Chapter 5.
" Oh my God!" I gasp under my palm, which covers my mouth.
I can't believe that I let this happen, let myself be in this situation. The last I remember is me laying on the floor and now I wake up, to the feel of a strong arm around me and the sight of Keith laying close to me.
Not wanting Keith to find me on the bed with him, I place his arm on the bed before carefully leaving the softness of the bed, taking my toiletries and change of clothes to the bathroom.
Well more like tiptoeing to the bathroom. I almost slam the door shut before leaning against it and releasing a big sigh of relief.
The feeling of water on my body is amazing, has me relaxing and almost forgetting about the whole sleeping arrangement.
The night might not have turned out the way I initially thought it'd be, but I won't lie and say butterflies didn't erupt in my tummy when Keith held me close.
Comfort , security and warmth are what I received, the first time this has surely happened , in our 2 year marriage. Though soon it may be over, but close to him I felt waking up next to him, still as his wife.
I can't even help the smile that lits my face when I look myself in the mirror, after having had a nice shower. With a nod of approval on my floral short jumpsuit and brown wedges, I walk out to meet an awake Keith, who's pacing back and forth with a phone on his ear.
At the click of the bathroom door and me coming out, his head whips in my direction , giving me a once over before continuing with his conversation. Feeling quite self conscious, I quickly make way to my overnight bag and stuff things in there, wanting more then anything to change my outfit.
" Good, " he says before hanging up.
Turning to face me, he opens his mouth to say something but I beat him to it." Good morning "
He closes his mouth and frowns at me, before nodding. Awkward silence follows, well for me till it's broken by a knock on the door.
" Good, he's here" I hear Keith mumble under his breath, before making his way over to the door.
Who's here?
My question is answered when I hear Keith mention Alex at the door.
" Good morning sir...here is what you asked for?" Alex says from the other side of the door.
" Good....thanks Alex, we'll be down in an hour or two" he says, stepping in with a bag and food in hand before shutting the door with his foot.
I silently watch him walk over to place the bag on the bed and the food on the nightstand, before taking his phone , typing away.
I take in his handsome profile and sigh out in realization of how lucky, that girl is to be noticed or even loved by Keith. Before I can disappear into my thoughts, he looks up as if he can feel me looking at him, quirking his brow.
" Food" he nods to the food on the nightstand.
" I - " he gives me a look to shut me up, before walking off to the bathroom with his toiletries in hand.
At the click of the door, I start moving around, making the bed and tidying up, making sure to throw the litter at the passage trashcan. Making way down to the reception area, I don't get far when I notice a maid walking about with a ton of sheets.
" Excuse me mam!" I call out, making her stop to look at me.
" Oh sorry, good morning madam, how can I help you?" I blush at being referred to as mam.
" Um, would it be possible to give me an extra sheet, I need it for - "
" oh...I understand" she wiggles her brows at me, that I have to take a second to understand what that means.
My eyes widen and I open my mouth to protest but a sheet comes up on my face.
" Thank you" I sigh out, watching her leave.
Shaking my head, I walk off , feeling disturbed by what the maid was suggesting.
Entering back into the room, I feel relieved that Keith is still in the shower, this giving me an opportunity to continue with my plans.
Setting the sheet on the rug neatly, I take the bag of food and start displaying the food nicely on the sheet, trying to make everything look presentable. My stomach starts grumbling at the sight of the food, but I choose to wait up for Keith. I don't want to be rude.
The door clicks open and out comes Keith with - oh my God , the man just came out with only a towel wrapped around his waist. Damn he looks fine.
What the heck am I thinking? I shake my head off such thoughts and look down, feeling a blush come over my face.
" Why aren't you eating?" I pick up at that question, looking up at his face and making sure to not look anywhere else.
" I'm waiting for you"
My answer causes him to frown." Eat" he all but demands, folding his arms and causing his arms to bulge.
Did it just get hot in here?
I immediately nod and look away, not wanting to be caught ogling his toned body. I hear him move around until he goes back to the bathroom.
I decide to just have a peach to shut my tummy up whilst I wait for him. When he comes out, I'm surprised to see him in khaki shorts, light blue golf T-shirt and black vans. He finishes the look with a green cap which I disapprove off.
