Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 7: The Civil War

Justin parked the car under the shadows of a humongous oak tree, and we were walking, edging closer to the border. I had filled him up about Dominic and the others being at the borders, while keeping to myself the part about Daniel. I had made it sound like I had this gut feeling which told me that Dominic and the others were at the borders. I am not really sure if they bought that though. We got out of the car and edged our way closer to the border.

Even from here we could see men in blue and men in black attacking each other furiously…..The men in black were obviously Dominic, Christopher, Tao and Tristin….but they were hopelessly outnumbered… As we edged closer, I peered at the fight closely, I was curious to know how guardians fought. Dominic and Christopher both of them were invincible.. No matter how many attacked them, both of them threw them aside like they were an annoying bug. Tao seemed to be doing fine too, but Tristin was another story.

Tristin was being attacked and cornered by five to six of the blue guys….They were obviously trying to take the weakest link out first. On cue, Stella took out her bow and aimed a shoot at the guy who was on top of Tristin. Damn! Her aim was perfect. Everyone stopped fighting for a minute, surprised by the sudden shower of arrows. And Justin rushed to the fight, pulling up Tristin. Dominic saw Stella shooting arrows and gave her a relieved smile, and then his gaze shifted to me, hunching down behind her, and those baby blue eyes turned red….His face twisted with rage. Was he angry because I am sitting out of this fight like a damn coward? I didn’t have any formal training, I would end up being more of a liability than help if I were to enter this fight. Stella however, looked like a goddess, shooting arrows off in every direction, while I looked like a petrified little rabbit hiding in her shadows. It was the lycan thing all over again. No! I am not a coward, sure I was untrained, but I have been involved in a fair share of fights…I pulled of my knifes that I had nicked from the weapons room and counted them. I had brought four , but I had lost one in the woods with the lycan, so that left me with three of these bad boys. Let’s make them count shall we?

I aimed one straight at the guy who was headed straight for Stella and knocked him out. Stella looked at me and winked. I winked right back at her and aimed my other knife at the guy who was currently holding Justin in a headlock. He gasped when my knife hit his back, and let go of Justin . None of the guys I shot my knife at were dead, I couldn’t bring myself to aim for a kill shot. I was injuring them in vital spots, so they will be too injured to carry on the fight. I looked at Stella and Justin, like the others , they too didn’t shy away from killing the blue guys..

I started scanning around, looking for my final victim, when I saw a big, huge boulder of a man sneaking up to Dominic from behind. I quickly aimed at his back and threw it. He yelled out loud as my knife hit its mark. Dominic startled by the noise from behind him, looked back surprised and saw the guy go down behind him. His baby blue eyes looked at me with rage…Hello? Why the hell was he angry at me? I just saved his goddamn life….

He murmured something to Christopher who nodded at him and started making his way towards me. I figured that Dominic probably had asked Christopher to take me away from there. Why? Did he think I am that much of a loser that I can’t handle this fight? When Christopher started making his way towards me, I abruptly changed directions and headed straight towards Justin, who was defending himself against three of them. I was defiant, I am not bloody useless. I will show him…I will show them. At my abrupt change in direction, Christopher shot a panicked glance at Dominic, but I didn’t care. I was headed straight towards the guy was attacking Justin with a quick number of kicks. I threw myself on to him, making him lose contact with Justin and both of us fell to the ground. The guy narrowed his eyes at me, tackling me to the ground. I kicked his head, and he rolled over me groaning.

Now both of us were prancing, looking for an entry. Before I could blink, he started coming at me with a huge array of high kicks. I raised my hands to defend them, but it was of no use. I was getting hit on, left and right….I groaned with pain. I couldn’t even see the kicks coming to effectively block them, he was that fast. Then suddenly the guy yelped and fell to the ground, his full body covered with fire. I looked back, bewildered and saw a raging Dominic.

“Stop it” I snapped at him.

He looked at me incredulously and replied, “ Stop it? I just saved your goddamn ass!”

“ Okay! You saved me. Now stop the damn fire. You are literally burning him alive.”

