My Father’s Best Friend Comments
Heather Sweat
yes thats whats up love cant wait for more
03/13/2025 11:02Heather Sweat
love this book it a reread many tmes cant wait for more updates
03/09/2025 04:50Azul Cressatti
para cuando la traducción en español
12/29/2024 08:07Visitor
I want more so exciting.
11/19/2024 21:12Sarah
Wants more.....Did the author prepare new books. Even though there are mistakes, I quit enjoy the story.😍
11/15/2024 07:18Jo
hard to follow, it's like there's some sort of language barrier. it jump around and was so out of left field for me I quit reading I can't follow,
10/20/2024 04:01Visitor
ok, there a few thingsabout this book that are driving me crazy, one of the things I can't stand is using the word intimacy for her pu**y. Really no one says intimacy. I don't tell me husband babe touch my dripping intimacy or he doesn't say oh your intimacy is perfect. no he says pu**y 🙄. Another is that it's all over the place with words or statements that di not make sense. like I know what the author is trying to say and that English might not be their first language but please review the work before you put it out their.
10/19/2024 14:51Visitor
This book isn't making sense. I know what it's saying but the words aren't very well pit together.
07/12/2024 15:54Denise Torres
It took awhile to get this book updated but it was so worth the wait!!!
03/13/2024 19:18Amy Manigold
It says ongoing but I'm hoping its complete. I hate starting a book that the author abandons.
03/05/2024 17:25Reader-307037
updates please🥹
01/15/2024 09:07Visitor
More updates!!! She should make him beg!
12/20/2023 14:13Visitor
Yay updates !! Than you!!
12/12/2023 03:09Visitor
Come on don’t leave us hanging! we need an ending !
12/08/2023 02:39Brittania Edmonds
You need to update or finished the book! You can't leave us hanging like this!!
12/02/2023 01:58deb
Any updates ?
11/19/2023 12:53deb
we need updates!!!
11/08/2023 20:48C Montano
#halloweenvibe. OMG I love this book, it’s got me clenching my thighs 🤪im not done with it, but im up to were they just decided they will be doing it.
11/02/2023 16:24deb
Is this book almost done? I think poor Julia has been through enough😢😢😢
11/01/2023 16:28Vicki usher
I do like books like this looks interesting, I like storyline so far. When will it be finished? #Halloweenvibes
10/30/2023 14:20Jessica S. Ross
you really kill me with using the word furthermore it has to stop. I love the storyline.
10/19/2023 04:44Bayli Paull
the writing is not grammatically correct, I like the story line but it’s extremely hard to read.
09/28/2023 17:36Caroline Lussier
Please tell me that it will have others chapters?
09/06/2023 01:10