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Chapter Ten.

"What about office stuff?" He chuckled.

"What?" She frowned.

"You said office stuff as though it is a pile of trash" Francis answered, holding a malt can in one hand as he directed the car with the other down the almost empty road.

"Yeah, yeah. So tell me,"

Jennifer put her arm on the seat arm and rested her chin on it.

"I brought my laptop with me.Besides, I left instructions for the directors, I am sure they will do fine. And I am pretty satisfied with thier work."

He looked at her briefly, before facing the road.

"Happy now?"


"So tell me, this relaxation centre, when we get there, am I going to get a personal show?"

She frowned .

"What show?"

"The show only and only you will be directing..."

"I am not getting you."

"The show where your clothes gets thrown away..."

She slapped his arm.

"Ew, get away. You have a perverted mind. It is a relaxation centre not a strip -for-your-guy show. So perverted."

She shook her head left to right as she sat straight.

"You almost poured away my malt drink."

"Gimme that."

She took his from his hand and threw it over the window.

Francis gasped, his mouth wide open.

"What was that for?"

He exclaimed.

"That's for being a perv. Now face the road, we are about reaching the bushes place."

He pouted in response and faced the road.

The relaxation centre was situated on the outskirts of the city. Going there always seemed like you were travelling, since it was about 3000 miles from the border of Bahama city.

But despite the distance ,loneliness and boredom associated with travelling there, people still preferred it to other centres because she offered her best.

"We are almost there. " Francis informed her.

She sighed, already eager to get out of the car.

"We are here."

"That was fast. We had gotten there in the first place, you didn't want to tell me, right?"

He responded with a childish grin. Jennifer shook her head inwardly at her husband's childishness.

Francis drove the car towards a parking sign and parked the car.

They both got down from the car and walked towards the back.Francis opened the boot and carried one of the important bags in the boot.

They held each other hands and walked into the centre, admiring the nice architectural effect given to the big building. As they walked towards a big glass door, their heads passed under wonderfully sculptured arcs and they both had to give it to whoever was in charge of the architectural work of the building.

They reached and pushed the glass door and  were greeted by the red rugs spreading across and along the large hall and men in suits.

One offered to help with the  luggage, but Francis declined, telling him to get the other bag in the car as he handed the car key to him, making sure to describe where the car was parked.

They were led to the receptionist's table, where about five ladies in off- white shirts faced the monitors in front of them.

"Welcome to KRC. Would you like a room or you will just get straight to the activities?"

One of the lady receptionist who had a face battered with heavy makeup said. Jennifer became immediately disgusted by the excess and found something else to look at, some artwork.

"We would like a room." Francis said.

The lady, who had a Liana name tag above her left breast, smiled at him.

"Oh, I will just get to that. " She said with a slow voice,meant to be sexy, but sounded like a croaking frog.

Jennifer snickered at her attempt, the lady stylishly eyeing her as she operated the desktop.

"Your room is 048. It is in this building. Here are your keys.If you need any help,call m... room service. We are here to ensure your awesome stay ."

"Sure." Jennifer answered rudely, resisting the urge to give a large huff.

Who does she think she is, flirting with my man?

Liana looked at her with a fake smile as though saying,I wasn't talking to you.

"Come on baby." Jennifer hooked her hand around Francis arm, making sure to flaunt the ring on her finger.

Francis gave Liana a short nod, a sly grin playing on his lips.

"What was that for?"

Jennifer asked, still holding his arm.


"She was flirting with you and you were encouraging her."

He gave a short laugh.

"That's what you think. But I was just being friendly."

"She definitely was being more friendly. Whatever, you are mine and mine alone." She did not mean to sound so obsessive but as she looked around to see virtually every ladies head in the hallway turned towards them, well mostly on Francis,

she shot them a glare and put her ring on full display.

Nobody's stealing my man.

As if on cue, Francis stopped walking, held her chin and kissed her for everyone to see.

And as he took her mouth,Jennifer totally forgot about everyone and focused on her man who was smiling through the kiss.

He broke the kiss and stared right into her eyes.

"No one is stealing your man."

He whispered.

She smiled as he stood straight and pulled her gently into the elevator.

She kept smiling at him, her eyes not leaving him.

He smiled back and they were like that for sometime.

"I love you." She whispered after a while.

Francis looked at her, with a look trying to decipher what she had just said.

"I love you." She said louder.

He smiled at her and hugged her tight, making her feel butterflies. In her mind, she kept wondering how she got lucky by having a man like him.

"I love you too."

The elevator opened and they got out, holding hands.

They searched for their room door and when they found it,Francis unlocked it and they entered, still holding hands.

As he closed the door, they let go of each other's hands. Francis dropped the bag and walked to Jennifer who was sitting on the bed.

She took off the denim jacket she was wearing, leaving her sleeveless red floral gown.

She reached for the zip at the back of her dress and pulled it down.

Francis raised his brow.

"What are you doing?"

"A strip- for- my - guy show?"

She took off her sandals.

"I thought..."

"Shhh. " She stood up and walked up to him.

"Just shut up."

She said into his ear, fondling with the belt of his trousers.

He smiled and helped her with her gown, claiming her mouth as both of them, in patience and haste took off each other's clothes that seemed to be obstructing the heat between them.

With Jennifer left in just her matching purple cotton pant and bra, Francis broke the kiss to take in his wife. Jennifer saw a man who was just wowed by her body even though he had seen it plenty of times before then and the thought that he still found her good-looking made her blush. And horny.

She jumped on him and took his lips hungrily and Francis, a man at the game returned it two times better, took charge immediately by pulling traces along her back, something that turned his wife on so much.

