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Chapter 11: The infamous concubines of Dominic Valdemeire

I was running from something or someone….and I realized someone was running with me, holding my hands . I curiously looked up expecting to see Dominic but saw the ponytailed guy from the vision that Daniel had showed me. Both of us were panting heavily. Hold on…the surroundings look familiar…..The woods….we were headed towards the ruins of the church…..he stopped abruptly, pulling me towards him as he said, “ One day you will be the death of me, amica mea!”.

His eyes were twinkling as he said it. He was breath taking, drop dead gorgeous. I found myself gazing dreamily into his eyes.

He slowly bend his head and kissed me softly, playing with my under lip. It was more of a tease. I moaned and gave him more access by opening my lips. He started playing with my tongue now. He stopped from a moment and looked into my eyes. Those pitch black eyes, I could spent hours staring into them. I protested when he stopped kissing me. He laughed and kissed me again, this time a little more urgent, sucking my lips. I melted under him, my legs starting to tremble.

“ Jessica?” a voice interrupted us.

Hhmm , that arrogant , pompous voice sounded familiar…… Dominic’s…..

I opened my eyes and suddenly found myself staring into the baby blue eyes that I have become too familiar with.

It was a dream…..I dreamt about the ponytailed guy from the vision……I looked really happy and content with him……I couldn’t shake of the feeling that maybe he was my mate? Maybe Dominic had got it all wrong.

“ Huh....” I groaned.

“ Jess are you okay?” a nervous Stella asked.

I looked around and saw I was still in my bed. Then I saw two women standing behind Stella scrutinizing me. The red head and Stella were shooting daggers at each other, while the small blonde looked at me anxiously. What the hell was going on? What were all these people doing in my room?

Then everything hit me all at once….…the hellfire….blood sect….. I winced involuntarily.

“ Seriously ? Did you just call her Jess? Aww…..ein’t that sweet……Stella finally learned to share” the red head said smirking at Stella.

Stella stiffened and looked at the red head defiantly and said, “ Laya, back off…..she is my best friend. “

Aww….Stella just called me her best friend. I smiled happily at her and she winked back at me. And that name…Laya sounded familiar. Then I recalled my first meeting with Stella, she had mentioned Dominic’s other concubines by name….Laya and Savannah. So if the red one is Laya, then the nervous blonde must be Savannah…. Yipee! The whole family was here! Dominic Valdemeire, his lawful wife and his beloved concubines. It does make for a happy family picture doesn’t it?

Savannah whimpered under Stella’s malicious glare. I forgot the Stella I met the first time. God! She was such a spitfire.

I hid my smile. Soon I realized someone was staring quite intently at me. I had forgotten about Dominic , what with all the drama that is happening in front of me right now.

I smiled sweetly at Dominic and said frostily, “ Aww….it’s so sweet of you Dominic to show up with all your beloved concubines to check on my health.”

He winced as if he had just taken a terrible blow. I peered closely at him and found that he had dark black circles under his eyes which would put a panda to shame. His hair was messy, he looked as if he hadn’t any sleep for many days. Hold on a sec…..How long was I out for?

“ Stella? How long was I out for?” I asked her, ignoring Dominic’s presence completely. I mean he had the audacity to show up here with his concubines. I felt humiliated and scorned.

“ You were out for three full days, Jess” Stella replied biting her lips.

Three full days? Holy crap! I am guessing the hellfire took more from me than I expected.

“ Stella, Savannah and Laya, could you guys leave me alone with Jess” Dominic begged them.

Jess? When did I become Jess to him? I looked at Stella anxiously. But she was busy glaring at Savannah to take notice. I breathed a sigh of relief. Laya, however noticed the abbreviation and narrowed her eyes.

Laya hissed but didn’t obviously dare to offend Dominic, so left without another word, with Savannah and Stella following her out. Oh! That’s not going to end well. Three jealous concubines at the same place without anyone to supervise them? Bad call, Dominic Valdemeire.

He closed the door, locking it thoroughly, then came and sat in my bed, right next to me. It was a little too close for my comfort, our shoulders were grazing each other.

“So you do get jealous, you have no idea how relieved that makes me feel.” He said, with a smile on his face.

Jealous me, no way! I just felt insulted, nothing more, right? And wait a sec, Dominic Valdemeire was smiling? God! Am I still dreaming?

“ I am not jealous. I am merely insulted.” I replied, while pouting my lips.

“ Yeah right! Jess, why are you so intent to running away from this….us……It isn’t going to do you or myself any favor. You are my mate, my better half, my lawful wife… are all I want.” He said, without taking a breath in between. His baby blue eyes was intently accessing my reaction.

“Yet you have three concubines……I think you feel just fine without me, Dominic” I replied icily.

Dominic winced sharply when he replied, “ So that’s what’s stopping you, isn’t it……me having other woman….But I don’t have any feelings for them…..If I did have feelings for them, I would have married them and gave them a proper status.”

Great! He is not really getting my point, is he? What does he expect me to do? Bend over and roll, just because he gave me ‘ the status’….Ughhh…..self- obsessed bastard.

“ Get out “ I wailed, deciding that I am beat, very beat that I don’t even have strength to argue with him today.

