Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 15 : Hellfire and my other fabulous satanic powers

After a while, I still hadn’t stopped wailing, but I found someone’s tiny hands wrapped around me, holding me tightly. I opened my eyes, rapidly blinking ,as a blonde head came into my vision…Stella….

“ Why are you taking care of me? Shouldn’t you be taking care of Dominic?” I asked her confused, pointing towards Dominic who I thought was still lying in the floor motionless. But when I turned my head , I found no one there.

“I already took him to the infirmary Jess…Doctor John is now treating him as we speak”

“ Stephanno… my mate….” I wailed in her arms.

She patted my shoulders as she whispered against my ears, “ I know, I heard everything…”

“ He doesn’t want me….Do you know how much that rejection hurt?”

“ Seriously Jess? Do I know how much it hurts to be rejected by the man who I love to death?”

Ugh…I sighed…. She has been experiencing that for years with Dominic.

“Sorry” I mumbled out a lame apology.

“ Jess…You are upset right now, but think from the viewpoint of Stephanno too. He not only had to deal with the fact that his true mate was married already to someone, but that someone was Dominic… Those two have a history. The fact that it was Dominic, his archenemy who you married made him see red…. Give him some time to cool down.”

“ By the way, aren’t you supposed to be mad at me? Because Dominic claimed me?”

“Would you rather I be mad at you? Dominic is the one who claimed you, not you him. Besides it is very evident that he forced you into it just by looking at you. You have bruises all over your body” she whispered softly, sighing.

“ But how can you be so sure that I have no ounce of emotion towards Dominic?”

“ Because Jess, the person you are obsessing over, even at this moment when Dominic is laying motionless in the infirmary is not him, it’s Stephanno… I am happy that you found your true mate. Give it some time, everything will work out between you two…”

God! I hope it did… I just barely met him and already can’t live without him. Despite the way he had treated me earlier, I found myself agonizing over his departure…

I didn’t visit Dominic in the infirmary, but he was released soon enough anyway. It took three days for Dominic to be back to normal and kicking ass again.

He was currently glaring daggers at me…Yep! Perfectly back to normal. We were in the training room behind the weapons room…and I had just set his hair on fire, not on purpose…well maybe…

I held back a grin, looking at him dancing around trying to put out the fire.

“ Okay! Let’s try this one more time….and remember Jess, we are trying to tone down your hellfire, not make it more powerful” he growled at me.

I snickered and held out my hands again, mimicking his motions…I had already learned to tone down my hellfire to make it look similar to normal fire bending. The previous fire was a little too smoky just because I was messing around with him..

When he finally became satisfied with my performance, he stopped and wiped the sweat of his face. Ugh….for the past few days I had worked him hard….

Both of us wore matching black training outfits, a coincidence Stella had frowned at.

“Riz mortuus” The elderly woman’s voice in my head was back….

Then , without even me properly accessing the situation, I muttered the word I had just heard in my head, “ Riz mortuus”

Dominic looked at me with eyes which were wide open with shock.

“ You…..speak…Latin?” he managed to get out ,coughing harshly because of the dark grey smoke that was coming out of my hands…

Did I speak in latin? But that’s impossible, I have never studied latin…I had said “ Rise Dead”….did I say that in latin? Since when can I speak latin? And why the hell did I just say ‘Rise dead’ ? I didn't seem to speak latin a few days back, I had to google the words amica mea to find out that it meant 'my love'...

I looked at my hands and frowned, this time I wasn’t throwing hellfire….A weird black eerie smoke was coming out of my hands…..I yelped out loud, taken aback as I saw that my smoke was forming into something or someone…..many somethings or someone’s…

I blinked as I saw zombie like things emerging from my smoke….Their eyes were red, their body a mix of blood, flesh and bones….If it weren’t for the few flesh here and there, they could have passed for skeletons…

One skeleton…er…uhmm…zombie…uhmm..who I am guessing is the leader of this little undead gang, bowed his head towards me and said, “Filia diaboli, ad imperium tuum..”

“ What did he say?” Dominic yelled at me, his eyes watering because of the smoke..

“ He said, “Daughter of the Devil, we are at your command.” I replied instantly…then frowned..

I can understand Latin? Me, Latin? Me, who couldn’t even speak French, which I had taken classes for since sixth grade?

“ Uhm..Jess, could you send them away?” Dominic stuttered , while eyeing the skeleton zombie things as they were slowly edging towards him…

“Exiteee…” I shrieked.

They bowed their heads…well skulls at me, and they soon one after one, disappeared back into the smoke.

Another astonishing fact I just realized was that they didn’t creep me out at all………And also I was completely fine in the deadly grayish black smoke, while Dominic looked like he had just rubbed pepper on his eyes….

