Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 12 : The Arrival of the Head of the Water Sect

I was laughing out loud, my face glistening with sweat. I looked at him and started laughing again. Gone was his ponytail, he was now spotting a man bun….I have to say that the man bun works wonders for him….

Both of us were laying down next to each other, looking up and admiring the sunlight, in what looked like a meadow. Well, at least he was admiring the sunlight, I was busy admiring him. God! I loved that pitch black eyes and that sharp jaw of his…. I smiled contently and a purr escaped from my mouth…. He heard it and locked his beautiful black eyes with mine…He leaned in. Me thinking he was about to kiss me, sucked my lips, making it moist. He however, went for my ear and murmured, “ I know that this is wrong….but it feels so right to me, you are my verus amor”……

He then licked my ears, sucking it with his sharp teeth…I let out a loud moan…..

“ Oh my god, Jess, you are at it again”

Huh? What? Stella…..Ughh…

I woke up and found myself saw Stella, perched on my bed, stifling a grin….

I talked in my sleep again, didn’t I ? Okay, now I was absolutely one hundred percent embarrassed…

“ So, I take it you’re little afternoon nap was stimulating?” Stella said wickedly.

Ughh.. that sly bitch was eavesdropping on me again…

“ Well, it would have been quite stimulating had you not woken me up” I snarled, clearly mad at her for disturbing my quality dream time with the pony tailed guy…

Hold on.....Where was Dominic? I hadn’t seen him since morning…not that I care…He had mentioned in the morning that I was to meet him in the training room behind the weapons room at five in the evening so that we can get started on how to control my hellfire. But I still hadn’t figured out how I would sneak into the weapons room and train without Stella noticing my absence.

“ Where’s Dominic?” I asked her, trying to sound nonchalant.

She looked surprised at my question, but tried to hide it as she replied, “ He is going to get his ass kicked..”

What? Ass kicked? Dominic was the most powerful man in the fire sect, who could probably get his ass kicked? In a minute the answer to that question was already in my head, Stephanno…….. I really need to start working on how to make him my ally…

“ So I take it he went to meet Stephanno? What’s the deal between these two anyway?”

“ Stephanno and Dominic were rivals since childhood, which wasn’t surprising because the elders always put them up against each other and compared them…..Dominic however never succeeded in a fight against Stephanno, no matter how hard he trained, Stephanno would still wipe him out within a few minutes. Dominic contested for the position of the Head of the council and lost very badly ….actually by a huge margin to Stephanno……” she says, deadpan.

Interesting a guy who can brush aside Dominic Valdemire like a fly. Now he would make a really strong ally…

“ Do you hate Stephanno? You know for making Dominic look so weak and pathetic?” I asked her gleefully.

She rolled her eyes at my gleeful tone and replied, “ I don’t hate Stephanno… one does, well except for Dominic. He is a very respectable and a truly honorable man, which makes it hard for anyone to dislike him, well with the exception of Dominic ,of course. But I think Dominic would one day beat Stephanno…..The problem with Dominic is that he always fights using his full strength… strength, no one, not even Stephanno can compare to him…..Whereas Stephanno always fights strategically, without even using half of his strength….After all, no matter how strong and formidable your enemy is…Strength always bows its head to wisdom.”

I liked that phase, ‘ strength will always bow his head to wisdom’….I had heard that phrase before....oh right! the prophecy....

This Stephanno character was getting more and more interesting, he can beat Dominic just by using half of his strength….I really need to get this guy to train me….

“ What is the reason for the conflict between them? Why did he leave to meet him?” I asked.

“ You” she replied.

“Me? What did I do? I don’t even know this Stephanno guy” I exclaimed puzzled.

“ Stephanno is of the opinion that you belong to the water sect as your mom was from there.”

Oh ! now it made perfect sense….Actually I don’t belong to the fire sect at all…my father was from the blood sect after all and my mom was from the water sect…..I didn’t have any relation to the fire sect, well except for my marriage to Dominic…which I doubt would last when the people starts finding out the truth about my origin…

“ How are you always updated on what is going on?” I asked her wonder struck.

“ Because I am not a sleeping beauty and because I have a sense of surroundings and some basic social skills, that you clearly don’t possess. I mean you haven’t even taken time to meet and know about your own, subordinates, your own people.”

Ouch, that hurt, but she was right. I didn’t care for the affairs of this sect or its people, maybe because I don’t actually belong here… Stella should have been the Mistress of this Sect, not me….She would have done a much better job than me. The past few weeks, I had shied away when the member of the Sect came to meet me, to welcome me to their sect. I had also shooed away Christopher when he came to me with a problem when Dominic wasn’t there. Yep! I was a really bad leader. The reason I wanted the control of this Sect was all for my selfish reasons. That doesn’t make me sound too good, does it?

I opened my mouth to reply to her, then closed it firmly shut when I heard raised voices coming from downstairs… I thought that mansion was empty except for me and Stella….

