Chapter 13 : I mated the wrong person
Woah , Is Stephanno really my mate? Then what about Dominic? He had claimed that he was my true mate? And I remember, I had felt recognition when I first saw Dominic as if I had known him since I was born, even though I had never seen him before….But I had felt a jolt of spark when Stephanno’s hand had touched mine and so had he….What the hell is going on? Who is my true mate? One of them is clearly lying and one of them was telling the truth, the question was which one was doing what? And whose fucking voice was that on my head just now?
The hand on my shoulder tightened its grip on me. I frowned at Dominic. He was holding me tightly as if he was afraid that I would leave him and run after Stephanno….which I was seriously contemplating, but by the look on Dominic’s face right now, that would be a suicidal move.
Dominic seems to have gone into some sort of frenzy, something dangerous glinted in his eyes… something told me, one wrong move I make, and things would end up being catastrophic. I looked at Stella panicked. Her eyes were widened and her brows raised that it almost disappeared into her hair.
“ Don’t try to move away from him, Jess…..He will go berserk……You take one step away…..And he will go after Stephanno…..and I don’t think he will lose to him this time”
I gulped hard and looked at Dominic again, petrified of what he was gonna do next. I held my breath as I saw him watching me intently. I felt exposed under his scrutinizing glare, it was almost as if he could see what was going on in my head.
Stella watched Dominic with a tortured expression on her face….Great! Was I the only one who was completely oblivious to what was going on?
Something touched my mind….and I completely freaked, I could sense something or someone in my mind…..Dominic….He had mentioned that mates can read each other’s mind after bonding, not before, which means he was forcibly trying to enter into my mind right now.
I tried desperately to block him…He narrowed his eyes, then without a word, took his hands off my shoulder and gripped my left hand tightly , pulling me towards his study room. As he dragged me with him, I shot Stella a panicked glance. To my surprise, I saw Stella wrestling with a lot of emotions…I couldn’t read what was going on her mind…She , however didn’t make any move to stop Dominic.
I tried to resist, by forcing him to loosen his grip on my hand, but to no avail. His grip only tightened….
My hand was turning red, I was bruising very badly at his tightened grip.
He threw me inside his study room, then closed the door shut with his heel, locking it thoroughly and made his way towards me. When he threw me, I had hit his desk, knocking down the vase as well as some files to the floor, my stomach hitting the sharp edge of the desk. I grimaced at the pain. I looked at Dominic, eyes wide open with panic.
What the hell is wrong with him? He is not being himself right now. He grabbed me, hoisting me up onto the table, while sweeping the rest of his files and his laptop to the floor. I frowned, that was a quite an expensive laptop. I get that he is a millionaire, but still…
He wrapped my legs around his body and kissed me harshly, almost desperate. I was shocked by his sudden action that I froze completely. His tongue started thrusting my mouth open.That asshole took my first real kiss…I wanted my first kiss to be with Stephanno after I had seen the way he kisses me in my dreams. Dominic however was not soft, he was kissing me passionately, his tongue exploring every inch of my mouth. I groaned involuntarily as I found my body reacting to him.
He stopped suddenly and looked intently at me. Those baby blue eyes was filled with desire now… I gulped, taking a deep breath.
“Tell me Jess, how do you think guardians accept their mate, ?” he purred seductively.
My mind was having trouble keeping up so I managed to get up, “ By …Uh…Mating….You know, Jumping the bones?”
He laughed out loud…I stood there astounded. I had never seen Dominic laugh out loud like this before. I had only very recently succeeded him to smile and now here he was laughing out loud.
“ No my love, Guardians doesn’t need to ….Uhmm….Jump the bones…to mate” he replied stifling a laugh.
“ Then what do they do to mate?” I asked curiosity taking the better of me.
“ This “ he replied and bent his head towards my neck and before I could stop him, he sucked on my skin, then bit me sharply. I groaned out loud with pleasure erupting me. That sneaky bastard bit me…why the hell did he bite me? My head was getting muddled as lots of emotions erupted inside me….
He stopped, looked at me with a twinkle in his eyes, looking all pleased with himself.
Stella! Remember Stella, I willed myself…...Remember the vow… Stella’s tearful eyes when I made the vow came back to me to haunt me.
I looked at the mark he had left on my neck and frowned.
I looked at the baby blue eyes mesmerized when suddenly I saw flashes of his memory in my mind…Him seeing me for the first time in the father’s office….him seeing me on in my peach wedding dress.. ….him watching me leave every morning early with Justin….
