Chapter 12
" What are you talking about?" Wow I'm not stuttering, this is new.
" I'm talking about the fact that you and Keith got married just a little over two years in a private ceremony, yet here you are alone, while your husband - "
"Please stop." I say, holding up my hand to stop him before walking past him.
How does he know all this, it doesn't make any sense. Keith made sure that it was a private ceremony, well with a few staff and all.
Wait a minute.
I spin around and take a long hard look at London, scrolling my mind for anything. When I do come up with something, my eyes widen a bit in realization of how he got to know all this.
"You were there." I murmur.
" I was there." He confirms, nodding.
Oh my gosh.
" I need to sit down." I say, more to myself.
Finally taking a seat on the couch, he follows suit next to me.
"How did you remember me?" I ask, looking at him where his eyes are already on me.
"How could I not remember the girl who almost passed out on me at the day of her wedding. Not to mention how innocent you were, standing beside him. Well you still are."
"Well I've grown up from then."
"You might have but that innocence is still there." He argues.
London was one of the waiters at my wedding, I remember being left alone in my dressing room, I had no one with me to get me through the biggest decision and day in my life. Yes Keith's mom gave me a few words of appreciation and good luck, but my mother wasn't there. No friend of mine was there.
I started panicking a bit but even then I was determined to go through with it, all I could think of was Keith and his mom. I couldn't disappoint them.
Just as I was walking out the door, there I was clutching it with all my strength as dizziness took over. At that moment, London appeared like an Angel and he helped me with my panic and stayed with me till I was alright. He never asked any questions, he just spoke to me like we knew each other and I was walking down the aisle in no time.
I never saw him again after he served our table. He just disappeared. Besides, I had no time to look for him further.
"Thank you." I say, eyes on my lap.
"For what?" Looking up at his face, I see confusion.
"For helping me through my panic and all. Without you I wouldn't have walked down the aisle."
"I couldn't let you go through it alone."
" Do you always do this, help all panicking brides before they walk down the aisle?"
"Yeah if they are cute." He shrugs his shoulders and I frown at him.
" I'm kidding. It was my first time, I know it wasn't entirely my business but I had to do something, " he says, rubbing his neck, laughing that awkward laugh.
I offer a small smile.
"So I won't ask how everything has been since you're here and he's there with - "
"Can we please not get into it, maybe go for the neighbourly chats." I say pleading with my eyes.
"So new neighbour , how's your new home?" My body relaxes and I'm thankful for him doing this.
"It's different and I like having something of my own. Now I guess I'll have to start looking for a job, to get right into the world of independence. "
"What are you interested in doing?"
"Well I used to be a waiter at Burger king, so maybe wait tables, or even teach kindergarten but I'd lean more on daycare. I love babies." I gush just thinking about them.
"Alright we'll start looking into that."
"W- what?"
"Yeah I'm going to help you." He says.
"Oh you don't have to, I don't mind doing this on my - "
"No I want to." He says, shutting me up.
A seconds of silence takes over before I speak up again." Thank you. Um what do I owe you for your help?"
"Is that what you think of me, that I want something in return?" He asks frowning, an offended look on his face.
"Oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean - "I start saying, my eyes wide .
" I'm kidding , " he says with his hands covering mine.
I sigh out, feeling relieved that I didn't offend him.
"Hey don't do that!..... I thought I offended you or something." I swat at his arm.
"Ow, I'm sorry but the look on your f-face. " He says laughing.
I roll my eyes at him, giving him a playful glare.
All of a sudden his phone vibrates.
Taking it out, I watch him frown a bit when he looks at the screen.
"Shoot I've got to go. I'm filling in for someone." He rises to his feet.
"Oh okay." I follow suit .
"But I still want us to do this. I'll let you know when I'm free and we can start with your CV and go from there." I nod, following him to the door.
"Thank you again London." I say, watching him walk out before he turns to me.
"It's nice to see you again buttercup." He says, walking off.
Closing the door, I frown at the name he'd given me.
Why would he call me that?
It's been quite a long time since I've done any shopping. I can't say I missed the long queues . I was meant to do this in the morning but I got lazy and now I regret it.
I made sure to get what would last me a month, I don't intend on shopping for every two weeks, no way. This reminds me of the time I would do the groceries for both mom and I. I was young and determined to grow up.
I had to, especially when cancer I was forced to witness cancer, take my mother away from me. This one time, well the first time I did groceries, I got two of everything, even what was not needed. Mom scolded me on wasting money and that I wasn't buying for the whole community, but just for the two of us.
