Chapter 4
I headed to Clover's office for a quick staff meeting, we were preparing to debut a new and upcoming local artist. "Do you agree, Nyla?" Clover said as I sat biting my pen deep in thought about tonight.
Clover threw a paper ball at me and knocked me out of my daydream. I shook my head and said "Yeah, I agree." Everyone in the room chuckled, and I felt like a kid in class preparing to sink under my desk.
Everyone headed out while I stayed. I need advice about tonight. As opposed to having something clever to say, I inadvertently blurted out, "Clove, I have a date." Clover looked surprised for just a fleeting moment, then clapped and said.
"Finally! I was beginning to think you were waiting on the perfect woman and not a man." I rolled my eyes as he winked his signature cheeky wink and said "I have friends who would do wonders to that body of yours."
"Clove, this is serious. I haven't been on a date with someone other than Sullivan in almost four years." I grumbled as I laid my head on his desk.
"Nyla, what is there to be nervous about? You're beautiful, smart, funny, and like it rough. You're every man's fantasy." Clover said while rubbing my back. "Put on something that makes you look and feel just as sexy as we all know you are."
Feeling a surge of appreciation for this man, I abruptly stood up, hugged Clover and said "I have the perfect dress." Clover and I left his office together so he gave me a ride home. I know he was secretly hoping Xavier was there but he wasn't and the disappointment in Clover's face was so sweet. I smiled sweetly, kissed him on the cheek and softly urged him, "Just call him, he won't be in until six tonight."
Clover tried to play it off but deep down we both knew as soon as I hit the doors to my building, Xavier's phone would be beeping somewhere in the city. That made me smile to know that two people I cared about, cared equally for each other. It would've been awkward and uncomfortable if one ended up having unrequited feelings for the other.
I didn't know what type of engagement this was, Aberto never told me. I felt 50 kinds of foolish for not even getting his number, not from him and not even from his information that he left from his earlier purchases. A small part of me believed that he only made those purchases just to spend some time with me at work.
Wrapped in a soft, plush, black Egyptian cotton towel I stood at the foot of my bed, looking down at my dress. It was a deep sapphire blue, satin, skin tight, knee length dress with thin spaghetti straps that criss-crossed in my mid to lower back, and the dress itself dipped just low enough to be on the right side of scandalous. The bodice of the dress left just enough side boob to still be considered alluring not trashy. It felt sexy as fuck and as silky as freshly scrubbed skin.
I liked the contrast of the dark blue against my honeyed complexion. And because I was such a shoe whore, I had about 4 pairs of Louboutin's that would all go perfectly with this dress. But ultimately I went with a black mesh strap, crystal pair of peep toe pumps. I knew with the kind of dress I was wearing it wouldn't allow a bra, but I managed to slide into a thong and garters from Agent Provocateur.
I felt as though it was time to completely shed myself of Sullivan's control. Even if I hadn't planned on getting laid, there's no rule against me feeling sultry. And anything from Agent Provocateur sure enough made me feel seductive and confident as well. This was the first time that I was going out with a man that wasn't Sullivan in a few years, so even if I was a nervous wreck on the inside Aberto didn't need to know that.
Whereas usually, I wear my hair straightened at work, I decided to wear my natural curls. With soft music by Lion Babe playing on in the background and a glass of wine in one hand to calm my nerves, I started with my makeup. I wanted to keep my palette light, so I decided to go with naturals and nudes. I didn't want to seem like I was trying too hard for Aberto.
Don't get me wrong, he was an absolute adonis. With his bronze coloring, emerald green eyes and sexy as sin accent, any woman would fall for him. But I wasn't exactly in a place to appreciate his beauty. I only agreed to go out with him so that I could honestly keep him from pressing the issue. He definitely seemed like the type to not take no for an answer, but not in a creepy way. At the very least, I can enjoy his company in a friendly manner.
I'd been spending all my time as the boys' third wheel, even though they won't admit it. I put the last of my accessories on: one karat diamond studs and my diamond bangle. All of my jewelry were gifts from Sullivan, I was no dummy. I may have been pissed with how things went down between us, but that didn't mean I had to leave all of his gifts in the apartment back in New York. The way I saw it, it was restitution for treating me like absolute shit when he promised my father that he’d take care of me.
It was nearing time for me to go since Cynthia texted me and let me know she'd be in front of my building in 5 minutes. I grabbed my silver faux fur wrap, my black clutch, house keys and left out of the door. Xavier was working the door tonight, so he was absolutely thrown for a loop when he saw me dressed and ready to leave.