Jennifer broke the kiss, breathing raspy, and said, "Make love to me now Fran-bear , make me scream."

To Francis, she sounded so hot, too hot that he immediately gave in even if his thought was to make the foreplay longer.

He walked to the bed and laid her there. He took off his shirt and briefs after.

By the time he looked up, Jennifer was out of her undies and the exposure made his man go hard so he wasted no time in driving both of them to ecstasy land.

"Let's have our fortune told." She pulled him as she sighted a board that said Get your fortunes told.

Francis groaned.

"Don't you think that is childish? Besides things like these are not always true and the people who do them are scams."

She gave him a glare.

"Let us do it."

He threw his arms into the air in surrender.

They walked towards the little building and were greeted by soft clattering which they found out came from the curtain of strings and shells and some shining stuff.

They entered the room behind the noisy curtain, the only thing visible there was a circle mat and a woman with very long, black hair backing them.

"Hello." Jennifer said softly.

The woman hummed in reply.

Jennifer looked at Francis who shrugged.

"Sit" The woman said, her voice a bit husky, Jennifer was beginning to have second thoughts.

They both sat on the large mat which was red in colour and that made Jennifer realise how much of a red and black colour the place was and that was creepy.

"Jennifer..." The mention of her name from a stranger startled her.

Jennifer looked at Francis who held her hand encouragingly.


"You need to be careful of who you trust."

"Aren't you supposed to read my palm or something?" Jennifer was confused but a bit convinced she might not be a scam.

The woman  hummed again, this time deeper, her back still facing both of them, steam coming from whatever was facing the other side of the room.

"A huge life changing event is coming to you and someone you trust so much will be the architecture of the terrible thing of the thing that would have to happen for you to experience this event that would change your life."

The woman's left elbow raised a bit and a sipping sound came from her causing Francis to raise his brow in question

Jennifer frowned.

Why was she giving her good news mixes with terrible news? Who did she trust that would do something terrible to her. She almost decided it would have been better if she had listened to Francis. Nobody actually goes to have their fortune told, and enjoys hearing something bad.

"I think you have the wrong person. Hearing something like this is not good for me..."

The lady cut in.

"Because you just lost your dad, yes, I know."

Jennifer whose anger was almost built up in a second sat back.

"But be careful. And don't even think you can tell me shit about no one hurting you. Trust noone."

Jennifer stood up abruptly, trying to process everything considering the woman seemed to be not fake.

"Thank you ma'am."

She walked out, Francis followed her immediately not before throwing a glance at the woman's frame.

"Hey, easy."

He held her arm, making her stop.

"The woman is just playing a game, it is not true, okay? It is just a childish stuff."

She kept her eyes shut for a second , nodding slowly. The first thing her eyes sighted when she opened them was a building with something familiar written on it

Lewis cinema.

She did remember her dad mentioning something about a cinema at a resort.

"Francis, let's go to the cinema." At least she could get to take off her mind from everything.


They walked towards the building, sliding and moving through men and women.

"Oh my God! Avengers Endgame is showing!" Jennifer exclaimed when they got to the information box.

Francis huffed in response.

"I am not watching. Besides you have watched it a thousand times. So I am not watching."

She put on a childish begging pout. "B...but..."

"I prefer to go canoeing with you."

She frowned, thinking whether to let the movie pass or not.

"Let's go canoeing, I will watch the movie some other day."

"You have watched this movie too much." She gave him a side look and Francis gave her a huge grin,as he held her hand and led her out of the building.

"So where are we canoeing?"

Jennifer asked.

"Behind this building. Actually, behind this centre,there is a sea, leading to another place. It is like a beach, you will love the view."

Jennifer smiled.

"As long as I am not swimming."

In no time, they were facing a whitish-blue sea.

There were canoes and paddles at a side, while empty beach mats and chairs were on another side, which meant people were around.

They walked towards the canoe section and they both got a canoe out.

Jennifer got on it, Francis pushing it further.

When it got to a good part of the water, Francis got on it,paddling.

They kept smiling at each other as he paddled with Jennifer taking glances at the sea once in a while, the thought of ending up in the sea churning her insides.

"I think we should take pictures,"

Francis said, dropping the paddles and taking out a camera from his pocket.

He positioned it in front of his face.

" I want you trying different poses, you know, like a model. Just be sexy for zaddy."

Jennifer giggled at his last statement

She posed different style,getting , 'wow', 'nice' ,'beautiful' as compliments from Francis.

After a couple of shots, he took the small box from his face and said,

"Now, I need you to do a particular pose."

He shifted close to her and held her by her arms, positioning her the he wanted her to be. She sat there, allowing her body get driven the way he needed it to be. As she waited for him to click a picture, she watched him, the waves around them making noises.

He studied her and moved closer, helping her to sit well the way he wanted. She felt her buttocks on the rim of the canoe and she held Francis immediately when it seemed like the canoe tilted a bit. He assures hee it was fine while he adjusted her hair. She was beginning to feel relaxed but when she immediately felt herself tumbling into the sea, her whole system shook for a fast help, her heart leapt.

It all happened in a flash.

When she landed into the sea,she bounced along with the water, she flapped it in an attempt to swim, but she couldn't .

"Damn I should have taken dad's lessons serious."  She thought as she looked up admist the wetness that was blurring her sight.

"Help!" She called to Francis.

His response was something between words, tears and laughter, but that was all distant and  the only thing that she heard a bit clearly, his laughter, made tears fall, and the tears mixed with the water, which was already taking her in.

She watched the canoe distance itself from her.

She tried swimming, but ended up moving further away.

She gave up and let the water devour her.

"I am coming dad." She said faintly in he head as she went deeper.

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