Saving and maintaining, one of moms life lessons. I learnt to buy what was surely needed and not all wanted. Well as a kid, all junk was needed in my case , so I spent more on that and less on the necessities. After that big scolding, I learnt of the needs and wants, and not overspending.
I guess that's how I still got money from all the times Keith would give me. I'm saving that for all extra things I'd need for my new house and maybe add a car.
Speaking of cars, I had asked Joe to come pick me up and help me with the groceries. He was more then delighted to help me, telling me that it was still his duty to drive me around, with me being Mrs Salvatore. I couldn't correct him because the sound of it made me feel nice and totally forget about the divorce.
I don't want to crowd my mind with the divorce or else I won't focus on anything but the divorce. I guess it's me still not accepting this.
We finally arrive at my place and I close my eyes for a second, preparing myself for all the groceries I'll have to carry up.
"Thank you Joey." I say, after he opens the door for me, even though it was not necessary.
Stepping out and walking around to grab the few plastic bags I can manage, I stop in my tracks when I see a car similar to one of Keith's.
Is he here?
My question is answered when a couple steps out and I sigh out in relief, though I feel a bit disappointed. Shaking off this funk, I gather my bag and start collecting my things, with the help of Joe.
We go back and forth until all are in. Turning to Joe, I give him a smile of appreciation, without him I wouldn't have survived with these.
"Thank you again Joey, you helped me a lot."
"Why don't you just move back?" I'm taken a back by his question.
"It's not my place anymore." I murmur, avoiding eye contact.
"You're still married." He states.
"Not for long, I'd rather save myself now and - could we not get into this?"
" I'm sorry for overstepping my boundaries mam." My head picks up at that.
"Oh no please, you were just - "
"Curious for my own good."
"Being a friend." I correct him.
" I just - I care you know?" He says, avoiding my eyes now.
" I know and I appreciate that thank you."
" I should go now."
"Oh yes, I mustn't keep you any longer.." I start leading him out.
"Thank you again Joey and please say hi to everyone for me."
"Will sure do. Please take care of yourself." He gives me a concerned look.
" I will." I respond smiling.
He nods and soon he walks away.
I close the door and at the sight of all the grocery bags, I sigh in exhaustion before I even start.
Better get right into it.
I'm not one to be easily annoyed but right now I am, the banging on the door has woken me up and been going on for a few minutes now.
Oh my word the neighbours.
I jump out of bed and rush out of my room to get to the door, busy tying up my nightgown.
" I'm coming!" I announce.
I quickly unlock the bolt and pull the door open, ready to give someone a piece of my mind.
" Keith?" I gasp in surprise.
Here in front of me is Keith looking handsome in a black suit, hair a bit messed up like he ran his fingers through it a couple of times. Inspecting his face, I notice bloodshot eyes.
"So you actually did it, you left." He says, coming in staggering a bit, pushing me aside in the process.
He's drunk.
I quickly close the door and turn to him, where he is no more standing but sitting slumped on the couch.
How did he find the couch in his state?
" Keith w- what are you - ." I stop mid sentence when I see his chest rise and fall.
Oh no, he can't fall asleep on me now.
" Keith?" I call him, shaking his arm "Mmm." He moans, his head moving side to side.
"Come on , let's get to bed." I tell him, pulling at his arm." Keith come on."
I place his arm around my shoulders and try again, this time being successful as he awakens and rises up, well more like me pulling him up. As he rises to his full height, I almost lose my balance when most of his weight lays on me.
Okay this man is heavy.
" I don't think, I - I can't do this. He murmurs, over and over again.
I frown at his words. What can't he do?
I leave the curiosity out of the way and help him to the spare room, when I lay him down, he pulls me down with him.
" I can't."He murmurs for the last time before he passes out.
Removing his arms from around me, I move away from him and take off his shoes, placing them neatly by the bed.
I can't believe he's here, well laying here.
I lean towards him again and place a lingering kiss on his forehead, before heading out to go fetch him two aspirins and water.
"Hello." A husky voice says on the other line.
" Joey I'm sorry to bother you so late but could you please ask Mary to organize a change of clothes for Mr Salvatore?......You can just bring it in early in the morning."
"Will sure do mam."
"Thank you Joe."
"And can I just say something?" He adds before I can hang up.
He takes a moment before he speaks up again." The heart knows where home is."