Chapter 4
"I can only see two Hugh." I stated as i watched two of the rogues that killed my parents sitting near a campfire.
Rose was clawing inside of me to get out and show them no mercy, but I knew that for this to work without any trouble, I had to act smart, hence sitting here on top of a tree, watching. waiting.
"The third is inside the cave." Hugh spoke into my ear.
"Is he asleep?" I asked, hoping I get a negative answer.
Thank god.
"How do we get him out?" I asked in irritation.
"How about we give them a little fright?" Hugh suggested and I could hear the smirk on his face.
"And how do you suggest we do that?" I asked with a smirk of my own.
"A simple, teeny tiny gun bang perhaps?"
I chuckled inwardly as I got out my 'Desert Eagle' out of its holder.
I aimed its muzzle in the air and slowly pulled the trigger.
A loud bang echoed through the woods making the two rogues flinch and stand to their feet.
"What was that?" I heard one of the asked as the third rogue came running out the cave and towards his friends.
The plan worked. I smirked at them once again before I jumped from my place on the tree branch to stand right in front of them.
They looked taken aback and instinctively took a step back.
"That my dear, was the beginning of your end." I stated coldly as I twirled the gun in my hand before placing it back in its rightful place. It will kill them fast and easy, and that is something I don't want.
"W-who are you?" One of them asked and I recognized him as the one that was holding me as the other two killed my parents.
At the time, he gave off a stronger aura than the other two so I assumed that he was their leader but now, they're equally dirty and low.
I scoffed. Typical. I just faced a similar situation not an hour ago.
However, this time, my answer and what I'll do will be completely different.
"Oh that's sad." I faked hurt as I placed a hand on my chest for emphasis. "You don't remember me?" I fake gasped.
The rogues looked at one another in complete and utter confusion.
"Let me give you a slight hint." I said as I started approaching them arrogantly.
"A little girl," I circled them, "an alpha," I drew my swords as I walked on their side. By now, details of what I'm talking about are playing through their heads. I could see the realization hit them like a ton of bricks as their faces started to pale. "and a mate." I finished as I stood in front of them once again.
The one that was holding me seven years ago let off a nervous, humorless chuckle.
"April, sweetie, it's been so lon-" His words were caught in his throat as I brought the tip of one of my Dragon swords to it.
"What? You wanna say that it was a long time ago? That I should forget about it and move on?" I growled before letting out a humorless chuckle of my own but this one was in disbelief.
"I never once forgot what happened or forget your dirty faces." I spat in his face. "And now, the time came to pay!"
I swayed my swords to slash right through their bodies but they were faster than I expected and it looked like they weren't giving up without a fight as they all turned into their wolves.
They snapped their teeth at me as they approached.
Even though I was outnumbered, I had a purpose to fight, unlike them.
A sandy brown wolf approached me from the right. I lowered my body as it lunged itself at me. I aimed a kick to his rib area and heard a satisfying crack.
I didn't have time to watch him whimper on the ground in pain as I was attacked immediately by the other two.
I used my swords to cut through one's shoulder and kicked the other one in the face, earning myself yet another crack.
The wolf with the broken rib must've healed as he started running towards me with a murderous glare on his face.
I smirked at his crazed form and hoped that I didn't have that mask on so that he could see it.
His angry face didn't stay on for long as I easily, and in one swift movement, slashed his throat.
The 'Dragon swords' turned out to be sharper than I expected as my intention to only cut his throat became a head separated from a body.
I watched as his head rolled on the ground till it stopped near the campfire.
I turned around only to see fearful eyes and shocked expressions on the two other wolves.
They quickly snapped out of their dazes and attempted to attack me once again. I felt the same strong aura I felt from the grey wolf, making it easier for me to differentiate and know who to kill first.
I started running towards them both until all three of us collided in the middle.
The grey wolf leaped in the air making it easier for me to hold one of his hind legs and flip him on the ground. This gave me a chance to easily kill the other wolf without any interruptions.
I didn't waste time as I aimed my swords at the other wolf and easily cut through his stomach making him fall limp on the ground, dead.
I now had blood splattered all over me and a mixture of emotions was cursing through my body.
I was angry, sad, lonely, relieved and happy at the same time. I honestly don't know how I'm still on my feet until now.
I slowly approached the last rogue. Their leader. The one that made me feel the weakest, and most vulnerable.
He was trying to stand to his feet but it looks like my throwing to him broke one of his legs.
"Shift." I commanded in my alpha tone and he didn't have any choice but to comply, yet he tried fighting it but couldn't.
He shifted into his dirty human form and started crawling on the ground away from me as i continued coming nearer.
"P-please Apr-"
I growled loudly cutting his sentence short. "Don't you dare say my name you filthy creature."
"I-I'm s-sorry A-alpha." He stuttered as he continued to back crawl away from me.
"P-please d-don't kill m-me. Have mercy" He pleaded.
"Oh yeah? And why exactly would I do that? Did you have mercy when you and your pathetic friends killed my parents? Did you have mercy when you made me, a young thirteen year old, watch her parents get killed?" I growled angrily.
"I-I...we...we were j-just following o-orders."
His words made me stop in my tracks.
"Speak." I ordered.
"W-we were part of a pack o-once." He started and swallowed nervously. "We were the best warriors in the pack and were well respected by our pack members."
"I don't need all this, get to the point already." I growled impatiently.
He swallowed hard once again before continuing.
"One day, our beta asked to see us. He w-wanted us to go on a m-mission of some sort."
"To kill my parents?" I stated more than asked.
The rogue nodded.
"He promised us long life shelter, money and protection if we completed the mission and hid from the society after that."
"That's why I couldn't find them anywhere in the system." Hugh mumbled through the ear piece and I couldn't agree more.
"But he lied." I heard the rogue grit under his breath but I couldn't care less.
"What's your beta's name?" I asked coldly making the rogue flinch.
"Beta Doyle." He replied
"You got that Hugh?" I asked as I turned around to leave.
"Yeah. The Rosewood pack." He answered.
I took slow steps waiting for the rogue to do what I expect him to exactly do.
Soon enough, he shifted into his wolf once again and attempted to attack me from behind but I already knew what he was going to do and I was ready.
With only one dragon sword in my hand, I stabbed him from the stomach up so it left through his back. He was literally hanging on my sword blade, his blood dripping down my hand and to the floor.
"I'm not the same weak, pathetic April you knew before." I sneered lowly into his wolf face. I didn't remove my gaze from his widened eyes as I saw the life leave right through them before they dulled out.
I lowered my sword so that his body would fall to the ground before putting it back in its place with its twin.
"Are you okay April?" I heard Hugh ask in concern.
"Yeah." I replied as I shook my hand and watched the filthy blood splattered on the ground around me. "I just need a very long shower."
Hugh chuckled lightly as he knew exactly what I meant.
"Come back home April."