"Well damn Nyla, you never dress like this when we go out!" He whistled. "You never ask me out to dinner." I winked and blew him a kiss, "Don't wait up." With Xavier's whistle, it boosted my confidence even more and was ready to conquer this date. I entered Cynthia's car and gave her the address to where I was headed.
Driving on Chicago's famous Lake Shore drive, I took in the sights. Chicago really is beautiful at any time of year, but late fall is my favorite. The cool breeze from Lake Michigan gently whisking the trees into sway, like the perfect dance partner. 20 minutes later, I arrived at a building that didn't look like much on the outside. Matter of fact, it didn't look like any engagements were going on, much less a fancy one. Aberto didn't strike me as the type to go anywhere on average. Confused, I looked at Cynthia and asked her, "Are you sure this is the correct address?"
Hesitantly, she nodded and replied, "I'll wait here just in case he gave you the wrong address."
"Thank you so much Cynthia. I really appreciate you."
I gathered my wrap around my arms and grabbed my clutch, and got out of the car. I walked up to the building and only noticed as I got closer to the door, there was someone guarding the door. He looked menacing, I mean who wears sunglasses at night? With a scowl on his face, he towered over me, even with me wearing six inch heels.
"Name?" He growled.
"Ahem. Um, I'm a guest of Aberto Barbosa." I said softly, unsure if he meant my name or the name of the guest I was accompanying.
He looked me up and down over the rim of his glasses and just merely said, "Go in."
I turned around and waved Cynthia off to let her know that I was indeed at the right location. I straightened my spine, giving off a false bravado as I entered the door. It was a quick walk in the muted hallway before I was met with a set of spiral stairs going down further into the building. I got halfway down the stairs before sensual vibrations of soft jazz seized my ears.
I began to wonder what kind of engagement Aberto invited me to. I also began to silently curse myself for not asking more questions about this place or the man in question. When I finally reached the bottom of the stairs, there was another quick walk through a corridor, and then the only way to go from there was a left. The lighting was dim and soft, so it definitely set the tone, of what, I couldn't say. It just definitely got you in the mood. I had hoped that I didn't give Aberto the wrong idea because although I was embarrassed of our encounter, that didn't mean I wouldn't tell him off for assuming that something would happen between us.
I finally came to an open area and the first thing that met my eyes surprised the hell out of me. There was a stage with soft plush deep red velvet curtains at the front of the room and on that stage was a woman with milky skin, bound and naked to some sort of wooden cross. On the right side of that woman was a man with the skin of mocha, wearing some bespoke dark suit minus the jacket and the arms of his shirt rolled up, with a whip in his hands.
I watched entranced and mesmerized, waiting to see what would happen next. I didn't have to wait long because he raised his hand with the whip in it and swiftly snapped his arm which made the whip landed on the woman's dusky nipple. She gasped, then moaned as the whip left a mark on her breast and instantly my nipples hardened with the thought of me being on the other end of that whip. I was in a trance and felt as if my wetness was now on display for the room.
Regretfully, I tore my eyes away from the stage to head towards the other end of the open room where there was a massive bar and an open stool for me to sit. Booths lined the sides of the room for those that wanted to sit or even have a little more privacy since there were curtains that could be drawn.
As I headed towards the bar, I could feel eyes undressing me, little by little. "Now I know why Aberto was so vague on the details of this said engagement." I thought to myself.
I had already had one glass of wine at home, but now I felt like I needed a cocktail or maybe 3 since my confidence was waning. I still hadn't run into Aberto which had me uneasy. He didn't seem like the kind of man to stand a woman up, but what do I know about a good man? As I got settled, the bartender asked me what I was having and I told him I wanted a lemon drop. I swiveled around wanting to watch the show. By that time, the man was pouring hot candle wax on her breasts and she seemed to enjoy it because it had her writhing in ecstasy. After he blew what I'm assuming was cool air on her, he tore her underwear off of her, plunged his 2 middle fingers into her drenched pussy and placed his thumb on her clit.
Instantaneously, I was envious of this woman because she was getting the treatment I so desired. Her moans and pants filled the open room. I just knew I wasn't the only one in the room feeling as aroused as I was. A tall dark figure sidled up next to me in my peripheral. His voice reached me even before he did.
"You're new here, I can tell." He said in a smooth baritone that I could feel in my toes, amongst other places.
"I've heard this voice before." I thought to myself. If I wasn't aroused before, I definitely am now.