Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 6

Aella POV

"And if it’s true?" Vincent asked. "Are we not compatible?" He added.

When I heard Vincent say that, my food was in mid-air and it stocked up like a freaking statue.

My cousins all stared at me and they were all in shock. I mean, who wouldn't?

Vincent looks at my cousins and all of them shrugs.

Me? What do you think I'll react after hearing that?

My heart beats faster than necessary, the air feels hotter and my mind is like an abstract.

I don't know if I want to hear those or throw up.

I just don't know.

Vincent POV

I feel so tired because of all the walking and sightseeing we had. After we ate at the restaurant, we went to the beach.

I missed this. I thought to myself as I crashed my back on the bed and closed my eyes. I had a very good day today thanks to Aella. She made me smile that day, Do you mean happy?

I was busy thinking Aella when my phone rang making me roll myself to get my phone on the side table.

Swiping the screen, I put my phone on my ear.

"Johnsons," I said at the end of the line. Oh, that sighs. I know who it is.

"Son"? My mother said.

"Hi Mom" I replied, closing my eyes. I haven't seen her for a month and I missed her already, everyone in my family.

"It’s probably late there but I just wanted to talk to you." She said, sounding lonely. Where's Dad? I thought. I don't like hearing her voice like this.


"Nothing. I just wanted to know if you're okay. We miss you, son." My mother said.

"I'm okay Mom. Andrew's family is hospitable. They treat me well and I miss you too." I said to my mom.

"That's good to hear, son," Mom replied. "Oh! By the way, your father wants to talk to you." She added as I heard little background sounds that looked like the phone was being given to my father.

"Son, have you met a woman there?" My father started.

Yes, son. Have you found your other half? Will I be a grandmother? When do I meet her? I heard my mom say from the background. I can imagine her shouting in Dad's ear.

"No Mom, I haven't found her yet, I don't know if I can find someone so nice like you." I started, making my daddy chuckle.

"Yeah. She's different, more like a different species." Father said and I heard a slap. You old man! That is why I missed them so much.

Every time I visit them, they always ask me about women and I always tell them that I'll let them know sooner.

"We missed you, son," Mom shouted making my dad groan.

"Yeah me too," I replied as they said their goodnights and regards to Andrew's family. I hang up.

I just finished washing up when I remembered what we had done a while ago. Well, it’s not usual for me to walk in the mall and eat inside but it was an amazing experience. The beach is also magnificent; the sun is so good in my skin. It’s true that I still don't experience the California madness just like what Andrew said.

I decided to walk outside my room and thought of going to their Grandmother's Garden but I saw the terrace so I pushed the glass doors and was greeted with a fresh breeze that smelled like the sea. It’s very refreshing to feel. I'm used to seeing the view of buildings in Australia whenever I'm on my balcony.

It feels nice. I thought to myself as I leaned on the edge wall of the terrace. It’s still glass. The house looks like a modern and yet classic house.

"You're here." I heard someone say, making me look back and because it’s already dark inside the house and here, I can't immediately see the person's face. She's standing at the doorstep. Yes, it’s a "she". She's wearing a pair of long white Pajamas and a sweatshirt. If you would look at her first, she looks creepy standing. It’s a good thing that her hair is in a bun and not flowing at her back.

When she stepped out in the moonlight, I saw her face and for the first time in years, I froze. I was taken aback by the beauty I'm seeing. Yes, the beauty is wearing only her Pajamas and not a gown that fits her perfectly. She's very beautiful even when she's dressed in that. My Aella.

My Aella? I shook my head and tried to clear what I'd been thinking.

"You too," I said, remembering that she did say something.

"Not sleepy, I assume?" She asks as she walks towards me and rests her arms on the railings. I nodded.

We stayed like that for a moment as the wind blew and waves flashed.

"It’s beautiful here, isn't it?" She asked.

I look at her and her face glows in the moonlight. "Yes, very beautiful," I replied to her making her smile in return.

I really don't know if I was referring to the ocean and the weather or her. What do you think?

"So Vincent?" She said, now turning her face to me.

"Yes?" I said as I looked into her eyes. My blood starts to raise I don't know what's happening to me. It feels like my mind and my muscles will explode within seconds if I still look at her eyes so I look away.

"How did you meet my Andrew?" She asked.

"Well,.. That's a very long time ago and a long story." I replied.

"That's fine, we have all night." She replied, smiling at me. I didn't know my lips were trembling as I returned her smile.

Aella POV

"We met during high school, 3rd year to be exact." He started and I nodded. "We got a little misunderstanding about a girl." He added before pausing and looking at the sea. Well? Do they like the same girl? That hurts. I thought to myself. Wait? Did I say that it hurts? I shook my head at the thought.

"Are you okay?." He asked.

"Y-yes." I said, smiling and he nodded making me release a breath.

"So, as I was saying, we had a misunderstanding. If you saw your cousin during his high school days, you wouldn't believe that he'll be a popular singer today. His hair is up and always carrying his guitar." He pauses as he tries to remember the day. "So because he's always talking to that girl, I got a little curious and confronted him and we even fought until my sister went out and calmed us." He said.

"Sister?" I asked.

"Yes, the girl we had fought was my younger sister. Andrew was courting her and eventually became his girlfriend. He became my best friend because of that. I mean, I always warn him and everything but all he did was smile and tap me at the shoulder saying “I'll take care of her, big brother” He said, smiling out of nowhere.

"Wow." I said. "You should’ve brought your sister here too. She seems like a nice woman because she made my cousin worship her." I said, grinning.

"She was very nice and kind," Vincent replied.

I tilted my head. "Was?" I asked, covering my mouth after I realized something --- My mouth

Vincent looked at me in the eyes and I swear it looks like he'll cry. "She died when she was 18 because of Leukemia," Vincent told me as he faced the ocean again.

"Sorry," I told him.

Then something hits me inside. Pain. The pain I remembered when my big sister died easily. Even though their deaths aren't the same, still, they're our sisters. The sister that is always there for me, the sister that advises me everything and the sister that I depend on.

"Are you okay?" I heard Vincent ask and I nodded.

"What happened to you?" He asked

"I just... Ahh.. After hearing that your sister died, I remembered my sister as well." I replied, trying not to look into his eyes that would make me melt instantly.

"Oh!. I'm sorry too." He said, looking sincere.

When I look at him, the moonlight reflects his eyes making him look like a Goddess.

"I have something to ask you." He said.

"Sure," I replied.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked, making my heart beat faster like the first time our hands touched because of shaking hands.

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