+CHAPTER 10+ Goddess of Nature
Amber had never known what mother's love felt like but she can bet on her left eye that the solace she felt in the Goddess's presence must be the same that one felt in a mother's. . .
Amber had spent her early age in agony. Back then she had always thought that what was wrong with her, why couldn't her parents want her? What had she done to her own mother that she had hated Amber to a point of throwing her in the face of an agonizing death?
It was the first thing Amber had asked for from the Goddess... Her true identity, the identity of the woman holding her when she was a baby. Amber still remembered when the Goddess had told her that woman was her mother and she was holding Amber for the last time.
On that day Amber learned that not every girl needs a boy to break her heart because their parents have already done a fucking good job of breaking it into a million pieces.
Amber didn't know who her father was, aside from him being a lycan but she had tracked her mother down. Yet Amber never confronted her because she had nothing to say to her.
She had just watched her mother from a distance, never making her presence known.
What should have Amber asked her mother about..? There was nothing between them, no bond, no love nothing... Nada... Zilch!
Amber must have been a curse for her own mother, a curse she had gotten rid of.
But Amber didn't regret tracking her mother because if she hadn't gone after her mother she would have never found Rome, her little demon child. He was the light of her existence. An orphan just like Amber. The only difference between them was that Amber's parents were still alive while Rome's parents were dead.
"Eva... My Child..." Amber turned towards the Goddess's voice. She loathed her birth name.
Eva. . .
It reminded her of the woman who gave birth to her.
Amber despise this name. She fucking hated it when the Goddess called her with the same name her mother had whispered to her before abandoning her.
Amber had given herself a name and she liked to be called by her name, not her birth name.
Amber was now faced to face with the Goddess of Nature. The Goddess of Nature who was supposed to take Amber's life but the Goddess ended up as a companion and a mother figure for Amber.
"How many more times will it take for me to beg you to not call me by that awful name?" Amber mumbled. She looked like a sulking child.
"To me, you'll always be the little cubby Eva... It's a beautiful name my child why do you hate it so much?" Amber avoided answering her question. She knew the Goddess was toying with her.
Amber knew that the Goddess loved her but that won't stop the Goddess from handing Amber her ass. The last beating session was still very fresh in Amber's mind but at that time Amber had deserved that beating for using her powers against nature's laws...
And it only pained her to know that Amber was not the one to endure the consequences of her actions.
Rebecca was the one who paid dearly for Amber's mistake~
Nature resides within the Goddess and her presence was living proof of that.
The Goddess's body was surrounded by light! Her blonde hairs were flowing to her hips, a crown made of tree barks and flowers was set on her head. Water and fire were floating around her crown. Her eyes were of lively green color, fuller lips redder than an apple. She was a sight a person could never forget. Beauty with no flaws. . .
The Goddess was beautiful, inside and out.
"There's a man who arrived in my territory, he's a danger to everyone here and I don't know how but my powers don't work against him..." Amber explained.
"Huh... This is the first time you came to me to talk about man-troubles, he's a handsome one or. .?" The Goddess teased. Her eyes shining with amusement.
A blush appeared on Amber's cheeks when a flashback of the handsome king in all his wicked glory appeared in her mind. . .
"So that's new! If he can make my cold child blush then I wonder what else he can do... Or should I ask what had he done to make you blush?" There was laughter in the Goddess's voice.
Amber knew that it was useless to hide anything from the Goddess so she didn't deny the fact that indeed the lycan king can make her feel butterflies in her stomach.
"Nothing! It was just a mistake, he caught me off guard but I pulled him away with my shield." Amber said, without explaining any further. She knew that the Goddess can easily join the dots. It wasn't like the Goddess didn't already know about Amber's past sexual relationships.
"Eva My child, you yourself said that you can't use your powers on him then how come you can create a shield against him?" Amber stared at the Goddess like a dumbo while the Goddess arched her left brow waiting for her answer.
