The First Alpha

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Chapter Five ~ A Life In Chains

Chapter Five ~ A Life In Chains

Liviana's point of view

After punching the newcomer in the face, my father pulled his hands up to his mouth. I knew he was about to sound the battle cry and I had to stop him. If the villagers knew that this boy was something other than human, they would kill him for sure. I couldn't let that happen. He was the only male that I'd ever felt an attraction to, and if that meant that there was something wrong with me, so be it. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to get to know him.

I ran over to the boy and knelt down on the ground beside him. Thankfully he was breathing, and my heart swelled with the knowledge that he would be okay. I stood up and walked around him placing myself between him and my father.

"Please father, don't sound the alarm."

He pulled his hands away from his face for a second and addressed me.

"Don't be so stupid Liviana. We don't know what this thing is, it could kill us all in our sleep."

"I don't believe he will. I trust him. He has a good heart, I can feel it."

He strolled up to me and took my hands into his.

"Liv. I know you're attracted to this boy, and trust me, I am fond of him too. But I can't risk your lives, and the lives of the villagers on a hunch."

He stepped back and held his hands up to his mouth again, ready to sound the alarm.

"Please, father, no!" I screamed out.

The newcomer awoke, and scrambled backwards. He stood up and my father yelled,

"Liv, get away from him quickly."

He stretched his hands out for me, but I backed away until my back hit the newcomers chest. I knew what I was doing was dangerous. From what I'd seen the guy do to that Lycan, he could easily rip me apart. But I truly believed that he was a good person, and whatever he was, he wasn't here to hurt us.

"I'm really no threat, Marcel. I'm not here to kill you, or even hurt you. Is there any way, I can prove that to you?"

My mother walked over to my father and took his hand into hers.

"Marcel. I too, believe that he is no threat. He could have killed us at any point over the last two days. He doesn't seem murderous like the Lycans. Can't we think of something else to do?"

My father looked down at my mother with compassion in his eyes.

"There may be one way we can stay safe, and let him prove himself. But it won't be pleasant for him."

He glanced over at the stranger with a brow raised.

The guy walked in front of me and replied,

"I'll do whatever you need me to."

I couldn't help it, and I don't know what came over me. I stepped to the side, and slid my fingers down his enormous arm, before entwining my fingers with his. The warmth of his skin was glorious and I couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to have those huge arms wrapped around me. I could tell that my father didn't like the display I'd put on, but I was trying to prove a point. The stranger squeezed my hand, and the tingles it sent through me, were extraordinary.

"Please father, I like him," my brother Max added, before running over to us and wrapping his arms around the guy.

My father reached out for Max, but my mother gently pushed his arm down, letting him know that it was okay. With an exaggerated sigh, my father nodded in agreement.

"This isn't going to be nice for you, Marik. You realise this?"

Marik? Even the sound of his name sent excited chills through my body.

"Do what you need to. I will prove to you, that I am not dangerous."

My father nodded, then turned to my mother.

"Ana, fetch the chains."

My mother hurried off into the hut. I instantly knew what my father was planning, and my heart sank. With the amount of Lycan attacks we were having lately, my father had set up a torture chamber within the cave in the woods. We had only managed to try it out with one Lycan and she was still there. The cave was guarded at all times, and only a select few were granted access. The guards and the few that were allowed in there, were trustworthy, they were my fathers closest confidants. So, I knew that if Marik was placed in there, the rest of the villagers would not find out about it.

The problem with him being in there, was that he would be starved and beaten until he was considered safe. They would push him as far as they could until he snapped, and although I trusted that he was a good person with a kind heart, I wasn't sure he could control himself enough not to attack them. If he did lash out at any point, I knew my father wouldn't trust him to be released. It was a huge risk, and I didn't know how long he would be in there, but it was the only way my father could trust him.

I glanced down at our linked fingers and wondered if it was the first and last time I'd ever be able to touch him. I traced my other fingers down his masculine arm, and committed the feeling of it to my memory. I wanted to remember the warm and soft feeling of his skin beneath my fingers, just in case I never got to feel it again. He squeezed my hand again and my heart nearly melted. I took in a deep breath when I heard the clink of the iron chains.

My father took the chains from my mother and held them out for Marik.

"This is for our safety, I hope you understand."

Marik peered down at me, and I smiled softly at him, but inside I was virtually weeping. I never thought I'd find a boy that I could see myself having a future with. To think that I'd finally found a possible future husband, and now he would be chained up and tortured for God knows how long. It absolutely broke my heart. He let go of my hand, and I stepped back, placing my hands onto Max's shoulders. Marik strolled in front of my father and held his hands out. My father fastened the cuffs around his wrists, while my mother fasted another set of cuffs around his ankles.

Marik's point of view

I wasn't worried about being chained up, I knew that I could break them with ease. Marcel and his family had no idea what power I held. I was happy to do whatever he asked, because I wanted more than anything to be accepted by their tribe. I could really see myself spending forever with them, so a few days or weeks chained up, wouldn't be a problem for me. Once they had secured my wrists and ankles, Marcel turned me around and guided me past his children. Liviana was tearing up, so I smiled at her, letting her know that I was okay.

Marcel walked me into the woods and towards a small cave. There were two guards standing in front of the entrance with spears that they crossed over each other. A new scent hit my nose and natural instinct took over. I growled ferociously, making the guards in front of me jump back. Marcel yanked on my chains, snapping me out of my daze. I held my hands up and calmed down. I knew that there was a Lycan inside of that cave, and it wanted out. I wasn't scared for my own safety, I was scared for the safety of the villagers. I could feel it's frustration and outrage, and it wanted to rip them limb from limb.

With me calm again, Marcel proceed to guide me into the cave. The cave was illuminated slightly with flame lit torches along the walls. It was a lot bigger inside than it looked from the outside. There was a wall-length wooden table at the end of the cave, with a variety of torture implements placed on top of it. I sighed, knowing now that when he said that this wouldn't be easy, I knew what he meant. I guessed that they were going to torture me and see if I attacked them. It wasn't exactly the best-case scenario, but I couldn't blame them for their caution. If I chose to, I could easily wipe out their entire village in less than an hour.

Marcel cleared his throat when he saw me staring at the torture table. I smiled up at him and walked towards, the hooks that were protruding out of the wall. I sat down on the ground, and he fastened my chains to the hooks and gave them a vigorous tug to make sure they were secured tightly. Once satisfied that they were going to hold, he squatted down to talk to me.

"I'm sorry it's come to this Marik. One day when you have a family of your own, I hope you understand why I had to do this." He placed his hand onto my shoulder and continued, "I can not bring you any home comforts, I'm afraid. The ground will be your bed, and you will receive no food. You do however have water," he pointed over to a bucket of water with a cup beside it. "And that is where you can relieve yourself," he said while peering over to another wooden bucket.

He shrugged and I could see a little embarrassment wash over his face. I smiled at him, letting him know that it was okay. He squeezed my shoulder then stood up. He walked over to the cave entrance, gave me one last smile, then left. I pulled my legs out in front of me and rested my back against the wall. It was cold and hard, but it felt good against my warm body. I closed my eyes and prepared myself for what was to become my life. As I sat listening to the crackle of the torches, a low rumbling growl filled the air. My eyes shot open to the snarling face of a huge blonde Lycan.

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