CHAPTER 7 (The Suspicions)
Brazil 2:30 pm
I gazed out at the throngs of people who were hustling and bustling to get ready for the Carnival despite the oppressive heat of the afternoon. Some folks are busy doing their dance, designing, and getting ready for the lights while others are busy doing other things. While I watch Marco purchase a memento for all of us, I'm going to sit here on this bench and drink some pineapple juice.
"Marco!" I yelled, which resulted in others looking in my direction. I tried to apologize to them by looking at them and smiling, but all they did was grin back at me. I turned around once again to look in Marco's direction, but he was nowhere to be found.
"Looking for me?"
I sputtered as someone took a breath next to my neck. When I stared at him, I threw a punch that landed on his shoulder.
He asked with a chuckle, "What the heck is that for?"
I stared at him and said, "That's for keeping me waiting and you didn't even take a look at me even when I was shouting at your name," as I was doing so. "That's for keeping me waiting."
He just laughs at me.
Mirana, I found this necklace shell in the gift shop, and I think it will look wonderful on you if you wear this," he said with a smile as he showed her the shell necklace he had purchased.
When I first saw the necklace, I let out a startled sound. It is lovely, and it appears that one does not come across it very often.
He slipped the chain around my neck and said, "Here, let me."
As I gave Marco a peck on the cheek, I remarked, "Oh, Marco, thank you so much; it's wonderful."
While he was kissing me again, he whispered, "I love you."
While maintaining eye contact with him, I responded, "I love you too."
"I believe that we should go right now. This place has way too many people in it already, "I continued, as he took my hand in his.
"I do not feel any remorse regarding my decision to leave Adam for Marco. Because he is wealthy, he is able to take care of me and the kid that we will have together "I pondered this as I gently patted my stomach.
It is fine with me if Marina does what I wanted her to do in that regard. What is key is that she should already make a move towards Adam so that I may focus on Marco and not mind Adam any longer and think that he doesn't exist anymore in my life. This would allow me to believe that he is no longer a part of my existence.
Philippines 7:30 pm
When I suddenly touched my left arm, I was reminded of my watch, which I had been wearing, and I was watching my favorite movie at the time, Game of Thrones. That watch is a gift from Mirana to both of us for our second wedding anniversary. Because of this, it holds a special place in my heart. When Mirana unexpectedly called my name, I was climbing the stairs.
She questioned him while holding the frying pan and asked, "Are you already starving?"
"Not yet. Why?" I responded while giving her a friendly smile.
"That's wonderful, because I'm not yet finished preparing your go-to dish," the chef said.
"My favorite?" I asked with a grimace.
"Yes! And it's Kare-kare right?" She said it with a proud tone.
I lied and said "No." I am interested in seeing how she will respond.
"I mistook you for someone else- "
"Aside from the jokes, that is my favorite, and I am grateful. I was under the impression that you had a food allergy; if that's the case, then why are you cooking?" I asked.
"I researched this recipe because this is your favorite," she said sweetly.
"Thank you, sweetheart."
"Okay, go ahead of what you're doing. I'll call you when dinner is served."
The memory of our chat came to me all of a sudden as I was looking for my watch. She left a weird inquiry. She is aware of my preferred meal, but she appears anxious. I have the impression that something is not right, but what is it?
There was nothing peculiar about the appearance of her face. I had no doubt that she was Mirana. Mirana, however, was born with a mark on her back that is visible to the naked eye.
I was looking in the drawer to see if I could find my watch when something attracted my attention. It was a box made of velvet. The thought of opening it piqued my interest, and as a result, my intellect. When all of a sudden, Mirana walked into the room, I made a step forward to investigate what was concealed in the box. I ran over to her as soon as I noticed that her face was white.
"What's the matter? Are you okay?, "I inquired with apprehension.
"N-nothing. I-I'm okay, dinner is served, "She responded as she looked at my back while she spoke.
"So let's eat?"
She questioned him by asking, "What are you searching for here?" The look in her eyes told me that she was keeping something from me that she didn't want me to know.
While I was showing it to her, I said, "I am only looking for my watch."
"That is very lovely to hear. Where did you purchase it, exactly?"
As I glanced at her, I remarked, "You don't recall you gave this to me around the time we were celebrating our second anniversary." She was abruptly overcome with anxiety, but she managed to hide it by laughing.
"Obviously I'm joking, but do you recall what you were thinking when I handed you the gray box? Your expression was amazing, and I could tell you were hoping I would propose to you "she replied while giggling at the situation.
I told her this as I grabbed her nose and said, "You're humiliating me." What exactly is your problem? She is indeed Mirana, and Adam doesn't jump to conclusions too quickly.
Laughter fills the room as we share stories about our most embarrassing times as well as our hopes and goals. When Mirana sits down to eat with me, she never shows any attitude and instead insists that we eat first. However, the individual standing in front of me has developed significantly.