Chapter 11

" No he did not!" Theresa exclaims, jaw dropped to the floor.

" Yep, James here, poured soup all over a wealthy but rude businessman."

" What was I suppose to do, let him get all touchy feely with you, no way. I promised your mom that I'd take care of you." At the mention of my mom, my smile slips off my face and a twinge of pain attacks my chest.

I believe he realizes what he's just said and immediately his eyes are on me.

The air becomes still and tense all of a sudden.

" Kea...."

" I'm pretty sure that your mom must be proud." Theresa says, totally oblivious to the tension.

" Yeah she would be proud." I say, a small tight smile being sent her way.

After I say this, Theresa's face falls and her eyes droop low." Oh.." That's all that comes from her, now the air much tense and obvious.

"It's okay. So tell me more about Theresa" I say, changing the subject.

" Ooh there's not much to tell really, but I'll give you the low down..." She says, leaning forward with her arms on the table.

I can't help but listen carefully to her story, as she speaks. So Theresa has one sibling and that's her brother London. Her parents have been married for 25 years now and they married young as well as London being born. So she's a small town girl, thus her father owns his own shop, he's a mechanic and her mom owns a bakery. Both are successful humble people, who are still so in love it's almost sickening. Her words not mine.

Her brother works as a waiter at a hotel bar and is their towns reliable  photographer for weddings and other local events, he's even a drummer at his friend's band. Wow he's one busy fellow. Theresa works at the library and is still in college.

This makes me think hard on going to college, I mean nothing is holding me back. I don't just want to be a highschool graduate, I want more for my life.

Getting back to Theresa, she's single, her favourite colour is red, she is allergic to nuts and sunflowers, she loves the rain, a sucker for cliche movies, loves live music and loves to eat. I can totally believe that with how much she ate earlier.

The night is still young yet I'm ready to hit the sack.

"So yeah, there's not much but I do like my life."

" What do you mean there's not much, you have a close knit family who love you and a bright future, you're quite blessed."

She shrugs ,a small smile on her face." Yeah I love them, but don't tell my brother when you see him. Anyway , one who I'm curious about is you."

" Me?" I frown a bit.

"Yeah, you seem so young and already you are married. So what is it like to be married, having someone you love , be by your side and love you in return? "

Her words hit me and looking at my marriage, none of what she's said is what I've received in my marriage.

Before I can say anything, Theresa's phone rings and she excuses herself, leaving James and myself alone.

I sigh out, leaning against my chair. Silence takes over between us.

" How do I answer anyone about marriage ? " I ask, my eyes on my now half full glass.

" Be honest... "

"Oh like how my marriage was one sided and that I'm a few weeks away from it being over." I sigh, my eyes being heavy and threatening tears wanting to come out though I prevent them from doing so.

" Come here." James says, pulling me to his side and I welcome the comfort.

" I think I'm ready to go home now." I murmur.

"Okay let's go." He says, already ahead of me.

We start packing up and that's when Theresa comes back.

"Oh leaving already? "

" Yeah, I'm pretty tired from all the moving, I just need a good nights rest."

" Totally understand. Well I guess I'll see you later or tomorrow."

" Are you not coming with us?" I ask.

"Oh um no, I'm helping out a friend, a last minute double date."

"Oh okay. "

"Do you need us to drop you off?" James asks.

"Nope, they'll just come here, I'll wait for them."

"Alright. Just be careful and call if you need anything. " I tell her, standing in front of her.

" I will." She says hugging me, then moving on to hug James before we go our separate ways.

Right outside I stop in my tracks, my mind going over what I just said inside.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"My home. It feels strange calling another place home." I confess.

"It's still the first day, it'll feel like it soon. Don't worry." He says.

" I hope so." I murmur, eyes drooped low, uncertainty in me.

There he is , with her. They are on TV again, yet we still aren't able to catch sight of her face. It's like the camera is against featuring her face. I know he said that the one captured and shown on TV isn't the one, but I don't know anymore. It's always she that is on TV and I'm pretty sure when you're with someone who has  your heart skipping a beat, you'd want to show them off and let the world know of the persons importance in your life.

If it isn't that woman, then the 'one' must be kept a secret. It is sad really, being kept a secret, like you don't exist in that person's life. I would know, because I have been kept a secret for 2 years now and I'll walk away like I never existed in Keith's life.

Looking at the TV again, I notice the location, its London.

London, that's where they are, he was supposed to be in a business conference yet what I see  is different. He is with her.

Tears want to come out but a knock on the door forces me to hold them back. Taking in a much needed breath, I rise to my feet and walk over to the door.

Standing in front of me is a tall, pale, dark haired, green eyed good looking guy.

" Hello?"

"Hi, you must be the new neighbour, Akiandra right?"

"How do you know my name?" I ask frowning.

" I'm London, Theresa's brother... I'd have thought she blabbed about me already."

Oh yes London. Totally forgot.

" Oh sorry, yes she told me about you. Nice to meet you." I hold out my hand to him which he takes.

" Same goes for you. She wouldn't stop talking about you, how you're all pretty and cute." I blush at that.

"She's quite straightforward huh?"

"Yep and too curious for her own good." He says, frowning a bit, playfully looking worried.

Realizing that we are standing at my door, my eyes widen. Gosh I'm a bad neighbour.

"Oh please do come in." I say, stepping aside for him to enter.

Once entered, I lead him to the living room.

"Can I get you anything to drink, water , juice ?'

"Water is fine thanks." I nod and start for the kitchen.

"So is Theresa around?" I ask, pouring water for him.

"She has classes right now and this gives me an hour or so of silence." He responds.

" She's loud huh? " I say, coming back with the water.

"You have no idea....thanks " he takes the water and drinks, leaving half a glass.

Must have been thirsty.

Before either one of us says anything, the news concerning Keith and his lady friend pop up again. This time they are at a restaurant.

I think I should stay away from watching TV now.

"Excuse me." I quickly get up and rush to my room where I have to take large  mounts of air to breathe.

This is hurtful, seeing the man you're in love with, more so your husband with another woman. I wouldn't say it's cheating because I'd told him if he ever met someone , he must tell me. Now he has and unfortunately my heart is breaking into two.

Collecting myself , I make way to the door, only to be surprised by London , standing by the door.

" London?" I look up at him confused as to why he's standing here.

"You're her aren't you?" He says, with a glint in his eyes.

" I'm who?"

" You're Keith Salvatore's wife." He says.

I swear my heart drops to my feet right then and there.

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