3. Tracked down
This was not his usual type of bar as he preferred the more expensive ones and from the way the place had gone suddenly quiet, he could tell the people were also thinking the same. Unfortunately for them, his thoughts were on some brunette.
He settled down on one of the long stools by the counter as murmurs enveloped the bar all of a sudden. Dominic knew they were talking about him but they would tread carefully so he won’t hear them. People feared him and he relished it from the deepest part of his core. Being feared to him meant being untouchable.
"What can I get you sir? “He corked an eyebrow at the waiter smiling at him. It was with no doubt he was being treated with utmost respect obviously due to fear.
"One of your strongest shots," if he was going to sit through a whole hour with his parents then he didn't want to be fully sober.
"Coming right up," he watched the waiter mix up a couple of drinks.
Suddenly the door opened as a brunette walked in rushing straight to the waiter standing awfully close to Dominic. He recognized her as the same elegant brunette who had walked right past him earlier. Suddenly the strong urge hit him right back as her elegance once again struck him deep. Truth be told, he had never laid his eyes on a beauty that deep.
"I changed my mind. I’m going to sit here and take a couple of drinks till I can no longer think straight," she stated, taking the third stool away from Dominic's seat.
"Oh no. I’m not going to let you do that. I'll drag you all the way home if I have to," the waiter replied stubbornly.
"But Julian-" she started.
"No buts Nicks. I’m going to finish serving this customer and we are leaving," he muttered his jaw set in determination.
Julian handed over the shot to Dominic, his gaze slightly turned to the brunette.
"Girlfriend huh," he muttered watching Julian.
"No. It’s my sister actually. She is quiet the stubborn head but I still love her anyway. Now if you'll excuse me I have to deal with her," Dominic nodded once drowning the shot.
He squeezed eyes shut for a second as the numbing sensation of the shot burnt the back of his throat all the way down to his stomach. He caught the last minute disappearance of the waiter and his sister through the exit. Dammit! He should have at least read his name tag but that didn’t matter because he was soon going to have all her details. He gave strict instructions to Dave to track down the woman and get as much information as he could on her. A few minutes later he drove off to his parents’ house and as predicted Reed was already there, sitting at the dining table with his parents.
"Looks like I just arrived on time," he commented placing a peck on his mother's right cheek then patted his father lightly on his left shoulder.
"Or you targeted it," Reed stated the obvious, watching his elder brother take his place next to him.
The maids laid the table and soon enough the family of four embarked on its journey to tackle the delicious food. Lastly the time Dominic had been dreading the most arrived. The table had already been cleared and the four were now seated silently in the living room.
"So how was work Dominic?" his father eventually broke the ice.
"It was as usual. I closed off some major business deals though William still won’t give in. He is quiet stubborn but I’ll soon get through. You know me, when it comes to business, I always win," he responded in his usual quiet manner.
"True enough. So have you found anyone yet?" his mum was always the one to bring up the question every single time. He hated it but it was inevitable.
The image of the brunette from the club flashed in his mind for a moment as he fought the urge to break into a smile. He didn’t understand what it was about her that pulled him in but one thing he was sure of, is that he wanted her. Fuck! He wanted her more than he had eer wanted anything in his entire life.
"You know I don't have time for that mum," he countered meeting her gaze.
"Come on Dominic. You are twenty nine you should at least be more like your brother," his mum tried yet again.
"Thanks mum but sleeping around with anything in a dress is just not my cup of coffee," he countered.
"It’s not just anything in a dress. They are all leggy, classy, blondes," Reed defended his manwhore behavior.
"Look son, most of the time I just sit by silently but I have to agree with your mother. You are already one of the most established bachelors in USA and even beyond. Its time you actually found someone to spoil all that wealth with, someone to share a smile with. Someone you can actually share a heart with," Dominic almost chuckled at how cheesy his father sounded. All that cliché romance stuff, was not really his cup of coffee.
"Honey, do you remember Paige from the Halloween in seventh grade? I met her in the mall today and trust me she has grown up to be such a beautiful young woman. She has a degree in hematology and she’ll in town for a few weeks. You should ask her out for coffee some time," his mother asserted, the hope displayed in her eyes hard to miss.
A message notification popped up on the screen of his phone. It was from Dave announcing he had already finished tracking down the brunette. A satisfied smile enveloped his face which was something rarely seen on him.
"Thanks mum but I have got to go now," he stood up excusing himself.