I gasped and blinked….Was I just reading his mind? If I was able to read his mind that must mean he really completed the mating bond, it must mean he really was my true mate? Then what about the spark I felt with Stephanno? And by seeing flashbacks of his memory, I can see that Dominic already knew about my training sections with Justin? Had he already guessed that I was going to betray him, to take over from him? I remembered the day he discovered my hell fire…He didn’t look surprised at all that I was out of my bed that early in the morning and was in my tracksuits. He had known all along, hadn’t he?
Wait a sec, if I could read his mind, then that must mean he can read mine too…
I desperately tried to hide my dreams about Stephanno, tried hard to push it away to the back of my head, but as I was getting panicked, it didn’t seemed to be working…Everything from the dreams to the jolt I felt when I touched his hand was replaying on my mind, and judging by Dominic’s expression, I was not the only one who were seeing it now. Gone was his loving gaze, those baby blue eyes were now looking at me with pure loathing. I gulped.
“ So the moment we mated means shit to you, doesn’t it? You are thinking of him even now….right at this moment?” he yelled at me , finally loosing it.
But even despite all the proofs and facts, something or some voice in my head disagreed with the fact that Dominic that he was my mate…..In my heart and my mind, I felt that Stephanno was my mate….There was an alluring voice in my head which assured me that Stephanno was indeed the one for me.. And what’s wrong with me? I have to be angry at Dominic for claiming me when he clearly was not my mate….Stephanno was….Did Dominic do this is on purpose so that I won’t even get a chance to mate with Stephanno?
“ You tricked me….you forced me…You forced an eighteen year old girl , who had no idea what mating means. Don’t you know that the first thing you need between mates is willingness and acceptance?” I yelled defiantly.
The vain on his forehead was bulging dangerously now, the blue eyes had gone dark…
“ I didn’t complete mating with you, I just claimed you so that you won’t go around hanging around with different men as you please. And claiming you allows me to read into your mind, so I know what dirty tricks you are upto….Only when we mate completely can we connect with each other emotionally and spiritually, and can draw on each others powers in time of need.”
I drew a sharp breath in…..He did it so he can keep track of me, read my thoughts so that he can know what’s going on his head? He did it so he can stalk me? Wow! How romantic, He claimed me not because he loved me but because he wanted to keep track of me. I laughed out loud hysterically, freaking out Dominic in the process.
Dominic Valdemeire , you messed with the wrong type of girl, for a moment yesterday I had contemplated not going against you, but today I have changed my mind. I am going to take you down, take over this position that you love so much and leave you utterly humiliated. I vowed to myself.
“ Ouch! Stella gets such a beautiful and heart wrenching vow and I get a terrible revenge vow?” he shook his head mockingly at me as he said it.
I shoved my way underneath his arms which were trapping me, keeping me in place, then walked defiantly to the door, without even sparing him a look.
“ Do your best, baby doll….Let’s see if you can last….You really think you can take this sect from me? You underestimate me too much, darling….I can read your mind because I claimed you but you can’t read my mind, because you didn’t reciprocate…Do you want a bite at my neck too?” he exclaimed stifling a laugh.
“ I just read your mind, dimwit” I snarled at him.
“ That was just for a moment….when I connected with you when I claimed you….You can’t read my mind…yet…Reading my mind would give you easy access to my weakness that you can exploit so that you can merrily take the sect from me doesn’t it? Sounds good? You could get what you want…Come on Jess, bite me and complete the bond…. “ He said seductively, pulling his jacket over his head and offering me direct access to his neck.
I snarled…I tried to push my mind towards Dominic, but to no avail…Guess! He was right….I seriously screwed up…I just gave my enemy the biggest advantage over me…to read into my mind. I can’t just bite him so that I can read his mind as well. Be biting his neck will complete the mating bond, which would only attach my mind, body and soul to his, permanently… No…I shook my head, I have to steer clear of him…I will figure out a way to keep him out of my head.
I closed the door behind me with a bang and left the study room, leaving a bemused Dominic behind…. Great! Now I was the one slamming doors shut… The doors of this beautiful mansion beware….for I was sure there is gonna be a lot more slamming doors in the coming weeks.
I entered the hallway and immediately froze as I saw the pitch black eyes I adored glaring angrily at the bite mark on my neck…. Stephanno was back…..I think he had run away to try to wrap his head around what happened before….His jaw tightened as he took in my messy hair, my bruised hand and then his gaze finally returned and rested on my neck where Dominic had just claimed me….