Chapter 2.

I waited in the Kitchen, food displayed on the kitchen table, looking delicious as ever. I had put extra effort this morning, with how much Keith seemed to enjoy dinner last night, I thought why not add a feast of a breakfast.

I just hope to God he accepts and actually relieve me of my efforts.

Hearing his footsteps coming down from the stairs, I quickly get into position and stand behind his chair, hoping he doesn't just pass by.

I'm surprised when he actually steps in the kitchen like someone, who planned to do so, he stops mid step and takes in the delicious looking food on the table. From pancakes, russians, eggs, name it.

I just wanted to give him options and once there was left over, I'd give to the staff of the house. They deserve to be treated right and feel appreciated every now and then.

I nervously watch him step further into the kitchen and hold my breath when he looks up at me. As usual he's got a blank expression but he's eyes, he's eyes say something different because right now , they're filled with curiosity.

" good morning, I thought I should make you something before you.....please sit down" I say, pulling the chair open for him.

Once he starts making his way over to me and actually sit down, a small breath releases from me and a comfortable smile takes over my face.

I stand in the furthest corner, feeling relieved that my hard work has been received, especially since Sarah , the cook has been given the morning off, to attend to some personal matters.

With how he enjoyed last nights dinner and hopefully today's breakfast, this gives me a giddy feeling about all the other treats I could make for him, he'd surely come home more often and we'd even get into conversation like two married people, talking about their day.

The feel of eyes breaks me out of my thoughts and when looking up, I meet blue eyes.

Before I can say anything, he beats me to it." Join me"

My eyes widen a bit but I quickly nod and sit at his right. I start dishing up for myself , feeling a bit nervous at the feel of his eyes. Not being able to resist anymore, I look up at him. " um, is something wrong...maybe with the food, I could make you something else" I say, starting to get up but I'm stopped by his hand on my wrist.

Immediately I feel little tingles on where he's touching me, almost pulling back in surprise.

" no the food is delicious " I nod with a smile, sitting back down again.

Looking at him again, a small frown playing at my features, I ask." Um then why were you looking at me?"

At my question, he's own frown takes over." That's too small" he says, gesturing towards the food on my plate.

" oh, no....I'm not - " I don't get to finish my sentence when his phone starts ringing.

" excuse me" he says, getting up and leaving me alone to attend to his call.

A sigh escapes me as I slump in my seat and decide to just get eating, might as well appreciate what I've made.

After a few minutes, he comes back again and expecting him to take his brief case and get going, today, because he's just full of surprises, he adds him sitting back down and getting back to eating , to his list of surprises.

Not being able to hold off my tongue, I ask." Shouldn't you be getting going, I mean...don't you have an early meeting?"

" no, I'm taking the morning off, " I nod, suppressing a squeal of joy at hearing this.

" AKiandra" I perk up at hearing my name.

" this is really eat" he quirks his brows, pointing at all the food on the table.

Feeling quite relaxed and proud of myself and of course the giddiness in me, I dish up more and get into eating. Enjoying my first real breakfast with Keith, my husband.

" thank you once again Mrs Salvatore," Joe, my driver and bodyguard says, pushing back his chair and rising to his feet.

I nod with a warm smile to him and rest of the staff as they finish up their food. Keith and I have quite a small staff, unlike all those wealthy people out there with a lot of staff, when just three people live in the house.

For us, it's just Joe( my driver and bodyguard), Alex( Keith's driver and bodyguard), Sarah ( the cook), Maria( the housekeeper), Nia ( the maid), Zen and Zayne( the security of the house).

We don't have a garden man because every two weeks of the month, garden service comes by. So it was quite easier to just get cooking for everyone.

Once everyone has cleared out, I start helping Sarah out, who's now back. " no no, please Kia...let me"

Sarah and I have gotten quite close in the two years I've been here.

" that's okay, I don't mind helping you know" I say, placing the set of dishes in the dishwasher.

" so you said he actually joined you for breakfast ?" She asks, turning around to face me, leaning against the fridge.

" yep and he really enjoyed himself"

" wow...that's good right? ...means that he's coming around and - "

" well I don't want to get my hopes up " I say looking down.

" no no, this is something, look at it as him starting to come around and things actually changing" her enthusiasm jolts my hope up, and a smile breaks out onto my face.

" you're right....I've got to be positive"

The more I think about it, it surely convinces me that indeed, there's a chance and something good might happen after all.

Waiting patiently by the shelf, for my order, I think about all the books I've collected over the years and maybe, giving away most of the ones I had stocked in my small basement, back at home. I'd give it up for donation to all people who need it.

" hello and welcome to the Starlight news, where all the latest gossip and celebrity updates are first heard here..

My name is Scarlet and I'll be your host for today, filling in for Jade " the host of the show announces.

I've heard about this Starlight news, that the latest know how's are first heard there and if you're in the front news, it attracts the rest of the media.

I'm not one for news, so when the show comes on, I don't really pay attention to it and await my order, well that is until I see a picture of my husband , in one of his nice suits.

Just then, something which had my throat and chest tightening comes into view. Him and an unknown lady friend seen, coming out of a hotel and the other , they are conversing and smiling at each other during what seems to be a private lunch.

Though not much of her features give us the full image, I can tell from her side profile that she must look really beautiful, with her blonde hair and smooth ( guessing) looking skin.

Having seen quite enough and my chest paining from witnessing what I'd long tried avoid, hoped it wouldn't be and starting to believe that it would not happen.

Rushing out of there, tears threatening to come out but holding them in, I leave my order, get on my bike and ride away, knowing now that the two years spent might just be a me more from now on.

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