Chapter 3


"I was able to track them last time nine hundred kilometers west of Virginia. It seems that they've located themselves near what appears to be a small cave, probably where they take shelter." Hugh said through the ear piece as I continued on my way, jumping from a tree branch to the other, careful not be heard or seen by anyone.

I've already left the pack borders about twenty minute ago.

"All three?" I asked.

"Yes." Hugh confirmed.

A couple of minutes passed by in complete silence before Hugh spoke again into my ear.

"April Stop!"

The urgency in his voice made me quickly stop dead in my tracks.

I was on top of a large oak tree in a crouched position.

"The heat sensor I installed into your phone is detecting something." Hugh said before I got the chance to talk.

"It appears as if three bodies are present near the lake three kilometers to your right." He continued.

"Do you think it's them? Maybe they changed their place or something." I said as I started analysing everything in my head. I started moving towards the lake.

"Are you going to investigate?" Hugh asked when he probably heard me moving.

"Yes, there's a big chance it's them and even if I was wrong, there will be no harm in knowing." I replied.

It didn't take me long before I was standing on yet another oak tree but this time I had the lake beneath me.

I gasped lowly when my eyes caught the scene by the lake

There were two men in shaggy, torn clothes advancing on a what appears to be a teenage girl.

Unlike the other two men, this girl had expensive looking clothes on. She was wearing a sleeveless white dress that reached inches above her knee. The dress had pearl embroidery around her waist and collar areas.

Her blonde hair was curled at the ends and cascaded down her back beautifully.

I could feel her fear radiating from every pore in her body but she strongly refused to show it.

"Don't you know who I am? How dare you try to attack me?" She yelled at the two rogue men who only smirked at her as they slowly and tauntingly closed the distance between them.

"Does any of them look like the rogues that killed your parents?" I heard Hugh ask.

"No, but they sure don't come off as better." I gritted under my teeth.

"Don't get involved April and just leave. We wanted a clean and fast kill and that's it, end of story." Hugh warned making me growl lowly.

"I can't just leave the girl like that with those bastards, who knows what they'd do to her." I whisper yelled.

"But this might cause you trouble!" Hugh snapped making Rose and I to growl loudly this time. Half because of Hugh and half because of the two rogues that now we're holding the girl. Her scream alone made me angrier. No woman deserves this.

The rogues and the girl heard my growl as they all snapped their heads towards me.

I didn't waste any more time and swiftly jumped down to the ground.

I was shaking with anger and was glaring daggers at the two men.

They seemed to have noticed my alpha strength radiating off of me as their skin paled and all color drained from their faces. My form alone, and clothes made me look intimidating.

"Let the girl go." I growled at them dangerously.

One of the rogues held the girl infront of him and brought a knife to her throat.

The girl whimpered, making my heart reach out to her. She reminded me of myself. This situation reminded me of that dreaded night. Reminded me of how I was too weak and vulnerable in the hands of that rogue.

I growled even more angrily at them.

"Who the hell are you?" The one holding the girl asked, his nervousness seeping through his words.

I smirked at them, even thought they can't see my lips, they saw my eyes.

"Your worst nightmare." I replied and drew out my swords just as the other rogue shifted into a dirty grey wolf midair.

He lunged himself at me but I was too fast for him to catch. I twirled to the side and in one swift movement with my sword, I cut right through his stomach.

His body fell limp on the ground beside me as blood pooled around him. His breathing slowed down, his heartbeat stopped and in a matter of seconds, he was dead.

I raised from my crouched position on the ground and lifted my head to look straight into the other rogue's eyes.

I saw him shift his gaze from his dead friend to me then back to his dead friend.

"Wh-who the h-hell are y-you?" He stuttered as he took a step back, pulling the girl with him.

"Haven't I already answered that?" I asked as I slowly started approaching them.

The look of fear in his eyes gave me confidence. Made me feel strong and uninvincible.

I started twirling the swords in my hands and playing with them like a child's toy, just to scare him more.

I was having way more fun than I expected.

The rogue kept on stepping back as I continued to approach.

"Don't come any closer." He said and brought the knife towards me then back to the girl. He himself didn't know what the hell he was doing.

I raised my eyebrows at him in amusement.

"Or else?" I taunted, still walking.

"Er....or else I'll kill the girl." He all but yelled nervously as he brought the knife closer to her throat.

I chuckled loudly at that.

"Kill her." I told him with a shrug of my shoulders.

Both him and the girl looked at me like I've grown two heads and from the shock, the rogue halted in his steps temporarily, making me stop as well.

"I don't know her and I couldn't really careless about what happens to her." I continued as I twirled the swords once again.

"T-then what made y-you stop us in t-the first place?" He asked.

" easy kill to start the night perhaps." I replied almost nonchalantly.

His eyes widened as I started approaching once again.

He seemed to have weighted his options and without a second thought, he pushed the girl harshly and started running for the hills.

I heard Hugh laugh through the ear piece. "You're nothing but trouble April." He said between laughs.

"I try." I replied back as I placed my swords back in their places.

I went towards the girl that was now on the ground from when the rogue pushed her.

I offered her my hand and she didn't waste time to grab it. I helped her get up and noticed how she winced when she stepped on her right foot.

