Chapter 13

I was very busy this whole month with my project, me and my whole team are working our best to complete the project. Today is D-Day to submit our whole project before our Client. I really hope they'll like it and don't want any modifications in our work; fingers crossed. Gathered all the things of my work placed them in my car and started.

Today, along with the Boss of our company we will have a meeting if anything goes wrong we are done, we are going to have it. I took a deep breath and slowly entered the meeting hall. Whole room is filled by my team and decorated with flowers and the fragrance inside the room "hmm" very pleasant, good work. I think it is done by Mike he thinks we are perfect and Client would love it.... he is very positive about our work I hope this happens.

Our Boss along with our Client entered the room and we've started our presentation...our whole presentation took two hours and concluded by me, Nick thinks I have a very convincing voice so he handed over me the conclusion part. I slowly came back to my seat after thanking them. One of the Client (I think he is the main) and the Boss looked at each other and nodded, our tension and breath holding stopped they've agreed. yeah!!!!!! We all looked at each other with smile on our face, whole signing process is done, Boss and the Client shook their hands and they left. We all clapped, so hard and Mike is so proud about his thoughts, yes he has to be, this project is very important because, they chose us over twenty companies, if we are not up to their expectation we are doomed.

The whole team started hugging each other with the happiness of our victory, Nick and I hugged tightly, we are very happy, we both used to stay together at my house all night and worked on the project, Nat used to scold us for our working hours, still we worked almost all nights waking up, the whole room is filled with joy, talking, laughing and so on.....

Rosario along with our Boss came inside. My Boss is one of the most eligible handsome bachelor, he came out of his family business and started this 5 years ago and now our company is one of the top ten companies, he is very clear about work and projects that are to be taken, his name is Stephen Miller, he is in his late twenties. Mike says sometimes he brings his girlfriend here and involve her in the work, that's actually impressive. She getting involved and helping him that's very understanding. Whatever, they and their relationship, it's their personal, but Mike gathers all the info and tells us, Mike has a very good number of friends in the office.

"Good work guys" our Boss said and clapped, we’ve all clapped together for our appreciation and he left.

"Okay guys let's grab a drink after the work" Ross (Rosario we call him Ross) said and left,

We went back to our work, after the team party I along with Nick should go and pick Nat, we have to share this happiness with her and she borne us and our working pressure with patience thanks to her we ate at nights....

We all reached nearby bar and ordered our drinks, everyone started sharing their one month hard work, things they've done and all. We don't have to go and pick Nat, she is coming here. I think Nick persuaded her ...I was listening to everyone's experience but something caught my eyes,

Oh no, this bar is opposite to that restaurant I went one month ago, why didn't I realise, we come here often, I have never seen that restaurant , even that day when I went to the restaurant, why didn't I think about this bar. Why? He kissed me there, his soft lips invading my mouth and...Come on Ell it's all over you are never going to meet him again, I told myself and tried my best not to look at the restaurant.

I don't know why, but I like thinking about him, us together. The whole month all I did is recalling every moment with him, his face, lips, body, touch, deep eyes everything I remember no, I didn't forgot anything . Is it because my first time or is he having a great impact on me.

Is he having the same effect as I have? No, never if he had he would have tried to contact me, I mean he is a handsome, sexy man if he wants if can have any women. I am just nothing to him

So many times I opened his number in my contact list and tried to call but I didn't my inner me wanted to call him, have him again and again , she wants to cuddle and do so many things with him, but my fear stopped me to make a call. Every night all I did was opened my phone, searched his name opened his number and starred at my screen and did nothing else....and even thought of changing his name into "MY FIRST"...but no I didn't.

While I was thinking Nat came talked with everyone I think

"Hi Ell" she shouted, I shook my head returned back to the reality

"Hi Nat, we did it" I told her hugging

"Yeah I know, I've told you guys" she replied proudly, she used to say we did a great job, but we were tensed about the outcome now we are enjoying.

We clinked and cheered for our victory; we had our dinner and slowly started to home...

Nick said he'll join us later, we have to go, change ourselves and have to talk, it's almost been a month for both of us to sit and talk, I looked at the restaurant and retrieved my look. Without my knowing I reached the restaurant... I'm outside when did I come here. I am surprised by my own action, suddenly someone shook me from behind I think it is him, actually want it to be him..I slowly turned back it is Nat, "Where are you going, parking is that side" she said

"Nothing” I said, but really felt bad that it is not him. Why am I having these thoughts and fluctuations in my mind?

"Wait! Is this the same restaurant I suggested you for your meeting" she said in surprise, I nodded

"Are you okay" she asked...

"Yes" I lied, but I really am missing him and crying inside.. She nodded and patted me; I gave an assuring smile she held my hand and we went to the parking and started our way to home

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