Chapter 8

50 or so houses stare back at me. So many to choose from, beautiful, spacious, private and at a great distance to not run into Keith and his love interest.

Ever since I was young, I have always longed to have my own house, this as a sign of independence. The experience of having your own place with a great view , the thought of owning something.

I guess the whole deal with Keith came up right when I'd started saving. I was determined that after 6months, I'd have enough money to purchase one and from there, I'd create an opening for future plans.

It might be 2 years, but not 2years late where I can't still focus on my future, well different plans at that, because I'd planned one for Keith and I , if ever we worked out ,but I guess things didn't go as planned.

Feeling hopeless on which one to look into, I capture the top ten I think are best before making my way out of my room,  with my laptop, to ask for assistance.

" Hey Sarah, I need your help..." I trail off and stop in my tracks, when I almost bump into Keith's chest.

" Sorry.." I mumble, attempting to walk around him and talk to Sarah, but I'm stopped, his hand on my wrist.

My breath hitches and I slowly trail my eyes from his hand to his face, which is emotionless.

" What do you need?" He asks.

Wow, I've only heard him ask me this once or twice in the time I've known him.

" Um, it's nothing serious....don't worry about it." I say, trying to pull my hand back but he tightens his grip , he takes my face in before releasing my hand and grabbing the laptop from me, walking over to sit at the barstool.

" Keith-" his hand mid air silences me as he looks through the houses I've selected.

He doesn't take long before he turns to face me, closing the laptop.

" I was thinking that I should start looking through houses you know....... Rick said - "

' I know what Rick said but you seem to forget that the month long period has only started today."

" But I thought - "

" Until it has ended, none of us get our ends of the deal."

I sigh, feeling defeated now. I mean I really hoped I'd be gone before his ' lady ' came to live here.

" Oh..." I trail off, not really  knowing what to say anymore.

Silence surrounds us, while he takes a last glance to the pictures before rising to his feet and start for the exit.

" Wait Keith!" I call him.

He stops and looks over his shoulder at me." I can still apartment search right, just until the month is over." Please say yes, please say yes....

" Fine." He all but grumbles , walking out and leaving me with a sad smile.

I might have a chance at focusing on my future, but it still saddens me that we might not see each other ever again, or as often as I could.

Pulling the laptop towards me, I look at the houses and just start from the beginning.

Guess I've got some apartment searching to do.

I've got it!

I can't believe I did it, now all I have to do is go check out the place. I'd already emailed the real estate agent and I have set up a meeting for the afternoon, right after lunch.

The excitement bubbling inside of me is quite indescribable , I even woke up early and a smile can't wipe off my face.

Taking a long look at myself through the full mirror, I give myself a nod of approval on the blue lace summer dress, ending the look with my hair pushed back out of my face, lip gloss and barely there eyeliner, and cute shoes to match and lastly, my mom's bracelet for good luck.

I sigh in excitement and approval to how pretty I feel right now.

A knock on my door pulls me out of my little bubble.

Must be Maria...

Getting to the door and opening it, I'm surprised to see Keith, standing on the other side. What is he doing here?

" Keith, hi" I say shyly when his eyes take me all in.

He nods, still looking at me, before his eyes meet mine and my smile wavers a bit when I see a frown playing at his features.

" Where are you going?" That's the first thing to come from him, not even a hello or good morning.

" Um I have a meeting with a real estate agent today, " I trail off, when I see a look of confusion now.

" Well I thought that it would best to start looking for a temporary place before I receive my home." I explain.

His expression doesn't change one bit.

" Why are you moving out, technically we are still married." He says.

I sigh, lean my side against the door, my eyes droop low, my excitement wanting to diminish now and the feeling of loss peaking to take over.

" My reason for moving is one of respect, towards your relationship, and a start of a life for me as well..." I almost bite my tongue when I say the last part.

It sounds like I'm throwing his help in his face right now and making it sound like him in my life was a burden.

" Akiandra..." He calls me and I pick up at that, ready to hear what he has to say but before he can say anything, his phone rings.

I hear an almost there sigh, before he takes his phone out, I watch his expression soften at whoever is calling and like that, he excuses himself and leaves me, feeling like a cold bucket of water has been thrown on me.

My smile has completely gone now, there's not much assuming who it is that just called.

No, I won't let this dampen my mood nor affect my day.

Shaking off whatever grey thoughts I had, a small smile lits my face in thought of the day ahead.

Making my way down the stairs and heading for the kitchen, I see Sarah placing breakfast on the dining room table.

" Good morning Sarah." I chirp up, walking over to her and placing a kiss on her cheek before sitting down.

" Morning, someone's happy today. " She points out.

" Well this girl right here, is going to be meeting a real estate agent "

" Real estate - " she trails off, her smile wavering and now I feel a twinge in my chest, realizing that she might not see me anymore.

" Well I hope all goes well." She says, now a genuine smile on her face.

" thank you." I breathe out.

Before I can do anything else, my phone starts ringing. Taking it out of my bag , I see an unknown number on it, making me frown slightly.

" Hello...."

" Hello is this Akiandra Thompson?" A husky male voice says.

This voice sounds familiar somehow.

" Um yes, who's this?" I ask carefully, preparing to switch the phone off if it's some sick stranger.

" Oh good, it's James." The person breathes out, from what I can tell, from relief.

" I -"

" James Simpson, your only ever best working mate in Burger King...." Oh my gosh, it's James.

" oh my gosh is this real?" I gasp, my eyes widening.

" Well it will be when we meet, for old times sake, our spot?"

" Yes, yes.....when?"

" Is now too early?" He asks.

" No, not at all....I'm on my way" I say, excitement filling me once again.

" Alright I'll see you then." He says.

" Bye. " I hang up and a small squeal escapes my lips, with my eyes lingering on the screen.

" Oh my Gosh, I need to get going." I say, my eyes widening in realization of me being late.

I quickly rise to my feet, pushing back the chair." What's going on....where are you going?"

Oh I forgot about Sarah.

Looking at her, my smile widens, almost hurting my face." Uh I'm meeting an old friend."

" Oh?" Her expression changes to one of curiosity.

" Yeah...I've got to go. See you later!" I call out over my shoulder, rushing towards the door.

Exiting the house, I'm immediately spotted by Joe and he rushes over to open the door for me.

I smile and nod at him, before getting in the car.

Once he's in, and driving us out of the premises, I lean forward between the seats and place a soft kiss on his cheek, earning an instant smile from him.

" Hello Joey...." I chirp up.

" What have I told you about calling me Joey" he groans out playfully.

" But you love my nickname." I pout at him, making him sigh out.

Joe might be my driver but we knew each other before that. He used to be my neighbour before he moved away and I was quite happy and relieved to have someone I knew close by.

Joe is a chilled and good looking guy, next door type of male, with brown hair, brown eyes and killer dimples. He is a grounded guy and I'm pretty sure that , whoever gets to marry him, will be a very lucky girl.

" So where are we going?"

" To the old coffee shop downtown, you know the hangout spot for us nerds"

" ooh it's been a while since I've been there." He says.

" Yeah me too but today, I've got a reason."

" Okay, meeting someone?"

" old friend." With that, he nods and doesn't say anything further, looking ahead and concentrating on the road.

It's been a while honestly , to be this excited and it feels damn good.

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