Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 6: The annoying ‘Know it all’ Seer

I jumped and started scanning the church, trying to locate the voice. The air in front of me suddenly moved, dust and leaves floating, and I found myself staring into the baby blue eyes, which instantly reminded me of Dominic.

“ You… where…how?” I stammered.

“ Hey, sister in law. I am sorry I couldn’t make to your wedding.” He grinned at me and said.

He looked exactly like Dominic, same eyes, same dark hair, same build…..

“ You are Dominic’s twin” I stated the obvious.

“ Wow! How did you know? What gave it away?” he commented sarcastically.

“Uhmm… Dominic never mentioned anything about a twin….” I started curiously.

“ No one knows I exist, except for Dominic and now you. That’s why I had to freeze my brother’s favorite concubine.”

“ How did you do that? Can u freeze time?”

“ No darling, I just put her in an illusion. For all purposes, in her head, she is still scanning the church with you….” He explained…..

“ Illusion! Hhmm ….interesting …..How do you do that?”

“ I don’t think you came here to learn that, sweet puffs.”

“ Sweet puffs?” I shrieked indignantly.

He smirked and started walking around me , scanning me……you know checking me out….

“What the hell do you think you are doing?” I said fighting the urge cover myself with my arms. I felt exposed, like I was naked under his eyes.

“ You are weak. Your physical strength is not at par with the other guardians of your age. Maybe it’s because you have never been trained….. uhmm …. You are going to work hard, very very hard to make it as a trained guardian. Because in your current condition, a 10 year old who has just begun training can take you down without even breaking a sweat.”

I was not only deeply offended by the comment, I was feeling very self-conscious and small too. I remember the fight before with the lycan, how I couldn’t even move my legs…..That memory is forever etched into my mind. I don’t think I can ever get over it.

“ What is your name?” I asked him. He was still continuing his scanning shamelessly.

“ Daniel Valdemeire “ He stated calmly.

“ Uhmm….. why are you in hiding? Instead of being by your brother’s side?”

“ That’s a story for another time. Now why did you come here?”

Crap! I had completely forgotten the danger Dominic was in…..

“ Your brother is in trouble. It has been a day since he left…. He said something about Stephano and some crisis…. We tried to contact him but there was no reply.”

“ Trust me, Dominic is perfectly fine. He is still very much alive, and he isn’t even injured..” He declared pompously.

“ What? How can you be so sure?”

“ Because my dear sister in law, otherwise I wouldn’t be standing in front of you and chatting, if he was…..if he was injured, I would be bleeding now”

“ That doesn’t make any sense. Why would you bleed if Dominic is the one getting injured?” I asked him.

He sighed and replied, “ That’s Dominic’s secret to share. When you have earned his trust, I am sure he will disclose it himself.”

This isn’t making any sense. However I held my tongue, because I knew it would be hopeless to try to garner more information from him.

Instead I replied, “ I don’t think he will ever trust me”

“ Of course, he will. You are his mate, his pre- destined one…” he murmured so low that I almost didn’t hear it.

“ Mate? Like werewolves mate?” I asked confused

“ Someone reads lots of paranormal romances” he teased and laughed out aloud.

“so? What is it? And how do you know that I am the pre destined one?”

“ That again, is a question for my brother. “

“But I could however read your future if you want?” he offered.

“ Right, you are a seer. Okay! Go ahead.” I mean what could possibly go wrong? Everything

..... it soon turned out.

He locked his eyes into mine, and the baby blue eyes started turning golden.

“ The daughter of the devil, shall become more powerful and darker than the Devil himself,

Betrayed by the one who she thought was the one for her, she takes on her journey of self-reformation… You reconcile with one you thought was the one for you, only to grow apart again…..

You will be the cause of The Great War, a war which is predicted to end all of mankind itself…. If however you can manage to stop it ,still remains unclear….

You will fight at first the darkness in you, before giving yourself completely into it, making you invincible. Not even the gods or the Devil himself will be able to tame you. The one you love with all your heart will try to end your life.

The Rakshas shall once again rule thy world because of you for it will be you who aided him.