She totally forgot that her powers once worked against the mighty king. Then again, at that time she was protecting herself from him not attacking him.
The Goddess was confusing Amber more than before.
"My powers work fine when I use them to help him but I don't know how could he be immune to my attacks." Amber muttered in frustration.
"You are again asking the wrong question, Eva." The Goddess replied calmly while looking at Amber like a mother would look at her child who was throwing a tantrum.
"So what's the right one?" Amber snapped. She was already tired from the lack of sleep. Healing and dealing with that lycan king had literally drained her energy.
The Goddess smiled at Amber. . .
"Your question should be that why can't you harm him. Remember once I have told you that there will come a time when someone will come in your life to break all the walls that you have built around yourself. I think the time has come. . . My sister has blessed you with your mate. Now it's up to you how you take a blessing." There was wisdom shining in her eyes.
"My child don't let your past narrate your future. I didn't tell you about your mother to develop trust issues, I wanted you to learn from her mistakes. Accept your mate with all his flaws. Be the one to take the first step. . ."
Amber looked at the Goddess's retracting form with horror.
A mate~
Blessed with a mate. More like cursed. Amber wanted to shout in frustration out. For all the things she wanted, the Moon Goddess has blessed her with a mate.
Amber didn't consider the Moon a Goddess. Nature and Moon were twin sisters. While Nature held light around her, the Moon was surrounded by darkness. Nature forgives, Moon punishes. Both were cut from the same soul but one was pure while the other was tainted with darkness. . .
Amber was a mixture of both of them. She was a light trapped in darkness, a fire surrounded by water, a future that was still trapped in her past.
While Nature had taken Amber under her wings, Moon had forsaken her just like her mother that's the main reason why Amber loathed to consider the Moon a Goddess.
Amber was a part lycan, didn't it make her a child of the Moon..? Then why had she let everything happened to her. The burn marks on her back were proof of the Moon's cruelty.
The moon had shone brightly upon her when she had cried in agony~ As if the Moon was smiling at her suffering, enjoying Amber's pain.
The beasts that had fallen from grace were Moon's children and Amber was not one of them.
Amber was a being of her own~
But Amber's anger towards the Moon didn't stop her from falling for the King.
Some people thought that when you are alone you become lonely but they are wrong. Loneliness is when you are surrounded by a crowd and you know that no one cares~
Amber had spent a century surrounded by loneliness and emptiness. She had gotten a taste of what it felt like when someone glanced at you with love as if you were the Moon for them.
Amber felt cherished under the Lycan King's gaze. Although it freaked her out yet that didn't stop her from wanting more.
The king woke the desires that Amber never knew she had before~ Desire for something more.
Amber had a beating heart, she too wanted physical affection like holding hands without fear, cuddling, a lingering kiss on the forehead.
She had seen mates do stuff like that but she had never let herself dream it for herself but maybe the Goddess was right. She can be the one to break the ice instead of waiting for it to melt.
They say that Amber is the Cold Queen but they don't know that the Cold Queen wanted someone to play with her hairs, she too wanted to wake up in someone's arms, not to an empty bed. She too wanted someone to have her back while she sleeps peacefully without care. Like a small vulnerable baby.
Maybe she can give the lycan king a chance...
Maybe she won't regret the decision.
With determination, Amber turned to find her newly discovered mate.
She can make this work!
She can definitely make this work!!
Amber can make the king fall for her but for this purpose, firstly she needed to find his name and probably tell him her name too.
A full stop was placed on Amber's loving thoughts when she watched her to be lover raising his hand probably to attack Rome.
Rome, her demon child~
Rome didn't freeze in immortality yet. If the king laid a fatal blow on him, Rome won't be able to survive.
Without thinking, acting on her instinct, Amber particularly threw herself between Rome and the very angry lycan king by using her Fey speed.
But Amber forgot that her powers don't work on the lycan king because instead of sending him flying back, Amber was thrown on her ass with the king's blow.
'What a romantic introduction.' Amber thought bitterly. . .