappppppppp šŸ¤›šŸ¼šŸ„·šŸ»šŸŗā˜Ŗļø

    09/05/2023 03:22