The End Of a Marriage Comments
seems to be a messd upp book. not bying it. thanks for the comments.
02/04/2025 10:22Sandy Kiri Hiku
she was standing naked with only black panties on, now theres a bra??
01/28/2025 13:45Sandy Kiri Hiku
Danny is 11 years old, yet acts like he is 7. what 11 yr old wears a superman costume and is only learning to ride a bike.
01/28/2025 13:36Sandy Kiri Hiku
thought his name was Matteo not Mattvew
01/28/2025 12:30Jennifer Andrus
why did it switch characters at chapter 114??? like it's a different book
01/21/2025 15:13Visitor
So she went on the trip anyway after everything that transpired, from losing her job and her husband indirectly admitting iris is playing them but he doesn't care because iris is pitiful and she's such a great worker that he can't lose?? He's indirectly telling Colette to suck it up and take the disrespect and colette is like ok. Colette is annoying. Looks like shes a childish simp đŸ™„ When I read stories, part of me feels that the characters reflect the author's own experience. I hope this gets better
01/14/2025 04:42Visitor
if she doesn't want to be with her husband why is she torturing herself and mistreating herself this way like Zoe said she sold herself to the devil. The wife is making her husband and Iris control her life and she's been hypocritical about a saying she wants to get out of there and to divorce him but yet she's just being strung along.
01/13/2025 15:19Michelle White
so is this three completely different books in one? will there be updates to this third story? will there be another story after this? I don't understand why completely different books are all into one instead of three separate books. weird.
01/13/2025 05:21Visitor
the description of the book and the book are no the same
01/12/2025 15:11SigrĂºn MarĂa
Dear author, when will there be new chapters updated? I am enjoying this book very much!
12/29/2024 16:02