I stayed quiet and waited in the shadows. I knew I had to wait for quite some time before I could get an opportunity to do something.
I had somehow managed to sneak into the palace. This place was so big, it was easy to get lost here. I wondered how they even managed to guard this place. It must be a lot of work.
After getting inside the palace, I had wandered some parts of it. The whole area was beautifully decorated with flowers and their emblems, marking the ceremony. While some parts of the palaces were crowded, others were empty or completely deserted as if no one has ever stepped there in eternity.
I found a couple of exit gates and a path towards the heart of the palace, where I suppose the courtroom must be. After exploring the palace and thankfully not getting caught, I hid into an abandoned section of the palace. I took out the blunt dagger from the red pouch and examined it.
The blade was being eaten away by rust but the emblem on its handle made it special. I brushed my fingertips on the emblem slightly. Black smoke instantly started to come off from the tip of the dagger. I gulped before putting the dagger away.
I have to do this. I have to get to the Queen somehow.
I stayed for quite some time in the abandoned part of the palace before finally deciding to get out of my hiding place and get the work done. Carefully, I headed towards the courthouse. I took cover behind a thick pillar when I saw a royal guard.
He stopped in front of the courtroom. I peeked from behind the pillar to see him talking to a hooded figure. Since the corridor was silent, I could hear what they were talking about.
“I have news for her majesty. It’s regarding the underworld,” The hooded figure spoke. I instantly understood that it was a messenger. The royal guard contemplated for some moments before he answered, “She must be busy now but I’ll tell her anyway,”
“I’ll wait here,” The hooded figure spoke and the royal guard nodded before disappearing. An idea instantly crossed my mind. I stepped out of the pillar and approached the messenger, claiming his attention instantly.
“Who are you?” The messenger asked as I neared him. I grinned at him before using my powers and knocking him unconscious. I dragged his body behind the pillar before taking his black cloak and wearing it. Fortunately, my transformed body matched the messenger.
I did not delay to put the cloak over me before going to the place where the messenger had been standing before. In a few moments, I heard footsteps. I froze in my place when the Queen of wolves stepped in front of me.
She was very beautiful and her mere presence screamed of her power. She smiled lightly at me as soon as her eyes fell on me. It took me a couple of moments to compose myself.
“What is it?” She asked gently. Her voice was very smooth and melodious but it had a dominating edge to it. I instantly started to compare her to Cleopatra. Cleopatra was the greatest pharaoh among the mortals and the Queen who stood in front of me was no less than a goddess.
There was simply no comparison between them.
Cleopatra wanted to kill her to become the greatest? She must have been crazy but I surely was crazier than her because here I was, plotting to kill the Queen of wolves, who was immortal.
“It’s very urgent. We should talk inside,” I spoke lowly as I pointed to the empty courtroom. A look of bewilderment climbed on her face before she nodded and stepped inside the courtroom before me.
I stepped inside the courtroom after her and closed the doors shut behind me. At the sound of the doors closing, she turned to look at me in confusion.
“What are you doing?” She asked as he turned around to face me completely. I noticed the look of doubt on her face. She knew that something was wrong.
My heart drummed in my chest as I realized that the moment has finally come. A sly smile climbed on my lips before I let my powers out. Her eyes widened at this.
“WHO ARE YOU?” She bellowed at me as I neared her slowly.
“The last person you’ll ever see,” I muttered before charging at her. A crackling sound broke the silence in the courthouse. It was her silver whip that buzzed with power. The ground beneath our feet shook when her whip and my powers collided.
We got pushed back from each other before she let out a thundering growl. She charged at me with her whip but I moved away at the right time before it could hit me. Her whip ended up hitting the stone floor, which cracked instantly.
I ground my teeth before conjuring all the power I could manage. Violet light crackled around me as she whipped at me again. I did not move away this time and caught her whip at the right place before tugging at it roughly.
She lost balance before falling to the ground. With the force I had tugged at her whip, she came sliding at my feet. I looked down at her grimly. Before she could recover from the effect and get up, I pulled out the dagger and pressed the emblem.
Black smoke started to appear from it. Her eyes widened when she saw the dagger in my hand. I knew the moment when the final realization dawned upon her. She froze in her place and did not try to move anymore.
I could tell that she went into shock. This is what happened to be most of the people when they encountered death. I have seen it before and I was familiar with it like an old friend.
I took this opportunity as I raised the dagger over my head, just about to drive it through her chest and steal her soul. The black smoke coming out of it had surrounded us by now.
The dagger was halfway to the queen’s chest when the doors of the courtroom were being kicked open. I stopped and looked up to find his silver eyes. My heart skipped a beat and time stopped.