Chapter 12

Lucian's POV

I paced in my room like a maniac.

Vilkas, my wolf was uneasy and wanted his mate.

I couldn't blame him since I too, wanted to see Rose again.

I sighed. She's being so secretive and I don't like it at all. I'm her mate but she still doesn't want me by her side for God knows what reason!

I groaned loudly in frustration. How can I find her? She only appears when she wants to and for all I know she could be downstairs and I wouldn't know about it.

A thought turned the wheels in my head to work.

I know for a fact that she killed those rogues. Maybe if I started from there I'd be able to know why she killed them and who will she strike next. This will tell me where to find her.

With that tiny ray of hope, I proceeded to only person that would help me. Satan's partner in crime, Freya.

I knocked on her bedroom door gently. It took a while to hear the normal falling of things and her humphs as she fell along with them.

She probably got herself tangled in her own legs.

"Freya." I called in amusement.

"I'm alright!" She yelled from behind the door. "I'll there with ya bro, just give me a sec!"

A small chuckle escaped my lips at her actions and true to her words, she opened her bedroom door and greeted me with a grin.

"I'll need your help." I stated with no prior greeting.

She nodded her head knowingly as she went back inside her room with me following.

"Got my payment?" She asked as she sat on her desk and started setting up her gear.

I raised my hand which was holding the plastic bag with her ice cream in it.

She tried reaching for it but I was quick to pull my hand away.

"Nu huh. Do me my favour first and then we talk." I said with a smirk.

She scowled at me before turning to her computer.

"What do you want?" She asked as she tapped on her keyboard.

"You heard about the three rogues that were killed recently right?"

As soon as the words left my mouth Freya paused and seemed to have went to another world all together.

"Freya." I called as I snapped my fingers in her face.

It took her a while to come back to reality and I just furrowed my eyebrows at her in confusion.

I didn't bother asking though since I know that I won't be getting an answer.

"Y-yeah, I've heard." She mumbled.

"Well, I need you to find me everything about those rogues and why would they get killed specifically."

"W-why do want to know?" She asked as she looked up at me with an unreadable expression.

"Why does that concern you so much?" I asked in confusion.

It wasn't that I didn't want to tell her about Rose but Freya was never to question anything I ask of her and her questioning me now confused me.

"I-it doesn't." She stuttered and went back to typing.

I saw her type more on her keyboard before I heard the printer roar to life as it printed out a paper.

Freya reached over and handed me the papers from the printer without as much as a word.

That was fast.

"Have you been doing your research?" I asked with a raised eyebrow but she just ignored me.

I didn't give it much thought though and took the paper while handing her the ice cream.

"I don't want it." She mumbled, her eyes never leaving the computer screen.

Suspicion overtook my senses along with anger.

Why is she too being so secretive? Why wouldn't anyone tell me anything?

I slammed the paper she just gave me on her desk making her flinch and look up at me.

"What the hell is going on?" I growled, my eyes turning a shade or two darker.

"N-nothing." She lied making me growl again.

She knows not to mess with me when I'm angry as she sighed.

"I met her that day." Was all she said.

I titled my head at her in confusion, hoping that she's not saying what I think she is.

"Rose. I've met her. On the very day those rogues died." She spoke before looking up at me. "Please tell me that it wasn't her that killed them." She pleaded.

I decided to refrain from answering for now and instead asked.

"How did you meet?" I asked.

Freya sighed again. "Remember the party I told you about? Justin's party?"

I nodded my head expecting what to come.

"Well.....I went." She stated in a duh tone making me narrow my eyes at her.

She knew quite well that father didn't approve of her going. It was at midnight and he feared for her safety.

"While I was on my way," She started, ignoring me. "I....uh.." She stuttered as she looked the other way. "I met trouble." She finished in a whisper but because of my werewolf hearing I didn't miss it.

"What?" I yelled in shock.

"Don't worry, I was safe. Rose saved me from the rogues." She said quickly as she looked at me with frantic eyes.

Once I heard her say Rose, I instantly calmed down a bit.

But then her words settled in.

"She did?" I asked in slight confusion.

"Yeah, she even carried me back to my room." Freya continued.

What? My mate was right next door and I didn't know about it?! Damn it!

But it was expected though.

"I'm forever in her debt." Freya said mostly to herself as a small smile tugged at her lips.

"What are you grinning about?" I found her asking suddenly.

I didn't even notice that I was grinning.

Maybe it was because of how she helped Freya or how Freya seems to have taken a liking to my mate or maybe, just maybe, I was grinning at the mere thought of Rose alone.

I quickly returned my face back to its poker state.

"Nothing." I replied.

"No I wanna know." Freya demanded. "And I wanna know why you're so adamant about finding her."

I narrowed my eyes at her.

"That's for me to know and for you to never find out." I replied with a smirk.

She growled at me before reaching out and snatching the paper from my hand surprisingly.

"I wanna know!" She barked out.

"Give me the paper back." I growl as I tried snatching the paper but she was quick to pull it away.

"No. I told you about how I met Rose so it's only fair that you tell me why you wanna find her." She retorted back as she stepped away from me.

I growled at her once again.

"Freya." I warned angrily but she ignored me.

I didn't have time to waste fighting with a kid. I have my mate to go search for.

"Freya." I growled for the nth time but she wouldn't bother.

I strode towards her but she only retreated back, us both growling at each other.

We stared down angrily at each other for what seemed like hours but were only a couple of minutes.

"Fine! She's my mate okay!" I snapped impatiently.

"Now give me that." I said as I took two huge steps and snatched the paper easily since she was too shocked to react.

"What? Your mate?!" She asked after snapping out of it.

I scowled at her before nodding.

"Happy now?" I huffed.

Suddenly, an unheavenly squeal pierced my ears.

Oh Lord.

"Oh my God! She's your mate!" Freya squealed happily as she jumped up and down in excitement.

I was quick to shut her mouth with my hands.

"Shut up! Someone might hear you." I warned.

She looked at me in confusion. "Why won't you tell?" She asked.

"Well, for now, I don't even know who she is or where she is. And what do you think my father will say when he finds out that my mate is actually the killer he's looking for? I have to make him like her first." I explained.

Freya's face contorted to that of disappointment.

"So she did kill them." She mumbled. It was more of a stated fact than a question.


"Look Freya, she had her reasons. I spoke to her." I quickly said.

Freya just sighed deeply and nodded before going back to her computer.

I sighed too.

"She had her reasons Freya." I repeated.

"She's still a killer Lucian." Came Freya's sad reply. "She's one of the bad g-"

I stopped her before she finished the sentence.

"She's not. She wouldn't have saved your ass if she was and she wouldn't have placed her life on line to save the WinterHails."

Freya looked up at me.

"She was there?" She asked, her eyes sparkling with hope to which I nodded.

"We fought back to back." I continued with a proud grin.

Freya knew about me going to help the WinterHails. She was the one who researched their place and told me about her findings.

"She didn't just kill those rogues Freya, she did it for a reason and I'm determined to know what it is." I started.

"So, will you help me?" I asked hesitantly even though I'm sure of her answer.

Freya nodded her head vigorously as a wide grin spread across her face.

I smiled down at my sister.

"Very well, then let's get started!"

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