Remember Jessica Rupin, Daughter of the devil, the Rakshas can’t be destroyed using powers or strength, only through wits…..

Remember, even the strongest, bends their head against wisdom.”

He went still for a moment then opened his eyes. They were baby blue again.

“ Wow! That was a long one…. So? What did I say? I can never remember what I tell!”

I wasn’t quite ready to share this disturbing piece of information to anyone yet, at least not until I can sense of it. why did he call me daughter of devil? was I evil or something? or would I become evil?

“ Its about my future… its none of your concern, is it?” I replied

“Fair enough! Would you like for me to show you your future?” He asked

“ Show? How?”

“ Not the entire future, just the most important point, you know the point that will greatly affect your life”

“ Can u see it?”I asked doubtfully. After the prophecy I just received, I didn't want anyone seeing my future.

He shook his head and said, “ I can show you, but I can’t see myself. My powers are useful to others, but completely useless to me.”

I nodded. He took a step forward, held my hands in his and I saw his baby blue eyes go golden again. Is hands started glowing and the glow soon traveled from his hands to mine.

I was suddenly in a different place altogether. I saw two men, who I had never met before, fighting with each other in what seemed to be a duel….there was no one else there….The fight was intense......The burly man soon ended the duel with a stark blow to the knees of the other man. The other man fell down, clearly defeated. I peered curiously at his face. He was divinely handsome and looked so serene. He had long black hair, which was tied into a ponytail and a very strong jawline. I was completely mesmerized by him. He looked both scary as well as soft at the same time . I felt bad for the man even though I have never met him. Then to my astonishment, I saw myself running towards the man now lying down the floor….and I saw myself, seeing the man lying motionlessly on the ground, crying out in agony. She….um…the future me was sobbing, but her eyes had taken a savage glint…….

Then blankness….complete blankness….

I opened my eyes and saw Daniel peering curiously at me. I touched my face, and felt that my cheeks were wet from crying…..I had felt her despair when she…umm... I …. saw that man lying in the ground…..

I wondered out aloud who was the man?

Daniel heard me but pretended not to hear.

“ It’s better if you head home now, Sister in law. Dominic should have been back by now. He will worry when she sees that you are not there. I have already woken up Justin, who would come by here, in any minute now if you didn't head out first. I am going to wake up Stella too….. But please remember , my existence is a secret. Don’t talk about me to anyone, no matter how much you trust them. “

I nodded and he suddenly went eerily still, his eyes widening..

“Okay, sister in law, my brother wasn’t in any real danger before but he certainly is now..” He said while rapidly blinking his eyes.

I frowned and replied, “ But, You just said..”

“He is at the border…..I will heal Justin and…” he looked like something had just hit his head and he was losing some of his vision…

Ugh? What the hell? Why did he suddenly acting all weird, well he was weird already, now he was acting more weird..

He made me promise him to keep his secret and then he then held his hand, snapped his fingers and vanished.

Out of the corner of my eyes I saw Stella stirring. I quickly went to her and told her, “ We need to go to the borders"

She blinked at me and asked, “ why are you crying? Why should we leave? We just got here…What about the Seer?”

I quickly rubbed my eyes and replied, “ All these dust makes me allergic. There is o seer here… must be just a stupid rumor. Let’s go back before it gets late. We don’t want to be stuck in the middle of the woods at midnight, do we? Remember the lycan?”

“But…why.. the borders? I don’t even know where it is!” she exclaimed.

“ Justin probably does” I replied.

It was obvious she had lots of questions on her mind but she held her tongue and followed me out. I saw Justin in the concrete slab we had laid him earlier. I peered closely at him and I realized that Daniel had healed him enough without being too obvious so that he can move.

I breathed a sigh of relief. Stella, seeing Justin awake immediately ran to him.

We made our way back to the car, and was soon making our way towards the borders. Thankfully we didn’t meet anymore lycans or other supernatural beings.

Justin looked equally bewildered as Stella did, by my sudden interest to go to the borders of the Fire Sect, which marks the entrance and exit to our territory.

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