Read with BonusRead with Bonus



She wore a blue floral dress that was sexy enough to outline every inch of her curves, making any straight man get an instant boner. Deep down I wanted to smirk so evilly. A smile that I had once fawned over so endlessly but now did nothing to me, played at the edge of her lips. How could she be so fucking heartless?

“You came,” I said.

“Yes. I’m your mate, remember? Everything you say or instruct me to do…” She softened her voice on purpose and from where I stood, I could see her provocative cleavage literally begging for my attention. No lie, Laila was fucking beautiful and maybe that was why I’d been too blind to notice anything. Love really does make you blind.

For a moment, I got enthralled in that sight but then she moved closer to me, enough to whisper in my ear,” I will do, willingly,”

“Good. Because the other pack members are waiting for us inside,” I muttered, a reminder of what had transpired between her and the man she made me believe was her cousin all along, shooting through my brain cells.

“Other members? “There was an evident panic in her voice as she followed me inside.

All the other pack members settled inside, murmuring in small clusters, obviously wondering why I had summoned them for a meeting almost in the middle of the night. The moment they sensed my presence, they all stopped their chatter and turned all their focus on me.

“I suppose you are all wondering why exactly I called you here in the middle of the night,” I paused to survey the pack and they all wore the same curious expression. Beside me, I could smell fear reeking off my wife and that eased my anger a little bit.

“Today started off as a pretty wonderful day and to be honest, I’d never woken up in such high spirits before. I ran my usual errands, had that pack meeting and my wife…” I spat in bitterness as I glanced at the woman who had broken my heart into tiny unamendable fragments,” My wife thought that it was a good idea to ruin it. You were all there when I had to break off ties with my parents because they wouldn’t accept her. I gave up all my fortune just so I could prove she was a good person despite her earlier reputation. I would have lost my title as an Alpha if there had been a rule on what Lunas were deemed acceptable. Today my wife did not only betray me but also the pack. She is not fit to be my mate, my wife and your Luna,” Gasps rent the entire board room but I quickly shut them down with a flicker of my hand.

I clapped my hands twice and the door opened, revealing Bradley in a cage, with two of my sentinels carrying it. They placed the cage down and I walked down with small steps towards it. An embittered laugh left my throat as I stared at the slightly younger man.

“I was kind enough to invite you to join my pack but you just had to betray me like that. She was my wife and you knew that but that didn’t stop you from screwing her over and over again right in my pack house,” I was bitter. When love goes wrong and your heart gets broken, nothing ever makes sense. It was like the only thing I could feel in my entire body was the pain raging inside. I was bruised and so was my wolf. He wouldn’t stop howling in pain inside me. He wanted out so he could confront his mate and that was definately in the most hostile of ways.

“Before I do what I’m about to do, I need to know if there are other witnesses to this wicked act. I can’t put an innocent man to death if there are actually no witnesses. Someone may think I had my own personal vendetta against Bradley,” I tasted the pack with a lie, to see who else knew about this affair. If it hadn’t been for Danny voicing his suspicions, I would never have suspected a single thing. So I’d pretended to drive out of town for some errands, calling in to tell Laila I would be spending the night out of town but then drove right back and found my wife in such a heartbreaking position.

For a moment, no one came forward and I almost sighed in relief. It only meant that this sickening affair had not really been going on for long. I was about to turn around when two of my sentinels stepped forward.

“How long has it been since you knew about the affair David?” I questioned the first one.

“Three months. I was out hunting one night while you were away. I came in late and that’s when I saw her going into his room. I would have dismissed it but there was something really suspicious about the way she moved. So I investigated and found out they were having an affair,” He answered. Three months? I felt my heart break all over again but I never let it show on my face.

“What about you Trevor? When did you find out my wife was having an affair?”

“Two weeks ago, Sir. I was in the woods since it was my duty to act sentry but then I accidentally ran into them making out beside the lake late in the evening. I was really confused by the act and I thought about telling you but I couldn’t,” He answered.

“Why not Trevor? I’m you’re Alpha, ain’t I?” I questioned. It is hurt that some of the pack members knew of my wife’s affair and I didn’t. It pierced my heart painfully that she actually had the nerve to cheat after what we had both been through to be together. It was funny just how easy it was for her to throw all that away without a care just for the sake of a few minutes of pleasure.

“Yes, but I didn’t want to be the snitch but apart from that, everyone knows how much you love her like-“

“Loved, Trevor. I once loved her. What about you David? Why didn’t you tell me about it once you knew? For three months, you kept that secret hidden while I kept on loving a woman who did not reciprocate my feelings,” I was hurting deeply.

“Just like Trevor, I didn’t want to be the reason why you two broke up,” He answered and I could smell the truth right off them.

