Blood red love Comments
Loving this book.
03/17/2025 19:21Ana
Is Charlie with Vidar, or with Vidar and Caine?
03/01/2025 11:51Visitor
I love this book. I'm reading it for the second time!
01/10/2025 03:35Visitor
so far I'm really intrigued. wish the ads weren't so long
01/01/2025 06:24Anita Calcetina RInk
05/07/2024 17:29Amy Manigold
Amazing book! I love it and will re read it again and again.
04/27/2024 04:49Visitor
O jag har setat här o försökt tänka ut vilket språk "lilla lo" var 😅 Så dum man är ibland 😂 Riktigt bra skriven bok, är helt fast i den!!
Absolutely loved this story!
04/25/2024 23:09Visitor
it is an amazing story.
04/24/2024 08:14Nicola Cuttell
Love this book, absolutely captivating ❤️
04/20/2024 23:42Visitor
love it
04/20/2024 18:46Visitor
I hoped someone split the ends of those lilacs
04/20/2024 00:38Visitor
04/19/2024 20:52Visitor
04/19/2024 20:22Visitor
I loved this book 📖 ❤️.
04/19/2024 13:39Visitor
How come she is not curious: will she be eternal if she chooses to become a vampire?
04/14/2024 18:43Visitor
Lovely book is there gonna be book2? Thanks for the captivating story. ❤️
03/10/2024 14:02Leanne Bouvier
what happened between Charlie and her dad. Will it explain it soon.
02/26/2024 10:11Reader-805775
I’m actually not into fantasy, but this book caught me anyway. It is nicely written, with a good plot, not too dark despite the vampire world. I really enjoyed it so far. Really really good!!👍
01/07/2024 21:47Reader-998117
Wow Wow Sounds 🥵 🥵 so hot!
12/09/2023 21:05Marie Gaffney
how often do you update?
11/09/2023 18:07Lisa Renn
I just wanted to say I am loving this book ❤️
10/27/2023 05:25Dripping Creativity
This is a test.
10/05/2023 15:47