Chapter 6: Purely Evil I

Lying down on the cold hardened ground made with black wrought stone, it sends chills that runs through her body making her weaker and fatal, Jaylyn had already resigned to her undoubted fate as she stares deeply into the dark brick wall with a distraint quality in her eyes as if it was speaking to her . The little light that reflects from the punctured roof help shade her from impending doom and aids her in order to notice rodents that shares the dungeon. As days counts, the more her sense pricks at every sounds she it the dripping sounds of water, crackles made by mice or scratches made on the walls. Jaylyn became aware of them, consumed by fear whenever she closes her eyes to see the image of the lifeless body she found when she was thrown inside. Fear tickled down her spine, as she watched the blood run into the drain down into the Manor sewage filling the dungeon with a foul smell. Jaylyn waited patiently for her death to consume her.

Slowly, she draft into a long sleep, where she finds herself caged at all sides, as she tries to escape she found no exit point so she screamed and shout for help but no one came... Then a big beast broke through the cage and tried to get her. She ran under its legs and escape as fast as she could but the dark smokey fog that covered everywhere made it hard for her to see, arrow shots out from every angle... She dodged a few but some pierce through her skin now bleeding and weak, she stumbled and fall on an oak tree. Once the beast caught up with her, instead of killing as intended it recused her.

She suddenly felt soft pats on her forehead and slowly she opened her high eyes and saw Miss Camila cleaning her up cause she was burning with fever.

" Thank God, you finally woke up.. You been like this for two days now ".... She kept talking about how she was found almost dead before her uncle give order to call the local medicine man.

"What did you do child?, that made your uncle so mad that he left you here even in this state? "

Jaylyn express her sadness and frustration for she had done nothing that could warrant this treatment, Miss Camila promised to help her escape even if it was the last thing she does.

Days after days, Mrs Camila sneaked in food from the Manor, each day she came back with newly gathered information she had overheard from the servants who worked in and out of the Manor. Words that made rounds within the Manor was that the Baron received a letter requesting an invitation to make selection to seek his daughters hand in marriage but instead he asked for Jaylyn whom everyone knew was married, this got the Baron infuriated that why her threw her into the cell to keep his lies intact. Mrs Camila had a feeling that this rumour was not exactly true nor complete , because lord Bryan father was once a friend to Jaylyn father when they both attended the same college, this new information left Jaylyn with a bit of hope. Jaylyn still felt she was at the receiving end despite everything this would neither solved but worsen her case.

" No!, stop!, please stop, I did what you asked me to do please stop! "

Jaylyn was drawn out of her frustration as the cell guard dragged a screaming girl forcefully into the dungeon.

" please help me beg her.! " she pleaded as she tried dragging the guard legs but he knocked her cold to the ground and slammed the cell gate shut. The girl struggled to get up, she crawled her weak body on the ground as she tried to get closer to the now locked cell screaming.

"please let me hold him one more time.... Please! " she begged.

Jaylyn who was already tired with her current situation with no energy to ask for another she looked away.

" I have bigger problems " Jaylyn murmured to herself as walked down to the end of the dungeon.

For an hour, the new girl kept on screaming and shouting, Jaylyn couldn't take it anymore so she yelled out with her loudest voice.

" No one is going to help you, scream all you want, no one will help you out, save your energy for what judgment or punishment that will come after! "

The girl turned with a blank stare for the first time she took notice that someone else  was also locked in the dungeon. she took no notice of anyone when she was brought in.

" Are you a ghost or a human? Or am I seeing things? She asked

Jaylyn give out a dry laugh.

"I wish at least I wouldn't feel pain, she sat down motionless looking too tired to care anymore.

"Stop screaming cause no one would aid you. "

The girl slowly walked away from the cell gate relentlessly and fell to the ground still trembling

" I just want my baby, I did what she asked me to do.... My poor baby!"

A mother being separated from her child is a painful experience, it feels like their heart is been ripped off from their body especially nursing mothers . Lillian's huge breast tighten around her chemise She felt pity for the girl so she walked over and cuddled her

" Everything is going to be fine, "She assured her

" Am sure his father will find a way to take care of him now" as if her word had struck a cord, the girl removed herself from Jaylyn embrace and studied her silently.

" who are you? I mean what was your crime? " she asked curiously, her eyes fixed directly at her.

"I am Jaylyn, nephew to the Baron and I have no idea of my offence. Jaylyn answered her.

" lier....! . Lier!... She pushed Jaylyn as she gets up, giving her a full view of a now fierce woman.