“Alright. For keeping the truth of this matter for yourself, you both get fifteen minutes of being dipped in Silver,” Silver didn’t kill us but it was hella painfully. I watched them being dragged off to the cell while they awaited their punishment in the crack of dawn. Maybe it was anger and pain blinding me to the point that I had to punish my own pack members.

“Now, let’s talk about you, Bradley,” I turned to the werewolf that had caused this entire mess, my jaw ticking in anger.

This was one bastard I craved nothing more than to snap between my canines while he begged for my mercy.

“So how long have you been screwing my wife, Bradley?” I questioned in a controlled tone. Fear tainted his eyes for a moment but he was quick to wear a neutral expression.

“Let me see, two, three years maybe. That pussy is really irresistible just like my dick and well, she had you wrapped around her finger. I mean, what kind of Alpha does that say about you?,” He had the nerve to smirk. Three years? I married Laila two and half years ago after dating her for three months. So, all that time they were sleeping together and I had no damn clue? Just how naïve had I been back then? Anyway, that stupid phase of my life was over. They ticked off the wrong Alpha and now from being the Alpha who cared about what people would think, I was going to be that Alpha every wolf cowered at the mention of his name. I was going to make everyone fear me and no woman was ever going to control me ever again. No more love. Just more control; more power.

“Three years huh,” I cast a glance at my wife who was in a trembling mess. She could barely make eye contact with me. Fuck! I wanted to walk right up to her and just rip her heart out of her fucking body but I had to control the rage in me. I wanted her to suffer.

“Come here, darling,” I motioned for her and she was good enough to follow my orders.

I sent for two buckets; one containing grinded wolf bane and the other containing silver. I saw the hesitation hit Bradley’s eyes, but until I heard him begging for mercy, then there was no way I was going to calm down.

“Hun,” I felt Laila’s hand on my arm and that just ticked me off.

“Don’t you fucking touch me,” I growled and the entire room fell silent. Judging from the shock on her face, I must have sounded pretty rogue. They turned me into this and too bad in their unthinkable actions, the rubbed off the good part of me, leaving me dwelling in the raging part of myself.

I turned my attention to Bradley before leaning in to whisper,” When I’m done with you, you’ll be begging me for mercy and that’s a promise Bradley,” I straightened up, my gaze now focused on the rest of the pack.

“For the final announcement, my wife that I will be divorcing, she will be stripped of her position as the Luna of the pack and will be demoted to an omega. She no longer has any right to attend important pack meetings or attend pack functions. No one, whether male or female, should be linked sexually with her. A consequence of death will be dealt to such a perpetrator when found. You are dismissed,” I stated with a tone of finality leaving no room for arguments. I wanted her to feel every inch of the pain she had caused me.

“I’m demoted to the Omega? Why don’t you just kill me as well?” Laila questioned. I would find the perfect Luna to replace her except this time, I would be in control of my mind, body and heart. I was never going to be made a fool out again. That would be the perfect revenge for her cheating ass.

“Hun, death sentence is not yours to decide. Who knows? Maybe in time, after proving you can be loyal to the Pack, I’d raise your ranks once again. Meanwhile, enjoy teaching the pups what is wrong and what is right when it comes to our pack, using your own fucking mistake as an example,” She gasped and as much as I would have loved enjoying her reaction, I still had stuff to do.

“Take him to the torture chamber and you, take your ex-Luna to the chamber too. Make sure she is tied down properly. As for you, take these two buckets with you to the chamber. I’ll be there in a minute,” I instructed the four Sentinels standing guard by the door.

The moment they were gone, Danny was quick to rush towards me, a look of concern etched on his face. He was a delta, training to be my next beta after Ethan but I felt much closer to him than Ethan. Maybe it was due to the fact that we actually grew up together, went to the same high school and college together in New York before moving to Woodcave for the pack.

“Are you okay? That was a rather intense meeting,” He stated.

“They are getting what they deserve and after tonight I think I might want to catch that little break you’ve always lectured me about,”

“Are you serious?” He questioned, his eyes glimmering with excitement.

“Definitely. I want a break from all this; from seeing Laila’s face. I want to be able to think straight again and be a great Alpha to the pack. For that to happen, I need to unwind and if agreeing to your ridiculous idea of a road trip is the way to do it, then I’m going for it,”

“Damn! I would have hugged you right now but I still need my face to look good when we finally go on that road trip,”

“Let me go deal with those two and I’ll join you in your apartment. I can’t sleep in mine tonight,” There were too many memories of Laila and even her scent was etched in everything inside there.

“I understand,” He answered, patting me once on the pack before walking out.

If he had never voiced his concerns about my wife and her so-called cousin, I would still be living in the dark, believing that fairy tales of happy ever after were actually true. Now all that love bullshit was the last thing I needed in my mind. With that resolve in mind, I made my way towards the torture chamber. It was time to get some lessons taught.

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