He , however didn’t look the least bit surprised at all about my ability to raise a half dead army.

He walked towards the bench, opened the water bottle and splashed some water on his face.

“Does it hurt?”

He frowned at me annoyed, and replied, “ Of course, it hurts. I feel like hot acid was just thrown into my eyes.”

I stifled a laugh….The all mighty Dominic Valdemeire, taken down by smoke….

I have more of an even footing with Dominic than I initially realized. In the duel, I just had to unleash this smoke, and he would lose focus…

I smiled gleefully at the thought.

“ You are probably the first woman who always thinks about ways to murder her own husband.” He snapped at me.

Damn! I always forget that he can read my mind now….Ugh…This was starting to annoy me…I can’t form any malicious plans now….I quickly thought about the mayflowers from the mansion’s garden to block him out ….

“ Ugh…you and the mayflowers again..” he hissed, while grabbing a towel and wiping himself.

I smiled…I had learned in the past few days from Justin to block Dominic from my mind…He had suggested me to try to intently focus on something completely irrelevant whenever Dominic tried to read my mind….and since I was overly fond of the mayflowers, they were my go to…whenever Dominic tried to read my mind. I could tell I was starting to irk him out.

“ Now that we have successfully toned down your hellfire, we need to concentrate on your other peculiar powers, but we don’t have any time as today is the day he arrives” He said.

I knew that ‘he’ meant Stephanno…..He had told he would come to take me to the water sect for my training after a week was over. We, however couldn’t make full use of this week to train, because Dominic spend half of the days frozen like a statue…I would love to learn that trick from Stephanno…

So that whenever Dominic starts to piss me off, I can just do the weird snap thing with my index finger and freeze him…Well, if I ever succeeded in learning that move, Dominic would spend most of his life being a statue…

Speaking of Dominic, he was eerily calm these few days…After he had woken up, he immediately ventured out into the woods, much to the dismay of Stella, obviously to meet with Daniel.

After he came back, it was like he was another man….he was so calm and patient…He din’t even explode when Stephanno sent a fax reminding Dominic that a week was almost done..He took it very calmly…way too calm, that for a moment I suspected it wasn’t Dominic who was with us, it was Daniel. But the one thing that didn’t change was the way he looked at me. Just by the way he sneaked glances at me when he thought I wasn’t looking, I could tell for sure that it wasn’t Daniel…

But something definitely changed after his visit to the woods…He now seemed to be taking on a different approach, he didn’t get riled up like before, whenever I mentioned Stephanno. His eyes would still turn red, but he would however hold his tongue….It was liking he was done forcing me, he is giving me space , so that I will come towards him willingly. The last couple of days, Dominic was a star, patiently guiding me..I was astounded by his deep knowledge about the blood sect, when that sect was destroyed.....extinct even before he was born….

“ Dominic, you are very familiar with the powers of the blood sect….too familiar..” I said, narrowing my eyes.

He blinked taken aback my sudden attack and replied, “ You are being suspicious for me helping you?”

He is clearly stalling…But I wasn’t one who was known for my patience so I pushed him against the wall and leaned in. Yep! This time it was me pushing him towards the wall. Huh! Sucker!

Dominic’s eyes bulged as he took in what just happened. His baby blue eyes were watching me closely, filled with desire as he pulled me closer to him, his hands wrapping around my waist.

“ I like it when the girl’s in charge” He murmured while sucking my ears.

My legs turned jelly as his sucking in my ear increased, I let out a groan unable to control myself….

Ugh! Jessica focus….

I took a deep breath, blinking my eyes rapidly.

“ You are hiding something….There is no way you can find out all these about the blood sect this fast , which means you have known about these secrets of the blood sect before you even found out that I could bend hellfire….” I whispered in his ear.

Suddenly something snapped in his baby blue eyes…gone was his desire, he was guarding himself now. He was looking at me with a mixture of guilt and suspicion now.

I sighed and dropped my hands, releasing from the wall. His guarded expression was back, I could never get anything out of him now, so I decided to rest it….for now…Dominic Valdemeire had too many secrets….his brother….his in –depth knowledge of the blood sect….

Just then a loud bell rang. It didn’t take too long for me to figure out that was Stephanno, coming to collect his ‘apprentice’….apprentice, not mate, apparently.

I looked at Dominic, curious to see his reaction, but other than vein that was threatening to pop out of his forehead, he looked completely fine……What exactly did Daniel say to or show Dominic that made him transform into a whole other person?

“ That must be him. Go get changed first....You smell!” he said, stating the obvious.

I stuck out my tongue at him, then pushed the secret door open and headed towards my room.

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