Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 8

The caterers are all busy for later's program. We will be dressing up for this event. Oh my golly wow! I forgot to buy shoes.

"Aella?" I heard someone call my name. When I turn to look at whose voice it was, it’s from Zoey.

"Yes?" I replied.

"I forgot to bring a pair of shoes for the dress I'll be using later. Do you have extra pumps?" She asked.

"That's also my problem. Do you want to go to the boutique? Let's try and see if they have what we like." I said to her, making her grin.

"That's amazing!" Zoey exclaimed. "Let me get my purse first." She added and I nodded.

"Aunt Aella! Let me come with you." She said, giving me a puppy look.

Shaking my head "Okay" I said.

"Yes!!!" She said as she ran inside. Maybe she'll get her wallet or something.

I almost jumped when Nancy stormed into my room, "Aella, do you ha--" she said as she held her neck and stopped. She's wearing a red mermaid-like gown. She looks fantastic.

I raise my eyebrows as I wait for her to finish what she's saying but her mouth is wide open as she looks at me. "Wow." That's the only thing I heard from her.

"Huh?" I said.

"You look..."She said, not having any words to describe my gown, I think.

"Beautiful?" I asked her, grinning.

"Amazing," She said. "Is that really you?" She asked as she walked towards me, reaching for my hands and looking at me from head to toe.

How do I look? Are you curious?

Vincent POV

Andrew's family is assembled on different sides of the pool. The band is on the right side while the caterers are on the left side. It’s in buffet arrangements.

They really organized this reunion.

"You okay?" Andrew said as he gave me a glass of wine. I nodded.

"That's not expensive like what you're used to." He added, making me roll my eyes.

When I drink the wine, it’s not very tasty but it’s still delicious.

"Where's Aella and Nancy by the way?" I asked Andrew, making sure to add Nancy so it wouldn't look like I'm trying to look for Aella.

"You mean, where IS Aella?" Andrew corrected, putting an emphasis on is.

"Uncle Andrew! You look handsome, I think I need to take pictures with you so that I can put it on Instagram and let my classmates know that you're my uncle." Tina said happily as she took a picture of Andrew alone and them together.

"Hey Vincent, come on! Join us, let's take selfies." Tina told me and who wouldn't be persuaded by her joy? I don't like to kill her momentum so I joined their selfie.

She made different facial expressions and clicked continuously. She knows how to take this selfie thing.

We were all looking at our pictures when I caught sight of a woman in a black and silver gown. The dress is an elegant black but the linings are all silver. It’s an off-shoulder gown and is flowing on the floor. With every step she takes, the dress flows with her move.

The woman?



Of course, it’s Aella. Nancy stood beside her as well but Aella caught my attention. Even their relatives are looking at them; some have negative reactions but most are grinning. Especially Aella's mother. She looks so proud of her daughter.

"Close your mouth, mate. It’s wide open" Andrew interrupted my little bubble, moving his hand on my chin to close it. I smack his hand off.

"No. Don't act too much. You look like you're going to eat her alive." Andrew added, making sure to give me a smirk.

I didn't know what happened to my body but it suddenly moved. I don't know if someone pushed me but I'm now walking towards Aella and Nancy who are now looking at me.

What am I doing? I asked myself.

Walking. Idiot. You're walking towards her so that you can escort her.

"Hi," I said as I reached them. Actually, I'm referring more to Aella. The cousins looked at each other and smiled at me.

"Hello," Aella said with a shy smile.

"You look...." I said to her as I tried to find words to describe her but nothing came out, she looked down her toes.

"Amazing?" Nancy tried to complete the sentence but I think it’s still not fitted to her.

"Incredible." Yes, she is. Look at her, she looks innocent yet classy.

"You too, Nancy. You look beautiful." I added but she rolled her eyes.

"Cut the crap, you didn't even look at me; you don't need to humor me," Nancy said, chuckling. I looked at her and gave her a genuine smile. She is a nice woman.

"Well, if that's the case, will you let me escort your beautiful cousin?" I asked without hesitation. Talking about how confident I am.

Nancy grinned but Aella is in shock. She's like she's not prepared for what I have said.

"With pleasure," Nancy said as she gestured her hands in Aella's direction.

"So?" I asked Aella, offering her my awaiting arms. Why taking it so long? I'm getting nervous now. She looks like she's shocked but she's not looking at me, she's looking behind me. When I turn my head to where she is looking. I saw other faces. I think they just got here.

"Oh! Here they are." Nancy exclaimed. She saw me raise my eyebrows. "My parents." She added. Her parents? Okay. But why is Aella looking at them in shock.

"Aella?" I called her name.

"Oh! Yes. Yes. I'll let you escort me." She said, putting a smile on it.

When I took her hand to put it on my arm, it was very cold.

"You're cold?" I asked her, gaining another jump from her.

"Ahhh.. No. I'm just nervous." She said.

"Why?" I asked.

"My relatives are looking at me." She said. "No, I mean, us." She added as she looked at where Nancy and her parents were.

"That's because we're quite a sight," I said. "You know, two gorgeous people walking side by side," I added with humor and she chuckled and watched again as Nancy and her parents converse.

Her uncle, who is Nancy's father saw us watching them so he raised his wine glass and nodded at us.

A waiter came to us and gave us wine.

"You look good together." I heard someone say. Aella also didn't notice who came so she almost jumped in her position. She looked nervous when she was in shock. Well.. Who wouldn't?

When we turned around, I saw Nancy's father.

He offers me his hand to shake hands and I accept it.

"Ronald White," he said.

"Nice meeting you, Mr. White. I'm Vincent Johnson." I replied, giving him a firm handshake.

There's something about this man and I can't fathom what.

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