" I heard the Baron married off his disowned brother's daughter to a rich seaman so you must have been punished here as an impersonator "

Not taking her words to heart, Jaylyn narrated her story to her when she was done her new cellmate was marveled still trying to process the information she had just received.

" What treachery! , she exclaimed

'This people are evil... Deadly snakes hiding in form of monks, I should have known! I shouldn't have come back! ' she kept blabbering.

" Who are you and how did you end up her? " Jaylyn asked

" My name is Lilian and I am a courtesan " as she spoke she stood up straight as if she was been presented in a court. Lilian was indeed a beauty, her green glassy eye shined as if it could read through ones thought, porcelain skin that had just been ruined by new bruises, her face had been hit multiply times.

"Who did this to you?

Her mouth turned with a scorn

"Lady Alfreda "

that didn't come as a surprise.

Lillian narrated her experience about how she lost her father a village wine merchant and her mother a few months later with no one to take care of her, she join the courtesans of Aempleforth before she moved back to Dutchmall where she meet and fell in love with Jaylyn's cousin James. They had an affair which resulted to her pregnancy. He asked her to get raid of the baby but she fled to her mother's village hoping that after her child was born, his father will come to love him but instead her baby was taken away from her and she was thrown into a dungeon. Before she could finish her story a guard interrupted them as he opened up the cell gate and dragging her out.

Lady Alfreda was ready to tear down the walls of the manor when Lillian, a low life courtesans had the audacity to seek her attendance just for her bastard child".

" what insulant!! "

She rang for the Butler

" You called my lad.., " her fist landed on his face with his cheeks exploded with an hot slap before he could complete his last word, the pain sent him into shock as he stumbled terribly on the concrete hard floor.

"Now I know you are of no use to me, you just a weakling " she said a bit satisfied that her anger had dismounted him and left him terrified as he kept blinking to regain his sight.

"I am sorry for my mistakes my lady  please forgive me" he pleaded with a painful groan broke out from his throat.

The Butler, Mr Buck was indeed getting older and had stayed the longest in the Bennett Manor, he was not ready to resign yet and his job was paramount to his family, if he was ever laid off, no one would require his service since he would not be give a standards recommendation, he was already an old and sickly man no one would hire him for labor with his eldest son still serving his master and the other about to start his apprenticeship as a blacksmith he can afford to loss his job.

He lied down on the ground and kept pleading as the fear of losing his job sent him trembling from his heads to toes

Disgusted by his presents she decided to make use of him for the very last time.

" Fine then, I still have need for your service " she said with a disbelief mind if he was capable enough to handle it.

The guard dragged Lilian as instructed toward the courtyard. Standing near the door was the Butler who stood there motionless with his eyes fixed directly ahead

Lady Alfreda sat on the sofa that centered around an oak wooden table with a sliver tea set in front of her.  The guard gripped her elbow tightly as he pushed her down on bended knees to the floor. Tension rises as terror ran through her mind, swam with tear she cried for mercy.

" I have realize my mistakes my lady, I should have not keep the pregnancy, I should have never come back to Dutchmall..."

When no response came forth, she pled again this time by rolling herself on the floor

"My lady please just let me see my son, he must have been hungry, let me breastfeed him, my breast is filled with milk.....he won't survive with out me".

Tired of her unladylike behavior, Lady Alfreda surprisedly picked her up from the floor.

" My lady, my lady please"

"That's enough now child, you see I  care so much for my only son and his reputation and trust me I am glad you came to me with my grandchild who I will take good care of, I really want to thank you for making me a grandma "

Lilian was short of words, it was as if  she was given a whole bag of gold when she asked for just a penny. She became marveled as Lady Alfreda offered her to join her for tea.

She turned to see if  there was someone present to have made her change her attitude towards her. This morning in this same courtroom she was treated as an unwanted pest and throw into a dungeon. Here she was again this evening with Lady Alfreda, a whole new and  different  person from the woman she meet earlier today. She noted that the Butler standing  firmly in front of the door bittered, she noticed a sense of sympathy and the guard who brought her inside the courtroom still  looking as blanked as before.

Lady Alfreda noticed her curiosity so she beckoned her further.

" Don't be afraid, its just tea and my dose of kindness..This morning I was astonished by the news you brought, come... " she beckons her forward with a voice that signifies  distaste in her mouth as she walk over to her tea parlour to sip her tea.

Back at the dungeon,  Jaylyn paced back and forth, wondering what had happened to Lillian. It is obvious that Lady Alfreda will never allow an illegitimate son from an indecent woman.

"Oh! Lillian, what does fate holds for you?. "

Lillian was brought back to the cell but this time calmer than usual, she wasn't dragged or push by the guard.

