All she wants all 40 chapters

  1. 1. Julia is in a gaming hell.
  2. 2. Little vixen
  3. 3. From frying pan to the fire
  4. 4. Rumor has it that.....
  5. 5. It has to be Illegal to smile like that.
  6. 6. How does it feel to be on the losing side.
  7. 7. One step away from being an old maid.
  8. 8. You play a very dangerous game
  9. 9. Mother!
  10. 1️0. Ophelia's school for young marriageable girls.
  11. 11. The theater
  12. 12. I wasn't always the duke of Wychfort
  13. 13. The theater II
  14. 14. You aren't at all like any proper lady I know.
  15. 15. Balls and gowns.
  16. 16. I shall like to leave now, your grace.
  17. 17. She looked like a godess
  18. 18. Control
  19. 19. Relinquishing Control: Wrap your legs around me.
  20. 2️0. Gossips, and the length she could go for it.
  21. 21. Jealousy
  22. 22. Jealousy II
  23. 23. Hallway affairs
  24. 24. I saw you kissing Julia
  25. 25. Whose marriage?
  26. 26. In love with Sebastian
  27. 27. Just what have they been doing
  28. 28. Desire played a major role.
  29. 29. Running away.
  30. 30. The inn
  31. 31. The inn II
  32. 32. Finding love
  33. 33. Deep revelations
  34. 34. House party
  35. 35. House party II
  36. 36. Wychfort at her door.
  37. 37. Vows, promises and scandal
  38. 38. Balcony affairs
  39. 39. Simple, compromise her.
  40. 40. Epilogue