"You hurt your foot." I stated. "Go back to our house to treat it and don't go wandering in the woods alone at night again." I ordered as I turned around and started to walk away.

"Wait!" The girl called from behind me but I didn't stop. I didn't have time to chit chat, I have some other rogues to kill.

"I just want to know your name." She called back again.

"You have no use with it." I replied as I continued walking until I reached the perfect tree branch to jump to.

"Are you just going to leave me here? I'm injured!" I rolled my eyes at her.

"At least tell me if you're a boy or a girl!" The girl yelled once again but this time however, her last words made me stop from jumping to another branch.

A girl or a boy? Wasn't it obvious from my voice or from my body?

I descended from the tree and looked at her in confusion.

"Excuse me?" I asked as I gaped at her.

She sighed. "Okay, I'm sorry, I know that you're a girl but I just wanted to grab your attention." She confessed.

"What's your name kid?" I asked as I started walking towards her.

"April come on, just leave." Hugh said through the ear piece but I ignored him

"I'm not a kid!" The girl said in what I assume was an angry tone.

I raised my eyebrows at her in amusement.

"I'm 18." She stated as a matter of factly.

"And?" I asked in amusement as I shortened the distance between us.

I must've came out as very intimidating to her because she stuttered.

" I'm not a kid."

"Then what are you?" I asked as I stood infront of her, my five foot six form towering over her tiny five foot frame.

"I...uh....I'm Freya." She stated before taking a step back, straightened her posture and gave me a boastful look.

"I'm Freya." She repeated. "The King's daughter."

I raised both eyebrows at her. "And what is Freya, the King's daughter doing in the woods in the middle of the night wearing.." I trailed off as I looked at her attire from bottom up. "that." I finished.

"Th-that's none of your business." She scoffed and folded her arms across her shoulders as she turned her head to the side.

"Does your father know that you're out right now?" I asked, even though I knew the answer very well.

Her head snapped to me and the look on her face told me the answer I already knew.

I sighed deeply before grabbing her by the waist and throwing her on my shoulder.

She squealed loudly at my sudden movement.

"What are you doing? Put me down this instant." She all but yelled. I, however, couldn't care less what she wanted or said.

She squealed even louder when I jumped up to a tree branch and started heading towards the castle.

"April." Hugh sighed.

"It'll only take a minute." I told him with with a sigh of my own.

"You got deviated from your original mission long enough already." He said and I could feel his irritation seeping into my ear.

"I know, but I have to do this." I replied.

"Who are you talking to?" I was snapped out of my conversation with Hugh by Freya's question.

"You talk too much." Was my only answer to her to which she scoffed.

"At least I'm not the crazy one talking to ghosts." She mumbled under her breath.

"You're a very ungrateful brat you know that."

Freya scoffed once again but kept silent.

We soon reached the castle where no lights shone and no sounds were heard except for the King's snoring.

Privileges of being the king of werewolves I guess.

"Which window leads to your room?" I asked as I turned us around so Freya was facing the castle.

"Third to the right." She grumbled.

She yelped as I hopped her form to fix her position on my shoulder.

"Can't you be more gentle?" She asked in frustration. "Plus, you won't be able to easily sneak us into my room, the gaurds will know."

"I assure you, we'll be just fine if you kept your mouth shut." I replied with the same frustrated tone.

She growled lowly making Rose take over and growl loudly only enough for Freya to hear.

"Y-you're an alpha." She stated in surprise.


I didn't reply as I gently jumped from a near by branch to her widow post.

I heard Freya whimper and as she held onto my shirt tightly.

I quickly opened the window with one hand and slid inside.

My eyes widened at the sight of her room. It was bigger that any room I've ever seen.

My room looks like a drawer next to hers.

I shook the thoughts out of my head and gently placed Freya on her bed, careful not to hurt her ankle more.

"Get some ice for your ankle or go see some doctor." I ordered as I stood up from my crouched position.

"And don't go wandering around at night." I said as I turned around and started heading to her window to leave. However, I was caught dead in in my tracks when I felt someone hold my hand.

I turned around to find Freya looking up at me, her grey eyes glazing over.

"I'm sorry, I was supposed to listen to my father and not leave." She whispered making me sigh.

I heard Hugh groan loudly. His nagging got on my nerves so I pressed on the off button of the ear piece so I don't hear him anymore and neither would he hear us.

I lowered myself to my knees so that we were face to face.

"Thank you. If you weren't there, I don't know what-"

"Hey, hey." I stopped her mid sentence.

"Nothing happened and you're okay now. Just forget this night ever happened." I said in a soft tone.

I needed a shoulder to cry on once, and so does she. But unlike her, I found none, not until a couple of weeks later that is.

Freya nodded her head and wiped the stray tears that are running down her face.

I stood up and started heading once again to the window to leave.

"Does that mean to also forget ever meeting you?" Freya asked as I placed one leg on her window frame.

"Yes, I was just a nightmare." I replied before jumping out the window, not wanting to be stopped by her again.

However, as I landed on the nearest tree branch I heard her whisper,

"A beautiful nightmare."

And boy was she wrong.

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