His eyes were malicious as he increased the fire in his hands and made a motion to throw them again at the blue guy. I quickly jumped between the blue guy, who was howling in pain and Dominic.

I thought he would stop the fire in time, but it was too late….I was already hit before he couldn’t even comprehend what I had just done. I felt like acid was thrown on my hands and chest. I howled out in pain. Dominic winced at my howling, went still for a second, something dark emerging in his eyes. He looked as if he was being tortured when quickly took me in his arms and started carrying me towards where the cars were parked. But I was in agony. Holy cow! That hurt…that hurt like hell.

“ Stephanno is coming!” Christopher yelled at Dominic on his way.

He stopped , looked at me with a pained expression, then handed me over to Christopher, then left without another word, heading straight back to the fight.

Christopher held me in his arms like I am fragile being. He winced sharply when he saw my burn marks and said softly, “ There is a infirmary in the mansion”

I wanted to protest. I wanted to meet this Stephanno guy that everyone was afraid of.I wanted to fight, but knew that it would be useless now. I was too much in pain. I nodded at him, defeated. I was really useless..

After several hours had passed, I was getting restless, and judging by the constant shifting of Christopher who was siting right beside me, he too was getting more and more restless by the hour. I jumped up at the sound of cars honking at the mansion gate, then winced when it hurt like hell. Dr John had applied several weird looking ointments on my burns and he had explicitly stated repeatedly that I am not to move around unnecessarily.

Christopher immediately rushed to open the mansion gates while I waited at the front anxiously.

Dominic headed straight for me and hugged me. I was too shocked by the hug that I forgot to wince..

“ Oww..Oww” I muttered after a second.

He let go of my quickly, and frowned at my burn marks, then screeched at me, “ What the hell were you thinking? Jumping in the middle like that?”

“ You were trying to murder him” I yelled back defiantly.

“But…Ugh..Why did you come there?” He asked rolling his eyes.

Stella, bless her little heart, instead of getting annoyed or jealous, jumped to defend me, “ It’s totally my fault….I panicked and forced her to come with me……and uhmmm…”

Dominic turned his attention to the stammering Stella, scowled and said sarcastically, “You forced her? Ha Ha nice try….even I can’t force her to do anything she doesn’t want to”

He re-routed his murderous gaze back to me and said, “ Are you going to keep standing in front of the doorway like an idiot?”

Okay! Seriously this guy was seriously pushing my buttons. I mean went through all that risk because we thought he was in danger, well Stella did anyway. I tagged along because I was more curious about the ruins than the well-being of my psychotic husband.

I scowled back at him, and walked haughtily passed him, into the mansion. I resisted the urge to do my classic bitch hair toss though.

Stella followed me in, looking like a deer caught in the headlights. I was about to head upstairs to my room when Dominic caught my arm and growled at me, “Where do you think you are going Missy? “

I rolled my eyes at him. “To my fucking room, asshole”

His eyes narrowed dangerously, then he looked at Stella, who was biting her lips and looking back and forth between us nervously and said, “Stella, would you go upstairs? I need to talk to my wife alone”

Stella looked like she was just slapped on the face. I winced guiltily. She nodded hesitantly, then went upstairs.

Dominic then dragged me past the hallway into his study room or office room or whatever, then closed the door behind him.

“Where were you?” he asked slightly calmed down now.

“We uhmm…went into the woods…you know to the ruins..”

His eyes went with shock, then yelled, “Are you crazy? Why would you do that?”

“ Stella told something about a seer there who could help us apparently. We….Uhmm…she was worried when you weren’t back after a day….she thought you were in danger, so we went there to get help from the seer” I said, now realizing how ridiculous the idea was.

“ Seer? Did you meet him?” he asked, clearly panicking.

When I nodded, he froze for a moment then shook himself out of it, then asked, “ So you now know that I have a twin. But please don’t tell anyone about this. No one knows about this. Even though there are rumors about a seer residing in the ruins, he doesn’t appear in front of the people who go searching for him. So I wonder why he appeared in front of you disregarding his safety and secrecy. Unless….he must have got......Did he show you, your future?”

