+CHAPTER 6+ The Warrior King
A random person~
That was what he was to Amber but the moment she had looked at him she couldn't keep her eyes off him.
Even though his face was decorated with burn marks, cuts and scraps probably from the snow during his journey, he still looked delectable enough. The left side of his face was still mottled black and blue and his lower lip looked a little swollen.
When Amber had seen him for the first time laying unconscious on the ground, Amber literally felt something about him calling to her very being. Like there was someone trapped in his body, trying desperately to get free, trying to reach to her.
And before she knew what she was doing Amber told the guards to put him in her home.
In her own home. . .
It was the first time a male laid in her bed, it's not like she hadn't bedded anyone in her awfully long life. It's just that Amber hadn't allowed a single male with whom she had sexual relations in her home. And not a single male in her bed.
This Warrior King was the first one to have the honor of experiencing what Amber's bed felt like. Although she didn't know him somehow she knew that he must be a warrior because no regular Lycan was strong enough to pass the storm.
It wasn't possible but this creature had passed the storm and then he stumbled in her Queendom. On top of that, he bought a companion, Alive. . .
There were two possibilities. One, they both must be strong enough to survive in the wasteland and if that's the possibility then Amber needs to upgrade her shields because if they can make it up to here then anyone can.
Two, they must be guided here by a lost soul. Amber shuddered at her thought. Growing up in this wasteland she had met more than one of them. It's funny how they are called lost but they show the path to people who are lost out there. In this wasteland there are a few creatures that help, these Lycans were lucky that a lost soul found them and it wasn't evil like the others.
Lost souls are basically the people that are brutally killed but something from this world still keeps them bound to this world and their mortal life.
It could be anything... An unfulfilled wish, a place, an object or any other thing. These souls can't find peace. So to experience a little peace they help those in such an agony that match their own. . .
So the question arises that if a lost soul showed them this path then what agony this beautiful creature had endured who was sleeping in front of her eyes.
What was the lost that he had endured that left him in so much pain. . . Amber had a sudden feeling to soothe him, to comfort this stranger but on the other hand, she was so frustrated by her unanswered questions.
Amber's desire to comfort this broken man disturbed her to a great degree~
He was handsome but not in a sophisticated way. He was a hard warrior type guy. Although he was hurt that didn't make him any less appealing. There were miles of muscles on his body. It felt like his body was sculpted by a stone.
Even laying unconscious in her home he looked like a God with his high cheekbones, sharp jawline and strong nose. Amber wanted to know what color his eyes contained.
How will it feel to have his chapped lips on her soft ones?
How his rough hands will feel on her body. . .?
There was something about him that was calling to a part of her soul. Amber can feel the energy coming out of his skin. But the most interesting part was that when she had tried to restrain him and his fellow with her powers, while her powers worked on the other guy it didn't work on him.
Maybe because he was a King and he must have some voodoo thing on himself that didn't let her powers work on him.
It doesn't matter if she can't use her powers on him, she can use it on his fellow and while doing that she will make it violent enough to give him an idea of what she's capable of.
Because if you can't defeat them with your strength make them believe that they are already defeated by deceiving or whatever it takes. . .
It was weird that when Amber had touched the king's hand, all the cuts and bruises that were marking his almond-colored skin healed instantly which alarmed Amber to a great degree.
She had healing abilities but if her restraining order wasn't working on him than how the hell was her healing power worked on him. She didn't even want to heal him but her powers worked on their own.
And if that was not enough tension for her, the bitchy sister of this hulk was definitely making it hard for Amber to not to kill her every time when she opened her whiny mouth.
But for now Amber needed to focus on this King. She will deal with the princess later, who was currently unconscious in the underground guarded chambers.
The energy Amber had used in commanding these Lycans had really drained her and she knew if she didn't take a good rested sleep then she would damage her health more than her present health status. But the Dark King that was resting in her bed was making it difficult for her to sleep.
And on top of that the voice in her head was screaming at her to touch him. To stake a claim on him.
Amber didn't want to touch him but her feelings and the Bitchy voice in her head got the better of her judgment. The voice in her head was telling her that this warrior belonged to her.
After a guilty look around Amber touched the muscular canvas of his body and watched in fascination as his body started to heal under her touch.
Her hands shook as she trailed her fingers on his collar bone and slowly started tracing them towards the south.
Amber watched in fascination as his muscles rippled and dove in response to her touch. When she reached just below his eight packs, Amber noticed the bulge in his pants which was on the verge of bursting out of his damn pants.
Holy Mother of Dark Gods!!!
Amber's eyes snapped towards his face only to find his heated stare fixed on her face.
Deep blue eyes with flickers of golden were staring at her. For the first time in her life, Amber felt self-conscious under this stranger's gaze. The way he was analyzing her, raised the hairs on the back of her neck.
Heat rushed to her face from being caught while exploring his body.
The strange King was still staring at her with a baffled expression. Then with a confused face, he started sniffing the air like a dog on a search party.
Soon his baffled and confused expression changed into a shocked one. . .
And this time when he turned his blue gaze on Amber, he had an element of surprise on his face.
She didn't understand what was happening, the way his expressions were changing gave Amber an idea that the Mighty Lycan King might be mentally retarded. . .
Baffled. . .
Then came
Confusion. . .
Shock. . .
Surprise. . .
And now the latest one was
Acknowledgement. . .
He was currently looking at Amber with acknowledgment as if seeing her for the first time.
Blue eyes changed into molten golden ones~
With a growl, he pinned Amber on her own bed.
She knew what was happening. She was face to face with the beast of the Lycan King.
She shouldn't have toyed with him.
If Amber was at a strange place and would have woken with a man exploring her body she would have killed him without a second thought.
After waking up in foreign surroundings the beast must have recognized her as a threat, they all do...
Now Amber had two options, either she was going to get killed by him or she was going to kill him.
So she preferred the second option. Dismissing the voice in her head that was screaming at her to claim his lips. . .
Amber attacked the Mighty Lycan King. . . Head on!