"What happened?. "

Lilian walked in weakly and fell on her knee while her upper lip kept shakes  frequently.

" I did the right thing, I have saved my boy... " I had no choice " she kept on muttering to herself.

She clutch her hand tightly on her stomach and cried out in pain.

Jaylyn watched her, confused on what to do. She kneed down beside her holding her shoulder preventng her from falling totally to the ground.

" help me..... My babies, help them" Lillian moaned.

Lillian stomach was on fire, the pain spread down all over her belle making it difficult for her to breath.  The fire burn ripped her apart from inside. The tea was not a negotiating party but a death sentence. Her time was near.

"Sit down let's have tea"

Lady Alfreda invited her over to her tea parlour.

Lillian took a seat next to her, overwhelmed, she tried hard to overlook what had happened early, if the prison girl was saying the truth.

" Thank you, my lady I am honored"

"You should be...

Lady Alfreda  began "So Lilian, that a beautiful name and fits the one who bears the name."

Lady Alfreda raise immediately Lillian sat down.

Her body expression changed abruptly.

" As a whore, you seduced my young son into having a sexual  liaison.

Heat gather around forehead as Lillian cheek turned red with disappointment.

" Lillian you see, your beautiful has soiled my home"

As Lillian graped her seat tightly as she almost lost her balance with Lady Alfreda near her flaming with her true appearance

Fearfully she flinched and took a stepped back, " My lady, I thought! "

Furious for  been rudely interrupted

Lady Alfreda poured her hot Tea on Lillian body.

" Aaahh" she jumped out of her sit when the hot tea sink inside her skin.

" You thought I was ready to allow such scandalous and illegitimate child into my family "

Lady Alfreda palm left it mark against  Lillian cheeks as stilled tear rolled down chin. This sent her reeling backward, she tried to run backward but was blocked by the old butler and placed back on her knee. Lady Alfreda roughly lifted her chin.

" Now you  listen!, I  will only give you two option" a soft whimper broke out from Lillian. She continued

"is either you die for your son or you die together. "

"No, you can't do that to meet!... "She let out her tear that came involuntary.  Lady Alfreda release her by  pushing  her back. Lillian stumbled to the floor as she tried to catch her breath.

"Please my lady... You can't do this to me.... He wouldn't survive with out me "she cried trying to grab her legs but was pulled away by the guard.

Lady Alfreda was already tired of her whelming so she asked again

'Do you have an answer for me or I would gladly do the honorable by having both of you die together. "

Afraid for her child, she summited to Lady Alfreda' s scheme

" no no....! My lady, I will die for him, I will die for him, " She cried

'' just promise me that he won't suffer, he would have a better life than mine.. Please"

Satisfied by her response

"Of course, he would surely be take care of, and he wouldn't even suffer a thing"

She turned to the Butler whom she give a keen look

" Hope you know what to do? " with only a nod the Butler left and brought in a sliver tray containing a glass of wine and a silver-gray  potion.

" Now that you have accepted you fate, drink this you wouldn't feel a thing till you die"

She hand her the glass of wine mixed with the poison. Unable to go through with it, Lillian refused  to take it. Then  Butler  tried force it down her throat but she kept fighting by kicking and struggling to free herself from her captive but when the guard held her legs tightly to the floor, hope was lost.... Lady Alfreda watched with pleasure as she was enjoying her prey been tortured till the end

"Call the town council, we have a witch in our mist " lady Alfreda proclaimed..

Now back to present,

She cried as blood poured out from her mouth

" She promised, "

She grab Jaylyn and whispered something into her ear....

Jaylyn was dumbfounded by what she heard.

" please she has no idea.... Save them" before Jaylyn could ask more question, she slumped to the ground and died.

" no Lilian! No....! " Jaylyn yelled for help but to no avail.

When morning came the guard drag her body out to be burnt.

" She was murdered , poisoned to death" she screamed at the guards sent to drag out her body. The first one showed  no remorse, he spat on Lillian corpse but  the other said " She was a witch, she tried killing Lady Alfreda with her witchcraft, the Butler was there to witness the incident so he called the town council, her dead body is to be burnt so that she would come back to life again. "

Jaylyn felt a huge lump in her stomach about to erupt as she sob in silence. That night She stared out at the moon and made a silent prayer for Lillian. Watching her die had waken something in her and the strong  feeling  to seek justice for her death. She felt helpless as they dragged her away

"Oh how crude is the world, " she lamented. She made a promise to do what Lillian had asked of her and seek justice by exposing her aunty for her evil crime.

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