It was my turn to freeze now as I recalled the prophecy. To know that you would be cause of a war that would end humankind takes a hard toll on you. I immediately felt a queasy feeling in my stomach.

“ So, He did….So what did he say?” he declared clearly reading my uncomfortable body language.

“ I don’t see how that’s any of your business. Its my future, I will tackle it on my own” I yelled indignantly.

He however, didn’t seem to like my answer. He quickly closed the gap between us, pushed me up against the wall and roared at me , “ YOU ARE MY MATE….THAT MAKES IT MY BUSINESS”

There was that word again, ‘Mate’ , what does it entail?

Me being me, instead of getting scared, asked him curiously, “What’s a mate?”

He looked taken aback by the question, blinked his eyes, and then took a step back releasing me.

“You didn’t realize I was your mate when we first met?” he asked me dubiously.

“ I don’t understand what a mate is?”

He sighed, then took a deep breath and started to explain to me, “ It must be because you are not used to our kind. Our kind mate for life. You know like werewolves but, we don’t get the physic connection like them where we can read each others minds and stuff. I won’t be able to read your mind even after we mated, if you decide not to open your mind to me, unlike with the case of werewolves. “

“How can you be so sure I am your mate?” I asked him confused.

“ Because I had memorized your face for first. Daniel had shown me my future, when we were just 6 years old. Then when we met the first time, it was confirmed. Didn’t you get a feeling when you first me, like you have always known me?”

I nodded. I remembered that feeling. But a mate? Oh my god! I can’t be his mate!

“What exactly did Daniel show you?”

He winced then replied, “He showed me an image I don’t ever want to see happen in reality. And I am going to do everything in my power to ensure that you stay with me”

Interesting, that implies that maybe he saw me leaving him or something. Why did I leave him though? Did I leave him for another guy? Or just left him because he was annoying me as he now is?

Then suddenly, the image of the guy with the ponytail emerged my mind. I had felt my raw anguish when Daniel showed me that scene, like I loved him deeply. Uhmmm…..

He shook me out of my thoughts, when he asked me, “ How can you be okay with Stella living in the same mansion as me? I mean I am your mate….I know I wouldn’t be able to tolerate seeing you with another guy”

“ You not only have Stella, You have two other concubines too….. I have no intention of sharing my man with anyone else. I want the guy I want to love me and me only. That’s why I can assure you with the strongest conviction that I will never accept you as my husband. You clearly married me to secure your position because of my father. So be rest assured, I will never fall in love with a conniving, manipulative bastard like you.” I declared pompously.

“ What……how did you know about your father?...... Ugh… Stella…..That woman can’t hold her damn tongue”

“ By the way I just want you to know, I don’t fancy people manipulating and using me. You started this, now I am gonna end this.” I was about to add my signature ‘ you messed with the devil’ remark, when I remembered that the prophecy had referred to me as the daughter of the devil, then quickly held my tongue.

With that I left the room slamming the door shut behind me, cutting him off before he can give his reply. He is not going to always get the last word with me. He may be the Head of the sect, well for now anyways, a position I will ensure he won’t last much longer in. I could have had the life I always wanted , which was far from the atrocities of this world, but no...... he had to manipulate me into marrying him all for his position. Well enjoy your position as Head of the Sect while it lasts Mr Valdemeire, because I will be soon taking over. As I recall, when the Head of the Sect passes away or disappears in this case, the first right always lies with the heirs to step up and take the position unless challenged to a duel by another interested person, a position which I was cheated over by Dominic. Don’t get me wrong, I have never had any interest in leading anything or anyone. But I want to do this to just to spite Dominic, to show that he messed with the wrong girl, mate or not. Though,I don’t still believe hundred percent about the mate crap. So I am going to be on my best behavior starting from tomorrow. Well today, I am still kinda pissed at him so….

I am gonna win over everyone….learn more about our sect…..and talk to Dominic about getting my training started to become a real guardian. I recalled the fight with the lycan and shivered. I don’t want to be a weakling anymore. I don’t want to hide behind people in fights. I want to be the type of guardian who leads them into a fight. Dominic Valdemeire, you are going down, baby!

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