He stiffened next to me, slammed me down on my own bed, then that arrogant bastard put himself on top of me…Dick move, Dominic Valdemeire… My full body was under his strong, heavy build. Me lying underneath his heavy body did weird things to my body, which made me flinch with guilt because I was just kissing another guy in my dream just a few minutes ago. He narrowed his eyes at my sudden flinch, his pupils dangerously dilated.

“ I will leave now, Jess…..But just remember that you are mine and no one else’s……You think I don’t know what’s going on your head…..Amica Mea…… that one word is enough, I know very well the guy that was currently in your very stimulating dream……Of all the guys in this world why did it have to be him?.. …Make no mistakes, Jess, I am being understanding just because you were new to this place and needed time to adjust….I am not understanding enough to let another man take away my mate… Always remember , in the end, only I would be able to protect you from others as well as from yourself. Take a nap, we are going to get started on your training today itself. Meet me in the weapons room by 5 pm sharp.” He said in my ear, then removed his body from mine, then walked himself out and slammed the door shut.

I sucked a sharp breath in. His slamming the doors is really starting to be a thing… But just when I wanted him to answer more questions he left….I thought he would talk to me about the blood sect and my training, but he seemed too preoccupied with my dreams that he forgot all about that…..He knew the guy in my dream….He found out because I had said the word, amica mea out loud…..What does it mean?

Just then Stella opened the door, and put her tiny head in nervously and asked , “ Uhmm…..Jess, is it okay if I come in?….I know you might want to be alone right now…”

“ I thought it was obvious that this room belongs to you too. You don’t permission to enter your own room. You are my best friend Stella. I never had any family [ well, not until recently anyway] and I have already begun to see you as my family.”

She blinked back tears and came and hugged me……hard….

“ Stella….can’t …..breathe…..” I managed to get out.

She released me immediately and laughed out loud, her eyes still glistening with tears.

“ So, tell me what happened? I couldn’t get anything out of Dominic”

I thought about Dominic’s warning not to tell anyone. I sighed, maybe I will give her the lighter version of the truth. I can’t tell her the whole truth, not because I didn’t trust her but I was afraid that I would lose the only friend I had made in this place when she finds out that I actually belong to the blood sect.

“ I bended fire, and it kind of took all my energy….” I said guiltily.

She gasped out loud and her eyes widened as she exclaimed, “ You can bend fire! That’s awesome. Huh! Now those bitches Laya and Savannah can’t do anything to me….for my best friend can bend fire…Hell yeah …..they better watch out.”

I laughed out loud at her enthusiasm to burn Laya and Savvanah….but I still felt a little guilty about not telling her the whole truth. Dominic had told that he would teach me to tone down my hellfire so that it can be easily confused with regular fire, so I won’t necessarily get caught.

“ Why do treat me differently from Savannah and Laya? I mean I am your competition too, aren’t I ?”

She replied, stifling a laugh, “ because you my dear, are nothing like those sluts. Well , for one thing, you have zero interest in Dominic and the other, you have been moaning very very loudly in your dreams these last few days. By the way you smiled in your sleep and from what I heard while you were talking in your sleep, the moans were the handiwork of another guy, not Dominic, isn’t it? ”

I was talking in my sleep….. crap! How much had she heard…and if I was moaning that loudly had Dominic heard it too when he was here? Obviously he had, that’s why he became so pissed…

“ So, who is the guy?” She prompted.

“ Just a guy I have been dreaming about…and you were right, it is not Dominic, so you have nothing to worry about” I replied

“ Honey, I already figured it wasn’t Dominic. If it was Dominic in our dreams , you would have worn your trademark scowl which you reserve specially for Dominic in your face, but your face looked happy and content. And I know you are different from….you are the type of girl who could never share her man…..I know you can never bear to give your heart to a man who has three other concubines.”

Her faith in me made me feel more guilty, as I remembered the tension between us in the weapons room that day. My body had reacted to him, but I didn’t have any feelings for him……it was just stupid hormones….I comforted myself…. I looked at Stella’s trusting eyes and decided that Dominic Valdemeire wasn’t worth jeopardizing our friendship for. She had told me she never had a friend, as everyone is always obsessed by Dominic, I won’t be that friend….I will be her true friend ….She has always had my back…she deserves it…

“ Stella, give me your hand”

She stretched her right hand towards me, looking bewildered.

I placed my right hand on top of her and promised, “ Stella Rodriguez, my best friend, my partner in crime, I hereby vow to myself and to you that I would never jeopardize our friendship for Dominic. You are far more important to me…..I will never fall in love with Dominic…..”

She blinked astounded by my sudden vow, then burst into tears. Okay! This was so not the reaction I was going for….

“ I love you , Jess” she whimpered in between her sobs….

I smiled and replied, “ Right back at you, girl!”

We were interrupted by the ring of a mobile….my mobile…

“ Oh ! your phone has been ringing continuously for the last three days…..Why is Justin so desperate to call you?” Stella said, wiping her tears away with her handkerchief.

Justin….. I went towards the table where currently my phone resides and checked the name…..Sure enough! It was Justin calling me…. I ignored the call and looked at my call list and saw that there were 76 missed calls from Justin. Obviously he was worried…he hadn’t heard back from me since the last training session we had. I can’t let the poor guy worry. So I quickly texted him informing him that I had fainted but now I was fine.

Then I started searching in google, the words that were now stuck in my head, the word the ponytailed guy had called me in my dream….., amica mea…….It meant “my love” in Latin….

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