He walks over to stand in front of me and before he can do anything, I jump in." You don't have to sit on the floor, sit on the bed and I'll - "
I'm cut off by him settling down opposite me, his one leg propped up.
He gives what I've done a once over and looks at me with a frown. " is something wrong? " I finally ask.
" Why haven't you eaten?" What?
" I have." He quirks his brow at me." I ate the peach, I was just waiting up for you" I continue.
His eyes move all over my face, he sighs out and points to the contained green salad. I watch him open it and hold out forked food against my lips." Open"
My eyes widen and my mouth automatically opens. Being fed by him is embarrassing enough , I take the food from him and continue on my own. Seeing that I'm actually eating , he finally joins me and silence follows after this.
A while later, his cell rings which I'm not surprised about, because of how he's always busy. Excusing himself to go outside, I can't help feel a twinge in my chest at the possibility of the call coming from ' the women'.
Shaking myself off this funk, I clean up after us and wait for Keith to come back, making sure to look prepared and not waste his time any further then I already did.
The door opens and in comes Keith with Alex, behind.
" Good morning mam" Alex greets.
" Morning..." I respond, Alex surveys his surroundings before his eyes land on our overnight bags.
" Oh you don't have to take mine as I'll be going with Joe" I tell Alex.
" Alex will drive us" Keith says.
Alex takes our bags and exists the room, leaving us alone.
"But Joe - "
" Joe has a private matter to attend to, he's been given a day off, now let's go." He says, sounding a little annoyed.
Not wanting to annoy him further, I jump to my feet and take my hand bag with before exiting the room.
We walk on in silence until we make it to the reception area, I start towards it to book out but am stopped by a hand on my arm. With the feel of tingles on my arm, I know it's Keith.
Looking at him in question, I see he's not looking at me, but his now hard eyes are right behind me. " give me the keys" he all but demands.
" why...I'm just - "
" Akiandra give me the damn keys" he growls, causing me to jump slightly at hearing this tone of voice.
It's been so long since he's used that tone on me, that was during the dark time when he lost his mom, and he'd lose himself in alcohol.
Breathing hard, I give him the room keys." Go to the car." He demands before walking off, leaving me in question.
I see a blonde haired lady with her arms circled around a man, right by the reception desk, remembering the blonde haired from the pictures, I quickly shake my head as my eyes become moist, though I push the tears back.
I quickly make my way out of the motel and into the awaiting car, I jump in and make sure to sit furthest from Keith, close to the door. Bit long, I feel Keith slide in, before his eyes bore holes on the side of my face, though I refrain from looking at him.
I'm glad when Alex drives off.
The travel is quiet and suffocating, for I wish more then anything, to jump out of this car.
Arriving back to the house, I quickly open the door to come out when a hand on my wrist stops me. " Akiandra...." He calls me.
Slowly turning to him, his eyes take their time in scanning my face, making me squirm in discomfort.
His eyes lock with mine, holding me captive. " Alex. " he says.
I hear shuffling in the drivers seat, but even then I don't look away from his gorgeous eyes. All too soon the spell breaks and a big brown envelope is presented in my face.
I blink and lean back, looking at this brown envelope.
I feel Keith let go of my hand. Completely breaking the spell.
" this is for you." He tells me, though his voice has gone levels lower.
" what's this?" I ask, taking the envelope from his hand.
" open it." He tells me.
My heart hammers hard against my chest, I'm scared to open it because I have my suspicions and I don't know about how I'll feel if my suspicions are right.
I glance to his emotionless self before looking down at the envelope on my hands. I hear a door open and looking up, I see Alex exiting the car, once again , leaving us alone.
Taking a shaky breath, I open it and reach inside where I slowly drag the paper up. I don't even need to pull it up any further when on the top in black bold letters is the word, ' Divorce' .
Guess I was right.
My heart drops to my feet and my body goes numb.
" excuse me." I don't even wait for him to say anything, but jump out of the car and rush to the house, tears threatening to come out.
" Kea...." I hear Sarah call after me, but I don't stop and rush up the stairs and into my room, sliding down the door as tears finally come tumbling down, my heart breaking into pieces.
The time has finally come.