Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 5

"So what do you guys want to do?" Nancy asked, looking like a gorgeous woman in her Sunday dress and heels.

"How about, let's watch a movie or something? Then check out the beach?" Andrew suggested while Zoey nodded in agreement.

"What movie?" Nancy asked, looking excited at what she heard from Andrew.

"Is Fifty Shades of Grey Darker still showing?" I was shocked because of what I heard from Vincent. It’s one of my favorite movies. I even read that more than five times. But, to tell you the truth, when I finished reading that book the first time and decided to read it again, I always skipped the s*x scenes. Haha!!! I don't know but it feels so awkward for me.

"Yes, I think it is," I replied to Vincent making him look in my direction. Those looks are like telling me to notice him in a different way.

"But if you don't like it, just pick something you like." He said giving us a smile.

Very thoughtful

"No, it’s not a big deal, actually. I think I'm the only one here who already watched it." I replied to him.

I don't know what Nancy and Zoey looked like but I think they're just listening to us but I can see Nancy's smile.

"You already watched it?" Vincent asked.

"Yep"! I replied, adding more tone to the last letter.

"When"? He asked me, as Andrew approached us and gave us pop corns and orange juice.

"I was invited by a friend to go to the premier night," I replied, making him look shocked.

"Let's watch it then!" Nancy exclaimed, clapping her two hands and making us chuckle. I went to the counter to buy our tickets but it had a long line.

As I was waiting for my queue, I saw a tall man from my peripheral vision. His hair is blonde and has broad shoulders. He's definitely an American and now he's at my back. I don't why I suddenly feel so anxious.

I looked at the man at my back and he was looking at me intently. To the point that he looks like he's smirking at me.

I decided to look in my cousin's direction but they're too busy talking with each other. It’s nothing. This time, I look at Vincent's side and he's looking at the man beside me and I swear, if looks could kill, this man is now dead. Not just dead but brutally dead.

I can feel the man getting closer to me to the point that his hand already touches my butt. I can feel his stares that dagger into the depths of my soul. Yes, that kind of feeling.

"Are you okay?" I heard a deep voice asked me. When I looked at whose voice it was, I saw Vincent and that made me release a sigh I never thought I was holding.

"Aella?" Vincent called, making me realize that I still haven't answered him.

"Oh! Yes. Yes. I'm fine." I told him. I saw the man slowly step backward. I mean, he backed off when he saw Vincent.

"Why don't you go there and join them? I'll buy the tickets." He said, pointing to the spot where Andrew, Nancy and Zoey were. They're watching us now.

"Are you sure?" I asked and he nodded.

"Here, use this," I said as I gave him the tickets' payment.

He looked at me as if I was the most stupid person in the world. "No, let me be a gentleman and pay for it." He said, giving me a smile. I thought he'd yell at me but I was wrong. The smile he gave me was genuine.

"Ahhh... okay. Thanks!" I said as I started to walk away from him and back to where my cousins were.

Vincent POV

Is she serious? Do I look like I don't have money to pay? That woman

When I watched her walking back to her cousins, I saw Andrew give me a thumbs up. I don't know why but I'm sure that it’s for me.

"Hey, man." The man at my back said. I look at him questioningly.

"Is she your girl?" The man asked. What does this man want? Do I look so approachable?

"Yeah! Got a problem with that?" I said to him icily.

"Okay. Okay." Replied the man as he raised his two hands as a sign of surrender.

Aella POV

Vincent sat on my left while Nancy sat on my right as well as Zoey. Andrew sat beside his best friend of course.

When he saw that Vincent sat beside me, he threw me a teasing smile.

This is so awkward. I mean, we're just sitting side by side and I'm feeling so nervous and it’s very unsettling especially those kissing scenes and bed scenes in this movie.

We should have chosen another movie. I can't even look at him and every time I get nervous I just eat a handful of popcorn and drink cola.

As I was putting down the cola on my chair's soda holder, the cola almost fell. Our hands touched and that made me jerk. The good thing is that my cousins are glued watching the movie so they didn't notice me.

I swallowed so hard and looked at him carefully and he was looking at me, darling.

His eyes are so dark. I don't know. It’s like he's going to eat me anytime soon.

The credits roll and all of us applaud. I sigh.


After the movie, we ate in a fine dining restaurant because it’s where Zoey wants to eat. It’s very very pricey if you'll ask me. I mean, sure it’s tasty but it’s not very practical.

"Don't start, Andrew," Vincent said as he looked at his best friend.

"Alright then, you pay. If that's what you want." Andrew replied as he leaned back on his chair.

Then a group of teenagers went to our table. Oh goodness.

"Are you Andrew?" The woman in a flower dress asked my cousin and he nodded and gave her a smile. The others almost melted their panties because of my cousin's smile. Gosh, I hate this man. He's such a charmer. He stood up as he took pictures with them.

"Excuse me, are you an Australian artist?" The woman in a green dress asked Vincent.

"No." Vincent simply replied.

"But can we have a picture with you? You're so handsome." The girl asked, making me roll my eyes.

Vincent looked at me and back to the girl. "You have to get permission from my girlfriend." He said to the girl and looked at me.

What girlfriend?

Does he have a girlfriend?

Gosh! I'm such an assumer if that's even a word.

"You have a girlfriend? Oh.. Where is she?" The girl asked again. Can they just go already? The man has a girlfriend. Leave them alone, will you?

"Go ask her," Vincent said as his fingers pointed at me, like he was introducing me to somebody.

My cousins almost threw the food their eating.

Girlfriend? Me? When? How? I asked myself as I looked at Vincent.

"Please?" The girl pleaded with me. When I looked at Vincent, he shook his head so I looked at the girl.

"Ahhhh... I think he likes his privacy. I mean, he doesn't like to take pictures even with me." I explained to the girl and she nodded and thanked us.

When they left, I went again to the food and ate. Our table is very silent and it’s making my ears bleed.

"That's not true, so can you please all talk?" I said as I leaned my back on the chair. I saw all of them sigh and smile.

"Gosh! We thought it was true." Andrew said.

"And if it’s true?" Vincent asked. "Are we not compatible?" He added.

And again, that feels so awkward. They're all looking at me like the hell I don't know what.

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