There was another meeting Jean had with Electro the next week. She let out a puff of air as the meeting was declared over. She packed her things and stood up to leave. Before she could get out the door, a hand grabbed her wrist and she turned back, ready to snap at James but instead of meeting coal eyes, she met the soft blue eyes of Jason Lawson.

He saw the way her jaw was clenched and took a step back with his arms up in a surrendering motion.

“Whoa, sorry, tiger. Didn’t mean to step on your tail.”

She couldn’t help but chuckle at his comparison of her to a tiger. That’s what they called her at home.

“There’s no problem, I just expected to see someone else.” Talk of the devil, her eyes locked with James’ as he stared at her from behind Jason. She ignored him. “Can I help you?”

“Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten that we are supposed to go on a ‘friendly vacation’ this weekend.” Jason had an amused look on his face as he said the words ‘friendly vacation’.

Jean gasped. She had actually forgotten about that. this didn’t actually shock her because the last thing on her mind was a vacation.

“Oh, right, that. I’ll call my assistant and have him make all the arrangements. We will fly on Sunday night.”

“But your assistant told me he already made all the arrangements. He even said your clothes were already in your hotel room.”

“Wow, he really didn’t need to do that, but, all is well I guess.”

“Yes. See you on Sunday, tiger.” Jason gave her a friendly smile before walking towards his office.

James, who had been eavesdropping throughout their entire conversation, walked towards her, his body, a rigid framework, tense and taut. He looked at her from her head to her toes, soaking in every detail before finally speaking.

“Did I just hear something about a tri-“

Jean didn’t wait for him to finish his sentence before turning back and walking as fast as her heels could carry her out of the meeting room. By the time she got to the elevator, they were the only ones in the passageway as they waited for the elevator. She snuck a glance at James and his jaw was tense, his eyes thin slits and his lips were pursed as if he was in deep thought.

“I just don’t understand.” He finally said, more like he was talking to himself than her, “You guys talk about taking a trip to Hawaii while I know there isn’t any business event there and I know for sure you guys aren’t together. You never have fun at all but you’re interested in a trip to Hawaii with Jason?”

The elevator finally arrived. Jean was relieved when she stepped inside but to her detriment, James followed her.

“Leave me alone. I do not want to talk to you.” Jean said this with a stern face but without looking at him.

“No.” The answer was more like a decision than a reply. “I won’t leave you alone till you give me an explanation for all this and let me explain this whole outrageous situation to you.”

At that point, Jean knew he meant his words but she was determined to ignore him. Maybe that would make him go away.

It didn’t work though. Jean sighed as she walked into her house with James in tow. She turned back to raise an eyebrow at him. He was still looking around but when his gaze landed on her face, he answered the question that was in her expression.

“Yes, I will follow you everywhere until you let us talk. Even your own house, which is really nice by the way.” His expression changed to a quizzical one, “But don’t you think it’s a tad too plain? I mean, there aren’t even any paintings on the walls or flowers anywhere. And I know you didn’t choose the furniture yourself. Left to you, your whole house would have been purple.”

He still knew her so well. Jean brought herself out of the moment and dragged herself upstairs, hearing his footsteps behind. She stepped into her room and he closed the door behind her.

“Now, this is more like it.” James commented on the decoration in her room. “It’s not fancy but I can see the purple-loving you in here. Since you’re not budging anytime soon, I might as well make myself at home.”

With that, James sat on the bed, removed his shoes and stretched out on the bed. Jean could feel a blush coming on at the sight of him on her lilac bed in all his muscular glory so she flew into her walk-in closet, grabbed her pajamas and flew into the bathroom. Maybe if she spent a long time in there, he would get tired and go home.

After about twenty minutes, Jean was already wondering if James was still in her room but then, he spoke.

“You know, what you’re doing really isn’t fair.” His voice sounded like it was coming from the bathroom door, he was met with silence, “I was the only one speaking in the car despite my attempts to get you to just look at me. How annoying do I have to be, Jean?”


“Just come out and let’s talk. It’s as easy as that. But I guess the talk won’t be that easy but now that I know your house, I will come here everyday till you’re ready to talk. I'm even shocked the security let me through with you today. Anyways, when you’re ready to stop soaking yourself, I'm out here.”


“Oh, and Jean, I used your cell phone to call my phone so now I have your number. Cool case by the way, I like the purple and white patterns.”

Jean winced internally. Then she face-palmed, how could she have been so stupid as to leave her phone outside. It was in her bag along with her driver’s license, wallet and about two thousand dollars that she kept just in case. But thank God the keys of her beautiful Ferrari were hanged in the garage along with the others. She loved that car. But right now, that wasn’t the issue at hand. She needed to get rid of the pest ranting away at her door.

“-and Laurent then started running around the whole class shouting ‘I’M A DONUT’ and his teacher had to call me to calm him down. It was so funny that I had to explain to him that he was just getting fatter and the hole in his middle was his belly button.” James said between laughs, “I'm definitely telling that to his kids.”

Jean had had enough of his talk and she just opened the bathroom door wide. He was leaning on it so he fell back on his backside. Jean could tell that her ears were getting hot from the amount of laughter she was holding in but she wasn’t ready to blow up her façade just because of some humor. Instead, she walked right past him and as she, tried to get to her bed, she felt her legs give out beneath her. She thought the pounding headache she was having was normal but as James ran towards her, she remembered that she hadn’t eaten anything apart from a cup of coffee in the morning. James had followed her to two other meetings after the one at Electro and he had waited in the car. She had had no meals in between and not even a glass of water.

His face was the last thing she saw before passing into darkness.

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