I started going downstairs curious, Stella right at my heels…

“ I don’t care for your reasons….This is a clear case of abuse of power….. We just had a talk, I thought I had made my intentions crystal clear…and you still had the audacity to follow me here..”

“ She belongs in the water sect”

“ She belongs with me, in my sect”

“ Dominic, be reasonable” A very soothing voice replied…

That voice…that silky, slightly seductive voice….It had a honey laced tone….I would have recognized that voice anywhere… It was the voice of the pony tailed guy from my vision and dreams. I froze suddenly and Stella walked right into me and frowned when she saw my dazed expression. She looked questioningly at me….

Me, however was transfixed.. I couldn’t move from the spot…. She had to literally push me down the stairs…

“ You will be able to take her only over my dead body” Yelled out Dominic.

Ooh! Someone was being overly dramatic… He stopped talking when he saw me and went still as a statue, the vein on his forehead bulging rapidly…I ignored him, I was more interested in the pony tailed head which was facing Dominic…..Ugh….I wanted to see his face, the face which I had memorized even the tiniest details…

The ponytailed guy, noticing Dominic’s sudden lack of speech, turned his head slowly towards me…..

I sucked in a sharp breath when I saw the pitch black eyes which I had dreamed about meet mine. He was ripped too, like Dominic. While Dominic was handsome in a more devilish type of way, he was handsome in a masculine as well as divine type of way…. God, I wanted to kiss those full lips I had attacked wildly in my dreams, to taste it …. He was around six feet tall, with broad shoulders and a delicious chest. His ponytail reached till his shoulders. It didn’t look girly at all on him, it made him look more muscular and manly.

I saw his eyes flash with recognition, then guilt, then to something I can’t actually put a name on…

This was ridiculous…why did he looked like he recognized me ? I clearly recognized him because of my dreams and the vision Daniel had showed me…But why did he? And why was he looking at me with guilt in his eyes?

“ Why ? Why did it have to be her?” He murmured so low, that I barely managed to catch it….

Dominic pushed past the ponytailed guy, shoving him aside harshly and positioned himself right next to me, then with one swift motion drew me to him and held me there, putting his hands over my shoulders. I was too taken aback by this , that I stood there completely transfixed….It was like he was making a grand show to ensure that no one made any mistakes or misunderstandings about who I really belonged to…he was claiming me…he was ensuring that the ponytailed guy knew that I belonged to him…. Me on the other hand, wanted to make a great speech on how it was just a contract marriage and how I really didn’t like him so that my pony tailed guy won’t misunderstand the situation. I held my mouth shut however, because the atmosphere here was so thick with tension that you could start a fire here right now, and still they won’t stop glaring at each other.

He kissed my shoulder and said, “ Baby! Why did you come down….I thought with the time we had last night you would be too sore to even walk today.”

I blinked at him confused. I looked at Stella, who was watching everything closely while biting her lips. She looked equally petrified at his declaration….Obviously she didn’t misunderstand, because we shared the same room…thank god for that or I would have lost her as a friend today for sure.

A sharp hiss broke my thoughts…It came from the ponytailed guy…His pitch black eyes was dangerously glinting and his eyes now looked like the slits of a snake…

“ Meet my mate, Jessica Rupin VALDEMEIRE” he told the ponytailed guy, enunciating Valdemeire with great care.

Dominic was obviously being overly jealous….But why would he be jealous? He doesn’t know that I have been having dreams about this guy….then why the hell was he acting all territorial around me?

The ponytailed guy took a step forward, extended his hand for a handshake towards me and said, “ Stephanno Miapollis, the Head of the council, also the Head of the Water Sect, YOUR SECT.”

I blinked…Stephanno? The ponytailed guy was Stephanno? Dominic’s rival? No wonder Dominic looked pissed.

I shook his hand nervously. The moment our hands touched, I felt a jolting spark in my hands. The spark made its way upward towards my arm, and soon my whole body felt its warmth… I yelped out loud, taken by surprise. He looked equally surprised. And by the way he dropped his hands hastily, I was sure he had felt the electricity too…His face looked pained as if he was being tortured. His eyes looked glazed as if he was currently not in this world.

He said one word, something shining in his eyes, “coniunx”

Stella gasped out loud. He then took a step back, blinked his eyes rapidly while massaging the palm of his right hand which I had just shook, then without a single word ran out of the mansion, without even looking back. I felt humiliated and rejected..

I blinked rapidly, surprised at his sudden demise…I looked at Dominic confused, he didn’t have any look of confusion in his eyes. His grip on me tightened and I saw that he was clenching the other hand which was not on my shoulders, into a fist…..

What does ‘ coniunx’ mean? An elderly woman’s voice in my head whispered, which freaked me out completely…..…Mate….. That voice, that elderly woman’s voice was awfully familiar but still I couldn’t put a name on it……It whispered again, this time with more power and dominance ,

“ MATE…..”

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